Indigenous Land & Rights

Yami Lester

It was with great sorrow that Friends of the Earth learnt of the passing of Yami Lester in July. Yankunytjatjara Elder, atomic test survivor, Aboriginal rights activist, father, grandfather and great-grandfather, Yami's voice and support will be sorely missed.  
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Indigenous Land & Rights

Close the gap 2017 - start by funding Indigenous Protected Areas

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders live 10 - 17 years less than non-Aboriginal Australians and the infant mortality rates are more than twice than the rest of the population. We need to close the gap on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Issues. One way to begin to close the gap is to fund Indigenous Protected Areas so that First Nation people can access jobs to care for their own country.
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Indigenous Land & Rights

Melbourne protest Jemena NT pipeline approval

Friends of the Earth Melbourne and Quit Coal campaigners joined with concerned citizens gathered outside Jemena’s Melbourne headquarters to protest against the Federal government approval of the Northern Gas Pipeline. The group claimed that the pipeline, if built, will facilitate controversial on-shore unconventional gas fracking in the state and wished to express solidarity with Traditional Owners in the NT.
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Indigenous Land & Rights

Chain Reaction #127

Founded in 1975, and currently published three times a year, Chain Reaction is the national magazine of Friends of the Earth Australia. The August 2016 edition will soon be mailed to members and subscribers. It has a feature on environmental racism, updates on the renewable energy revolution, a strong focus on the nuclear industry in Australia and heaps of book reviews.
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Indigenous Land & Rights

Media Response to Labor Senators voting against the repeal of the CRWMA

  The Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (ANFA) is appalled by the Senate vote (Thursday 19 March) not to repeal the Commonwealth radioactive Waste Management Act -2005 (CRWMA).  Labor Senators voted not to repeal this act, despite it being one of their firm election promises.  Only the Greens voted to repeal it, on a day in the senate where such things as Alcopops Tax and Workchoices were more prominent and nuke waste dumps almost slipped totally under the radar.
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