New Left Review I/25, May-June 1964

Ioan Davies

Reply to Anthony Wedgwood Benn

It is a pity that I did not project the organizational work of the Society and its bureaus into the 1990’s and 1960’s (apart from the incorrect reference to pamphlets), thus giving the impression which, Anthony Wedgwood Benn has taken up, that my comments on page 81 covered the whole history up to the present. The last few years have shown some important changes, not least of which have been the more positive approach to development and the politics of the Third World which recent pamphlets like Tom Soper’s and the new issue of Venture indicate. The factual corrections contained in paragraphs 1, 2, and 5 of Benn’s letter are, of course, accepted: it is good to know that things were not as ad as they sometimes seem to have been.

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Ioan Davies, ‘Reply to Anthony Wedgwood Benn’, NLR I/25: £3

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