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New Left Review 95, September-October 2015

Emilie Bickerton


Describing the early stages of amnesia in the opening to My Last Breath, Luis Buñuel warned his readers that what would follow was not a tight, factual recounting of his life but something more chaotic, digressive and, yes, false. [1] Inez Hedges, World Cinema and Cultural Memory, Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke 2015, £60, hardback 190 pp, 978 1 137 46511 5 He had discovered with age that his memories were not always accurate, and found himself telling stories about things that never happened, like the wedding of his friend Paul Nizan at the church of St Germain des Près, with Sartre as the best man. Yet ‘our memory is our coherence’:

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Emilie Bickerton, ‘Just Remember This’, NLR 95: £3

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