
Affiliate Group Members

A FoE affiliate group member is an autonomous group that has kept it's own name and is a current full financial member of the FoE Australia federation. We welcome new affiliate members to the network. We currently have thirteen affiliate group members and like local groups, all affiliates are bound by FoE's constitution, values and objectives.

To find out what's involved in becoming an affiliate group, contact the national liaison officer (NLOs) for FoE Australia, 
Cam Walker - or (03) 9419 8700 (ext 20) or Kat Moore - (03) 9419 8700.

To become a FoE Australia affiliate your group needs to meet the following criteria:

  • Independence from political parties and economic interests;
  • It should have an open and democratic structure;
  • It should have a policy and practice of actively encouraging equal representation and participation of women and men;
  • It should actively seek to encourage indigenous people and people from non-English speaking backgrounds to be active in the group;
  • It should be addressing environmental issues in their social, political and human rights context;
  • It should have a strong interest in actively cooperating with other FoEA member groups.
  • FoE groups should be membership-based.

We welcome inquiries from other groups interested in affiliation.

The following groups are affiliated with the FoE Australia Federation.

Earthworker Cooperative

The Earthworker Cooperative is part of the transition toward new ways of living and working that empower us to take care of each other and the planet. By establishing worker-owned cooperatives to manufacture renewable energy technology and other sustainable goods and services, we're putting workplace democracy in service of a safer climate. We are currently establishing our first cooperative in Victoria's coal-power region, the Latrobe Valley, where the creation of sustainable and healthy livelihoods has become an urgent necessity for the prosperity of present and future generations in the Valley.


Visit Earthworker's website

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GM-Free Australia Alliance Inc

The GM–Free Australia Alliance Inc is an independent not-for-profit alliance of groups and individuals sharing common concerns about the threat of Genetic Manipulation (GM) of food and crops in Australia.

We share skills and coordinate campaigns towards sustainable, farmer-managed agriculture and safe and affordable GM-free food. Our Alliance works with Pacific GM-free groups, GE-Free New Zealand and the Global GMO-free Coalition to protect our food and seeds from invasive GM companies and their allies.

Visit GM-Free Australia Alliance's website
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Market Forces

A project helping Australians keep their money out of environmentally destructive projects.

Market Forces was launched in January 2013 with the aim of helping individuals and communities prevent finance into environmentally destructive activities. Our philosophy is that change is the result of people power. So we have worked to make it as easy as possible for people to see their own financial connection to fossil fuels, and then remove as many barriers to taking action as possible. We want it to be empowering and enjoyable for people to take part in our campaigns. Most of all, we want to get results that mean positive outcomes for the environment. In just two years, our achievements include:

Revealing over $80 billion in bank loans to fossil fuel projects in Australia, and where superannuation funds worth hundreds of billions of dollars are invested in coal, gas and oil

Showing how our taxes are used to subsidise fossil fuels, and helping win a $1 billion cut to fossil fuel subsidies

Campaigning to get Deutsche Bank and HSBC to commit to not fund the expansion of the Abbot Point coal export port, which has led to many more European and US-based banks doing the same

Helping thousands of people shift nearly half a billion dollars out of fossil fuel funding banks

Profiling over 120 banks, mutuals and credit unions to show people the options available for where they can bank fossil fuel free

And we’ve been a major part of a movement that has put fossil fuel divestment well and truly on the map in Australia.

We reckon that’s a pretty decent list of achievements for a team that is now just four part time staff. But we’re only going to be able to continue this work if we can build a community of donors chipping in to sustain this project.

With just a small monthly donation, we can make millions of dollars worth of difference – it will be great to have you on board!

Market forces will expose how our money is being invested in environmentally damaging projects, and enable the community to take action that shifts investment towards projects that match our values.

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Healthy Futures

Healthy Futures is a network of health professionals, students and supporters organising to take action on climate change and related public health challenges.

We'd love to expand our network.




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The Hub Foundation Castlemaine

The Hub Foundation Castlemaine, based in Central Victoria, works on local projects which have tackling climate change as their focus. 

Work so far involves:

  • Running community bulk-buys of solar panels using local installers;
  • Installing free solar systems on community buildings and on housing projects for the homeless;
  • Promoting local food production with our street wicking food boxes and support of the Hub Plot;
  • Organising Ride to Work;
  • Supporting re-vegetation projects; and
  • Hosting events to raise awareness of climate change and what people can do.

The Hub Foundation is a small not-for-profit and depends on donations to further its work.

Visit The Hub's website
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CounterAct - Training for Action

Make your actions count! CounterAct supports communities in taking effective, creative, strategic nonviolent direct action on issues of environmental and social justice.

Across the country we are seeing a growing network of concerned citizens taking on large multinationals and government to defend their right to clean air, water, a safe climate and for social justice. CounterAct the corporate-government system with training and skills to grow your community or campaign. 

Learn and share your experiences with other activists and community campaigners.

CounterAct will be providing training in direct action skills and community organising across Australia. We aim to increase capacity and skills amongst grassroots activists whilst encouraging a culture of skill sharing, on-training and making activism accessible for everyday folk.

Visit CounterAct's website
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No Fracking WAy 

No Fracking WAy is a Perth based community campaign group. We campaign against fracking and unconventional gas extraction because of the risks it poses to health and the environment. For these reasons we call for a ban on all unconventional gas extraction.

Anyone who opposes fracking and unconventional gas extraction is welcome to get involved and be a part of the No Fracking WAy team. 



Join No Fracking WAy's Facebook Group

Sustainable Energy Now (SEN)

SEN is a WA grass roots organisation with a vision to demonstrate scenarios for Western Australia to reduce CO2 emissions and pollution in fixed electricity generation, by maximising our use of sustainable energy.

SEN affiliated with FoEA in 2007.




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Reverse Garbage

Reverse Garbage is a not-for-profit workers' co-operative in Brisbane that collects high quality industrial discards, diverting them from landfill to sell them at low cost to the general public.

We run a variety of environment and waste focused art workshops and educational talks and tours to suit every age and group. We also run a mail order service and host a gallery and gift shop promoting local artists, craft workers and designers who salvage, reuse and up-cycle materials.


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Food Irradiation Watch (FI Watch)

Food Irradiation Watch (FI Watch) is a network of organisations devoted to helping consumers make informed choices about what they eat. We are dedicated to raising consumer awareness of the practice of irradiating food in Australia. FI Watch is concerned about the food safety, social, economic and environmental impacts of irradiation.



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Tulele Peisa

Tulele Peisa is a local community organisation in Papua New Guinea that is trying to relocate the whole island community of the Carterets to nearby Bougainville because of the impacts of climate change.

“Tulele Peisa” in the Halia language is translated to mean “sailing the waves on our own”.  In the current context it was adopted by the Carteret Council of Elders and Tulele Peisa  to mean “Striving for strength and action through capacity building of our own people”. Tulele Peisa seeks to empower the Tulun/Carteret islanders to strive for prosperity and well being for their families through community organising, skill development and training so that they are able to make informed decisions for their future.

Tulele Peisa affiliated with FoEA in 2009.

Visit Tuele Peisa's website