Bin workers in Birmingham are back on the picket line after the council went back on the agreement they reached with the union only two weeks ago.


Looting is a rational response to disaster situations and price gouging. Liberals would prefer people to dehydrate, starve, or drown, while food rots underwater.

Picturehouse workers have voted over 90% for further strike action in their dispute over pay, conditions, and union recognition.


FOWAAD!, newsletter of the Organisation of Women of Asian and African Descent.

A critical look at the growth, contradictions and eventual demise of Organisation of Women of Asian and African Descent in the late-1970s/early 1980s, as well as the lessons to be learnt from it...


Leaders of the Fasci, on trial, 1894

A short overview of the radical, socialistic Fasci movement of peasants and agricultural labourers in Sicily in the late 19th century.