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Land, law and decades of devastating douchebaggery

Sun, 06/04/2017 - 10:59
On corruption, ‘violent’ protest and the probably quite unexceptional case of Freedom Park
The struggle of the black working class majority of Freedom Park, South Africa, is not just for land on which to build housing – although that is obviously a central issue and key demand; nor is it just against the accompanying political and police violence and intimidation. It is a struggle against the injustice, violence and corruption of a system that puts the power, privileges and profits of a few before the lives and wellbeing of the majority.

Stop the threats of the Mexican State against our militant comrade Adrián!

Fri, 05/19/2017 - 04:07
In early April, the state government of Hidalgo threatened to "start investigations" and take criminal actions against three militants who promote different community resistances in the region. Among them, is our brother and militante comrade Adrián Medina, criminalized in conjunction with Lorenzo Bautista and Armando Monter in many local media and newspapers to facilitate his detention or any repressive act directly against him.

We, supporters of Rojava, should be worried about its partnership with the United States.

Wed, 05/17/2017 - 23:50
This article covers the current military situation in Rojava. While the PYD and Syrian Democratic Party are getting closer and closer to UNited States some of the anarchists and anarchist-communists are happy with that . The Article tries to bring the attention of those anarchists that the partnership between them is in the interest of US and its allies in Europe and the region . In the end, Rojava, might lose what it has been achieved so far.

May 17, International Day Against Homophobia. Chechnya but not only

Fri, 05/12/2017 - 11:38
Solidarity with the victims of homophobia in Chechnya and not only there

What is an Anarchist? Am I an Anarchist?

Thu, 05/11/2017 - 00:34
Where are the Limits of Anarchism?
Anarchism is an uncertain term. Self-identified anarchists sometimes see their particular school of anarchism as the only legitimate type of anarchism. For example, I have been told that I am not an anarchist or that what I believe is not anarchism. This happens most often over discussions about anarchism and radical democracy, or anarchism\'s use of aspects of Marxism, or support for technology, or advocacy of the self-organization of revolutionary anarchists.

Palestine-Israel - One apartheid state nearing 50th birthday and the tension rise*

Sat, 05/06/2017 - 04:00
Bil\\\\\\\'in, Ni\\\\\\\'ilin, Nabi Saleh, Qaddum, Sheikh Jarah, South of Hebron Hills, Jordan Valey
The focus on the Israel-Palestine one apartheid state is more and more in the world media. The fear of Europe - mainly from the extreme Muslim terror, combined with the B.D.S. movement, increase the pressure on Israel. Even US call for at least partial retreat from 1967 conquest of the remaining Palestinian region. The sham excuse Israel will retreat only with final peace agreement in which the Palestinians renounce the right of return of the 1948 refugees is exposed when even the Hamas agree on 1967 borders. Frustrated from the Palestinian Authority yielding to the Israeli needs the Fatah opposition initiated the prisoners hunger strike of 1700 inmates which may ignite a mass revolt of the Palestinians of the west bank. Meanwhile, the harassment of the non-armed joint struggle of grass root village activists and the Israeli anarchists against the wall, that was a bit dormant seems to be ignited again marked with the use live ammunition in Nabi Saleh (taking advantage of the absent of Israelis).

A "Zionist left" and a real left - two parallel lines that will never meet.

Sun, 04/30/2017 - 01:32
The "far-reaching compromise" of the Israeli Communist Party (and its front Hadash) who are pretending to be non-Zionists, and their like on the Zionist left is "two states for two peoples". It means: the existence of the State of Israel within the 1967 borders - the "Green Line", in which the Palestinian citizens are a minority.

Beyond May Day Parades: Building a Counter-Movement in Malaysia and Worldwide

Fri, 04/28/2017 - 05:23
Let us learn from our past struggles, in the USA and in Malaysia. May Day should be an occasion to reflect not jubilate, to engage not agonize, to demand not relent, and to organise, not complain. We need systemic change that can guarantee equality, fraternity, self-management and socialisation of the commonwealth, guided by a bottom–up approach to decision making. We need a labour movement that is multicultural and international, feminist, active in urban and rural struggles, and that prizes reason over superstition, justice over hierarchy, self-management over state power, international solidarity over nationalism. We need to fight for a universal human community, not parochialism and separatism. The organisational power and strategic location of the Malaysian union movement provides an excellent point of departure for building this counter-movement. This is our appeal and message as we celebrate this May Day, on the eve of dark days in which the storm clouds gather over humanity – but in which the light of hope of a better future can break through, if we arm ourselves with the correct ideas and approaches. May Day began as an example of globalisation-from-below. Let us rally to it. Let us take back its original vision: liberty, equality, unity.

The Turkish army is attacking Yezîdî Kurds and Rojava villages

Tue, 04/25/2017 - 07:09
Turkish warplanes bombed Şengal (Sinjar-Iraq/Kurdistan) and Dêrik (Karaçokê-Rojava/Kurdistan).
According to the latest information, 26 Turkish warplanes attacked Amûd and Geliyê Kersê of Şengal/Sinjar. The bombardment is still going on. It has been learned that prior to the aerial operation, communication networks had been completely cut in Dêrik and its surrounding areas.

End War: End Capitalism

Mon, 04/24/2017 - 18:58
War is integral to imperialism. We can't end war without ending imperialism and we can't end imperialism without ending capitalism, because imperialism is not merely a policy, but the set of international relationships in capitalism for over 100 years now. We don't have to send young men and women overseas to kill brown people and we don't have to allow a US base at Pine Gap to guide both nuclear missiles and drones. To change direction, though, means eliminating the capitalist system that brings us these horrors. The working class needs to unite internationally and make a revolution to abolish it. We need to replace capitalism with the only possible alternative – libertarian communism.

Who’s Rafael Braga Vieira?

Mon, 04/24/2017 - 16:24
Translation to English
Rafael Braga Vieira is a black and poor young man, who, until June of 2013, worked collecting material for recycling in downtown streets of Rio de Janeiro. He lived on the streets in order to save money on his way back home – he didn’t return home everyday in Vila Cruzeiro (North zone), where he lived with his parents, brothers and sisters. However, on June 20, Rafael Braga’s routine changed.


In the Shadow of Social Democracy: Right-Wing Challenges and Left Alternatives

Mon, 04/24/2017 - 06:12
We live in a paradoxical world. Much debate on the radical left revolves around multitudes of discontented groups – sometimes lumped together as the 99%, sometimes rebranded as precariat – struggling against an abstract empire and its 1% rulers. Capitalism and class – once serving as a compass to navigate left politics through the apparently chaotic sees of everyday life – have turned into subjects of theoretical debate with little to no connection to political praxis.

Lessons of the Russian Revolution: Workers’ Revolutions are Different from Capitalist Revolutions

Sun, 04/23/2017 - 18:28
The Danger of Substitutionism
The Russian Revolution of 1917 demonstrates the dangers of a revolutionary minority taking over, setting up its own state, and substituting itself for the working class and oppressed.

Cajamarca: environmental and territorial dispute in “post-conflict” Colombia

Sat, 04/22/2017 - 16:48
On March 26th there was a popular referendum in the heart of Colombia, in the town of Cajamarca, in the department of Tolima, to decide whether the citizens agreed with gold mining in their territory or not. In this municipality the transnational corporation AngloGold Ashanti has been for years pushing for the exploitation of a gold mine they call La Colosa (Colossus), which is reputedly the largest gold mine in the Western Hemisphere. 98% of voters rejected mining in Cajamarca, mostly because of the fact that gold has no use other than producing profits and it is a most destructive activity against the environment. []

On the Question of Violence and Nonviolence As a Tactic and Strategy Within the Social Protest Movement

Wed, 04/12/2017 - 15:36
An Anarchist Perspective
Nonviolence can be used in many circumstances as an effective tactic, but it is irrelevant, irresponsible, and utterly ridiculous to even consider it as a strategy. So yes, nonviolence should be utilized as a tactic where pertinent, and in turn pacifism, as an ideology and a strategy, must be purged from our movement.

Lucien van der Walt – 2017 Statement on Michael Schmidt Affair

Tue, 04/11/2017 - 12:52
10 April 2017
On 11 February 2016, I issued an initial personal statement on the Michael Schmidt affair.[1] I completely rejected the irredeemable racist and right-wing statements attributed to Schmidt, which were mainly posted under false names online. They represent positions I have consistently opposed, for decades, to the best of my abilities. I noted problems with his explanation, centred on the claim that his posts and false personas were solely means for infiltrating the radical right for undercover research. I raised serious ethical problems with his actions, including his admitted role in repeatedly frustrating earlier investigations into his actions by myself and others. I also laid out my emotional turmoil over the affair, the gulf between the Schmidt I knew and trusted, a man active in left and black working class circles, and another Schmidt, increasingly exposed.

Book Review: Bakunin. Selected Texts 1868-1875 (Edited and Translated by A.W. Zurbrugg)

Mon, 04/10/2017 - 14:24
Although the 20th century may have seemingly signalled the eclipse of libertarian forms of socialist thought under the bureaucratic weight of ‘real socialism’, Bakunin views are an urgent reminder of what socialism could be. His voice, in spite of some antiquated expressions, resonates a hundred and a half years later with the same vital energy.

Tabqa Dam: The key to Capturing Raqqa

Sat, 04/08/2017 - 08:25
An interview with Sinan Deniz, a Kobane-based ANF journalist, who is embedded with SDF forces in their battle to take the Tabqa dam and liberate Raqqa from Islamic State control.

Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist by Alexander Berkman, annotated and introduced by Jessica Moran and Barry Pateman [Book review]

Tue, 04/04/2017 - 04:42
Review of the annotated and expanded edition of Berkman's classic Prison Memoirs, which came out in 2017.

President Trump

Sat, 04/01/2017 - 06:53
For the most part, it is only workers inside the US who can take the necessary direct action against Trump. Only they can fight for the program which is necessary to defeat Trump, the old guard Republicans and the Democrats. Direct action against Trump may be possible for some workers outside the US (e.g. workers in US-owned corporations, workers supplying US military bases), but this is necessarily supplementary and guided by the tempo of US events.