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The General Assembly (GA) is the policy making body of IHEU. It is made up of representatives of Member Organizations and Sections, and the IHEU Board members. The Board calls a General Assembly at least once in each calendar year. It is an occasion for discussion debate, Board elections, and the making of awards.

Usually the GA is held in conjunction with a conference of the national Humanist organization in the host country. Every three years this is a World Humanist Congress.

Upcoming General Assemblies

Past General Assemblies

  • 2002    World Humanist Congress in Amsterdam, Holland, hosted by the Humanist League
  • 2003    Washington DC, US
  • 2004    Kampala, Uganda
  • 2005    World Humanist Congress in Paris, France, hosted by the Freethinkers League
  • 2006    New York, US
  • 2007    Torino, Italy
  • 2008    World Humanist Congress in Washington DC, USA, hosted by American Humanist Association
  • 2009    London, UK
  • 2010    Brussels, Belgium
  • 2011     World Humanist Congress in Oslo, Norway, hosted by Norwegian Humanist Association
  • 2012     Montreal, Canada
  • 2013     Bucharest, Romania
  • 2014    World Humanist Congress in Oxford, United Kingdom, hosted by British Humanist Association
  • 2015     Manila, Philippines, hosted by Philippines Atheists and Agnostics Society
  • 2016     Valetta, Malta, hosted by Malta Humanist Association
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