Which Way Forward for the 99%?

Build Power & Show Power Through Mass Participatory Bold Action

There have been a wave of repressive attacks on, and evictions of, various Occupy camp sites throughout the country including where the movement started in Zucotti (Liberty) Park. But even before the evictions and repression escalated to the current levels, questions were being asked: what’s the way forward for the movement? Already there have been glimpses of organizing and action that are leading the way and shining a light for the rest of us to follow: the Oakland General Strike, Occupy Foreclosures, and other actions. These actions show that, fundamentally, all of the strategic questions revolve around the question of power. The power of the 99% vs. the power of the 1%.

¿Qué Podemos Hacer el 99% para Avanzar?

Construir y Ejercer poder a través de la acción participativa y masiva

Ha habido una oleada de ataques represivos y de desalojos contra varios campamentos Occupy a lo largo de todo el país, incluido aquel desde el que comenzó el movimiento en el parque Zucotti. Pero incluso antes de que los desalojos y la represión alcanzaran los niveles actuales había una pregunta en el aire: ¿de qué modo impulsar el movimiento? ya ha habido ejemplos de organización y de acción que marcan el camino y nos muestran respuestas: la huelga general de oakland y las acciones occupy contra los desalojos, entre otras. Estas acciones evidencian que, en lo fundamental, todas las cuestiones estratégicas giran en torno a la cuestión del poder. El poder del 99% contra el poder del 1%.

From Occupy to Organize Workshops

A series of Workshops, presented by long-time community organizers from a wide background, to give activists the skills we need to build a truly popular movement!

Part One
Saturday, February 18th

Part Two
Saturday, March 10th

Community Church of Boston
565 Boylston St.
Boston, MA
(Back Bay on the Orange line or Copley on the Green line)

Register here.

Freedom/Libertad #6

Transit Funding Needs a Fix
Radical Potentials in Verizon Strike
Mumia Facing Life in Prison

En este número
Pittsburgh Dice "Que Paguen los Ricos"
Posibilidades Radicales en la Huelga de Verizon
Mumia se Enfrenta a Cadena Perpetua

El proceso de construcción inicial del FEL

El Fel posee precedentes bastante lejanos en el tiempo, enclavados en las diversas experiencias de inserción social anarquista/libertaria en el movimiento estudiantil chileno, lo que en este documento no alcanzaremos a reseñar. Si nos detendremos eso sí, en los antecedentes inmediatos, siendo lo más relevante, la presencia alcanzada por diferentes grupos y colectivos de corte anarquista/libertario en el ciclo de luchas del movimiento universitario desde mediados de los años 90.

The Process of the Initial Construction of FEL (Libertarian Students Front - Chile)

The Process of the Initial Construction of FEL
[Translated from the original document.

ACES: Asamblea Coordinadora de Estudiantes Secundarios/Coordinating Assembly of High
School Students
ACL: Asamblea de Convergencia Libertaria/Libertarian Convergence Assembly
Bandera Negra/Black Flag
Confech: Confederación de Estudiantes de Chile/Chilean Student Confederation

Boston: Black Flame Reading Group

Join us for a public reading group - the first Saturday of every month, 6pm at Encuentro 5, 33 Harrison Ave, Chinatown, Boston.

Reading Schedule:

Saturday, December 3rd: Chapters 1-2

Saturday, January 7th: Chapters 3-5

Saturday, February 4th: Chapters 6-8

Saturday, March 3rd: Chapters 9-11

Purchase Black Flame online from AK Press or at the Lucy Parsons Center.

OPEN CITY 1 & 2 - Broadsheet of NYC Common Struggle

Here are the first two issues of a new broadsheet by the NYC Local of Common Struggle.

"Kropotkin - The Coming Revolution"

From Void Network
Magazin - underground media collective and Void Network
a 23' short film compiled from different  articles and books of the anarchist Peter Kropotkin. 
The film tries to give an introduction  to the basic concepts of  anarcho-communism.

The Oakland General Strike, The Days Before, The Days After

From: Autonomous Struggle of the Glittertariat

What follows is my personal account of the events that led up to the Oakland General Strike of the 2nd of November, 2011. This takes the form of much personal narrative mixed with analysis, while I'm still analyzing and thinking through the events, and while the longer term effects are unknown, to get these experiences in writing while they are still fresh. I apologize in advance for any rambling or roughness in the narrative.

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