- published: 12 Dec 2016
- views: 653778
Mis or MIS may refer to:
Germán Alejandro Garmendia Aranis, known by his YouTube channel HolaSoyGermán, is a Chilean YouTube comedian.
Garmendia was born on April 25, 1990 in Santiago. His father died in a car accident when he was a child. He has a brother, from whom he lived separately during childhood until reuniting in Los Vilos. He had an interest in music from a young age, and when he was 13 he formed a band with his brother.
Garmendia uploaded his first YouTube video in 2011, after he was encouraged by a friend.
As of December 1, 2014, his YouTube channel has over twenty one million subscribers, ranking him as the second most subscribed channel on YouTube.
On August 2014 and 2015, he won the "Icon of the Year" prize from MTV Millennial Awards 2014. He made an appearance in YouTube Rewind 2014 and 2015.
In April 2014, Garmendia was scheduled to appear at the Telmex Digital Village in Zócalo, Mexico City. The event experienced an unplanned excess of attendees, and many people waiting in line to see Garmendia fainted due to heat exposure, and had to be evacuated. Eventually, the crowd became unruly, with attendees forcing their way past barriers and into the tented area, causing many injuries. Ten people were injured when a light element fell into the crowd. After security regained control of the situation, the crowd was dispersed and Garmendia's event was cancelled. He later expressed condolences to his fans for the incident.
Miś (1981)
Simge - Miş Miş
Gökhan Özen - Mis
What is Management Information Systems (MIS)?
Uno de mis Dinos Favoritos y un familiar Desconocido #014 PAYASARK ARK SURVIVAL EVOLVED
MIS CONCLUSIONES! - Red Bull Batalla De Los Gallos ESPAÑA 2017 🇪🇸
Neymar s’est déjà mis à dos le vestiaire du PSG | Revue de presse
MIS Introduction - 1
MAŁY MIŚ KUBA ponad 2 godziny
🎮 VER mis FPS ?! Medidor de STEAM !
MIS-Studios_ Phanay Khan
Abriendo muchas cartas con juguetes sorpresa y dibujos de mis #SUPERFANS 2ª Parte
Data Reconciliation and MIS Reporting using a Spreadsheet (MS Excel)
Todas las cosas de mis ksi meritos y como organizar los armarios Juguetes Distroller Historias de Ju
8 MIS Reports in Excel Hindi
JuegaGerman:' MIS FANS ME TROLLEAN !! ( ' | HolaSoyGerman, German Garmendia
Evangelio Hoy Martes 26 Septiembre 2017 Mi madre y mis hermanos son éstos
The Mis
Simge-tom mis-mis
Actors: Boris Svrtan (actor), Mate Matisic (composer), Natasa Janjic (actress), Niksa Butijer (actor), Josko Sevo (actor), Ozren Grabaric (actor), Igor Seregi (director), Igor Seregi (writer), Zorana Meic (costume designer), Borna Buljevic (editor), Ivan Kelava (producer), Tomislav Stojanovic (editor), Domagoj Jankovic (actor), Ivan Magud (actor), Swen Grgicevic (actor),
Genres: Short,Actors: Branimir Brstina (actor), Predrag Lakovic (actor), Vlastimir-Djuza Stojiljkovic (actor), Tatjana Lukjanova (actress), Danica Maksimovic (actress), Ljubisa Bacic (actor),
Genres: ,Actors: Zbigniew Zapasiewicz (actor), Zbigniew Buczkowski (actor), Adam Ferency (actor), Elzbieta Kurkowska (editor), Marek Kondrat (actor), Andrzej Seweryn (actor), Janusz Zaorski (director), Gustaw Holoubek (actor), Krzysztof Zaleski (actor), Tomasz Zygadlo (writer), Gabriela Kownacka (actress), Cezary Morawski (actor), Malgorzata Zajaczkowska (actress), Grzegorz Wons (actor), Wieslawa Starska (costume designer),
Plot: A story of an architectural student asking questions on problems during a housing project development. Arrested for parading with a sign asking for a difficult and responsible job, he tells his story to a cellmate.
Keywords: architectural-student, architecture, arrest, cell-mate, compromise, demonstration, flashback, housing-project, love, polandActors: Emilie Sannom (actress), Richard Jensen (actor), Emilian Erichsen (actor),
Genres: Drama, Short,Miś – polski film fabularny z 1980 w reżyserii Stanisława Barei, pierwsza część trylogii filmowej, w której skład wchodzą również Rozmowy kontrolowane i Ryś. Akcja filmu toczy się w czasach PRL, przez wielu uważana wówczas była za kultową komedię Ryszard Ochódzki (zwany Misiem) jest prezesem klubu sportowego „Tęcza”. Podczas wyjazdu za granicę zostaje zatrzymany, ponieważ z jego paszportu wyrwano kilka kartek. Ochódzki podejrzewa o to byłą żonę, która chce opóźnić jego wyjazd i dotrzeć do Londynu przed nim. Byli małżonkowie założyli bowiem przed laty konto w jednym z londyńskich banków, a odejście Ireny zmusiło ich do podzielenia posiadanych dóbr. Pieniędzmi zdeponowanymi za granicą żadne z nich nie chce się jednak dzielić z drugą stroną. Ochódzki przy pomocy zaprzyjaźnionego reżysera Ho...
Simge'nin, DMC etiketiyle yayınlanan "Miş Miş" (Dans Mon Quartier cover) isimli tekli çalışması, video klibiyle netd müzik'te. Orjinal Söz: Patricia Cohen Türkçe Söz: Sibel Algan Müzik: Riff Cohen, Lenny Ben Basat Orjinal Düzenleme: Riff Cohen Uyarlama Düzenleme: Ozan Bayraşa Yönetmen: Nihat Odabaşı "Miş Miş" şarkı sözleri Nedir bu haller Hadi açıl yeter Ne kaçak Ne göçek Ne tuzak Aman of Slalom hep Hep hep zik zak Dost kalalım iyi hoş da Anlayamam endişelerini Geceleri tek doz yutalım mı Boş elveda klişelerini Sorun bende değil sendeymiş Daha iyisine layıkmışım Hangi kitaptan ezber bu Miş miş miş de muş muş muş Ay ay ay ay ay ya, yallah Pembesi beyazı sür boyan Kanadı da olsa tam melek Hadi tak yine oldun güzel insan Söyle içinden bana geçeni İyisini değil de harbi...
Gökhan Özen'in, Seyhan Müzik Prodüksiyon etiketiyle yayınlanan "Maske" albümünde yer alan "Mis" isimli şarkısı, video klibiyle netd'de. netd Müzik Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/netdmuzik netd Müzik Android Uygulaması: https://goo.gl/m4nAOE netd Müzik iOS Uygulaması: https://goo.gl/wkkUZi
REDES SOCIALES♡ Instagram: www.instagram.com/maylin_mua Twitter: www.twitter.com/maylin_mua Snapchat: mayrodriguezj __ BUSINESS INQUIRES/COLABORACIONES♡ Makeupbymayrodriguez@gmail.com ___ CODIGOS DE DESCUENTO♡ - VANITY PLANET: SPIN BRUSH♡ Codigo de descuento: spin4maylin or click directo aquí http://vpwow.com/spin4maylin Descuento: 70% Se hacen envios internacionales SET DE BROCHAS♡ -Codigo de descuento: "Maylin1" O CLICK AQUI http://vpwow.com/maylin1 - MUDDY BODY♡ Codigo de descuento: MAYLIN10 Descuento: 10% Se hacen envios internacionales
This video was created to inform students about the MIS major.
https://twitter.com/Rui_Gamer_ https://www.instagram.com/rui_gamer_/ Compañero de Serie : Lexosi: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ4eqJbK58L-zGeDlcRB_xg Jessuseron: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm7K5o0rMnGnncTyscs0uSQ
Suscribete A Mi Canal Principal → https://www.youtube.com/c/DeriamLadines ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Algunos o todos los vídeos no me pertenecen, debido a que son propiedad de Red Bull Batalla de los Gallos, derechos reservados hacia ellos. En mis vídeos no muestro las batallas completas, si quieres ver todas las batallas, noticias, etc. Puedes hacerlo en su página web: http://www.redbullbatalladelosgallos.com , su Twitter oficial: https://twitter.com/RedBull_Gallos , su Facebook oficial: https://www.facebook.com/RedBullGallos o su canal de YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/RedbullOficialGallos ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Batallas Completas: ►CHUTY vs FORCE ►WALLS vs NAVALHA ►KENSUKE vs BARÓN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Cualquier Sugerencia En La Descripción :D ▬▬▬▬▬...
► Dale Click Aquí Para Suscribirte ► http://bit.ly/104cCmb ►Juegos Baratos ► https://www.g2a.com/r/staxx ●Mi twitter : http://bit.ly/18XXkbt ●Facebook : http://on.fb.me/1cByCLY ●Instagram : http://instagram.com/bystaxx ●Mi app para los navegadores!! http://bit.ly/1kjPZIc ●Todos los Juegos del Hambre aqui : http://bit.ly/1bQZgPY ●Todos los videos de Prop Hunt aqui : http://bit.ly/1gHiLT3 ●Todos los videos de Trouble In Terrorist Town : http://bit.ly/1cBzgJf
Sauf que ce n’est pas le seul problème que Neymar aurait amené au PSG. En effet, toujours d’après El Pais, après les menaces de l’UEFA et la volonté d’enquêter sur ses comptes, le PSG a mis en vente certains joueurs : Di Maria, Pastore, Matuidi, Moura, Draxler, Ben Arfa, Aurier et Thiago Silva. On notera la présence de certains éléments-cadres depuis des années dans la capitale française. Le club leur a expliqué que puisque Neymar allait arriver, il fallait dégager des liquidités. Blaise Matuidi a mal pris cette situation et aurait donc forcé son départ vers la Juventus. D’autres joueurs auraient demandé qui arrivait et si c’était Messi. Nasser Al-Khelaïfi a tenté de faire machine arrière Dans le vestiaire aucun n’explique que Neymar n’a pas de talent, mais que tout ce qu’il obtient est b...
TIENDA DEL CANAL : http://WWW.CORALES.COM ( Los mejores precios en marino y agua dulce ) Suscribete al canal nº1º de Acuarios !! : http://goo.gl/DBgX9G Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/acuariosHD Twiter: http://twitter.com/AcuariosHD
En este video aplicamos un pequeño truco para poder medir los fps y así poder ver el rendimiento que disponemos para poder ajustar los gráficos! Sígueme en twitter; https://twitter.com/sfdxpro Para estar al día! Sponsor del canal!! ; www.csgoreaper.com una de las mejores web de coinflip y jackpot ;D __█████████ __█▄█████▄█ __█▼▼▼▼▼█ _██▌___██▌ __█▲▲▲▲▲█ __█████████ ___██_██
Consigue tu camiseta de SD AQUÍ 👉🏻 https://goo.gl/nF8bh2 Sigo abriendo muchas cartas, juguetes sorpresa, dibujos y manualidades que me mandáis, esta vez puedo terminar el vídeo con Clàudia 😍 Estoy muy emocionada de ver todo el apoyo y amor que hacen muchísimos niños para mandar cartas a un youtuber, en este caso a mi que me dedico con mucho gusto a grabar vídeos de juguetes para todos vosotros 💖 Mira aquí la primera parte del vídeo 👉 https://youtu.be/dBwODcc4ExA ☆ Suscríbete, ¡ES GRATIS! https://goo.gl/Tcd1RS ☆ 🌈 ¡NUEVO CANAL PARA LOS MÁS PEQUES! 👉🏻 https://goo.gl/QBpSbt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★Mira mis fotos en Instagram ▶ instagram.com/sorpresasdivertidas ★Estoy en Twitter ▶ twitter.com/SorpDivertidas ★Visita el Blog ▶ http:/...
This video presents two simple functions in Microsoft Excel, that can be used to create meaningful Management Information System reports. The same functions and procedure can also be utilized for reconciling data.
En este vídeo te muestro cosas nuevas que nunca había mostrado de mis ksi meritos: juguetes, accesorios, cosas de la escuela, pañaleras, cosas de baño, de dormir y como lo tengo todo organizado en los cajones. Seguro que te encanta Estrellita. Mi segundo canal KSI BEBES: https://goo.gl/IkiEPs 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 "SI PUEDES SOÑARLO, PUEDES LOGRARLO" - Historias de Juguetes 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Learn Full MIS Reporting in Excel Hindi Learn to make MIS reports in Excel with great easy. I have covered 8 most used MIS Reports in Excel so that you can create great looking MIS Reports yourself for your use. To watch more videos and download the files visit http://www.myelesson.org To Buy The Full Excel Course visit . http://www.myelesson.org/product or call 9752003788
Si te gusto este video Has Click en el botón de me Gusta y Suscribete Es Gratiiis :D Mira Mas Videos Aquí→ →https://goo.gl/SASynf HolaSoyGerman,German Garmendia,Videos de German,Videos de HolaSoyGerman,Todos los Videos De Hola Soy German,Los Mejores Videos de German Garmendia,German Garmendia Videos,Holasoygerman,Video vlogs HolaSoyGerman,Ver Videos De German,HolaSoyGerman,Fans De HolaSoyGerman,germaniters,german,los videos de german,garmendia,german usa bots,mimi,vlogs,CLASES DE BALLET,GERMAN USA BOTS,BOTS,Videos Graciosos,juegagerman 2016,videos German,juegagerman2015,videos juegagerman los mejores,lo mejor juegagerman,juegagerman canal,videos juegagerman2015
Lucas 8,19-21 En aquel tiempo, vinieron a ver a Jesús su madre y sus hermanos, pero con el gentío no lograban llegar hasta él. Entonces lo avisaron: Tu madre y tus hermanos están fuera y quieren verte. Él les contestó: Mi madre y mis hermanos son éstos: los que escuchan la palabra de Dios y la ponen por obra.
This is what I sound like after 5 years
(You back kid)
Why do I feel I still got the floor
(You back kid, Bad Boy for real, Let's go)
Before 99 I was born again
5 years later and I'm on again
Man I think I'm born to win
Mase broke, that's a oxy moron
Forget a bus, I bought a drop to tour on
G-4's What I soar on, uh
You thinkin I ain't hot you so wrong
Sorry for the prolong
But now life goes on
Long list of hits and it goes on
I wake up, and I don't even feel like a star
And man I'm getting a million a bar
Indeed I need not take no lie
Man, ya'll gone make me cry
It's kinda eerie when you hear me
Ya hairs stand up
Been a change of plan
Rip your old plan up
Instead of hatin
Help me lift the big man up (As we proceed...come on....yeah)
Awake these people up and show them they keep dreamin'
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Wake these people up and show them they keep dreamin'
(Betha I love this one...endeavor, for real, Bad Boy)
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Some days I make thousands
Some days I make millions
Spend my day chillin
Coupe's with suede ceilings
Everybody out there wanna know what Mase got
Way hot gray drop Maybach gray yacht (Whoooo)
And that's just the way it be
Favor, people wanna pay for me
When I'm in Mr. Chows, they waive the fee
And I don't chase money man
Money chase me
I give my wife things that she dream and more
I give a little bit, and she fiend for more (lets go)
I'm back like Moses to bring the law (Come on)
Brand new saint Mase in mean velour
I had bling before you ever seen the tour
Fans from Iran and Singapore
And grown men beg me to bring them on tour
Even if it mean they gotta sleep on the floor (Let's Go!!)
Awake these people up and show them they keep dreamin'
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Wake these people up and show them they keep dreamin' (This for real, Bad Boy)
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
I used to be the guy stood next to Diddy
Crucified for bringin sex in the city
Even though the girls think I'm extra pretty
How I know? I ain't got no extra wit me, oh
With the fist tight flow
Wit a wrist like whoa
What if this might blow
Aint no if I...Know
I'm the man to plan the way
This ain't my life
I've become a saved (Say what)
Put up a good fight
Like its mandalay
Hate the game, but it made a man a man
Gone for a while, its like I ran away
God tI'me now, and I don't plan to play
I'm only here for the one thing you lack
And make dj's scratch is he is he back
Kids in the hood stutter it's a it's a fact
It's the kid resurrected it's a it's a wrap
(As we proceed, to give you what you need, he's back)
Awake these people up and show them they keep dreamin'
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go (I wanna see yall out there)
Wake these people up and show them they keep dreamin'
(Let's work this, let's work now)
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Wake these people up and show them they keep dreamin'
(Let's work, Turn the lights on somebody)
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go (Let's work)
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go (Let's work)
Wake these people up and show them they keep dreamin'
(hahahaha...I like this right here, I like this right here)
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go (For real, Bad Boy)