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Lightning strikes twice: Innaloo man wins Division 1 Lotto again

How often have you heard the saying, "yeah, when I win the Lotto".

Well, a 40-something Innaloo resident who had already won the Lotto has now done the unthinkable... and won again.

"Would you believe this is actually the second Division 1 win I've experienced in my lifetime," the man said. 

"I was part of a winning syndicate around 10 years ago and pocketed $5,000 – so to win again, bloody ripper."

The man, who wished to remain anonymous, claimed almost $685,000 in Saturday's Lotto prize money.

His ticket was purchased from 160 Central News in the city and marks the 46th Division 1 win for WA so far this year. 

With just over 24 hours to go until Lotterywest's mammoth $20 million Saturday Superdraw, the Innaloo man said he was hoping for a hat-trick. 

"I'll see you in the winners' room again on Monday," the man laughed. 

"You know what they say – third time's a charm."​