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Damien Kingsbury —

Damien Kingsbury

Crikey international affairs commentator


Indonesia on notice: West Papuans still want independence

Indonesia on notice: West Papuans still want independence

Professor Damien Kingsbury September 28, 2017 1 Comment

There is widespread international sympathy for resolving the issue of West Papua, but the hurdles are immense.

As Myanmar returns to being a pariah state, we should return to boycotting it

As Myanmar returns to being a pariah state, we should return to boycotting it

Professor Damien Kingsbury September 18, 2017 11 Comments

When Myanmar was a pariah state, many people boycotted it so as to not further line the pockets of the generals and their cronies who controlled the economy. Myanmar's return to committing obscene human rights abuses means we should reinstate this position.

Cambodia slides back to naked dictatorship

Cambodia slides back to naked dictatorship

Professor Damien Kingsbury September 8, 2017 2 Comments

Arresting the opposition leader on trumped-up charges of treason and closing a dissenting newspaper will cement Hun Sen's grip on power as Cambodia becomes even more autocratic.

Australia continues rich and time-honoured tradition of swindling East Timor

Australia continues rich and time-honoured tradition of swindling East Timor

Professor Damien Kingsbury September 4, 2017 2 Comments

Australia's treatment of East Timor has always been exploitative. Under the Turnbull government, nothing has changed.

The Donald is wrong — talking is the only way to deal with North Korea

The Donald is wrong — talking is the only way to deal with North Korea

Professor Damien Kingsbury September 1, 2017 11 Comments

Wars are always ended by some form of negotiated settlement. That means that, at some point, talking must be the answer.

Ethnic tensions seethe in Myanmar as persecuted Rohingya radicalise

Ethnic tensions seethe in Myanmar as persecuted Rohingya radicalise

Professor Damien Kingsbury August 30, 2017 11 Comments

Myanmar's Rohingya people have long been considered the most persecuted in the world and despite hopes for change with new political leadership it seems the same cruel story is set to play out yet again.

India and China sabre-ratting over Bhutan

India and China sabre-ratting over Bhutan

Professor Damien Kingsbury August 2, 2017 4 Comments

China and India both want to assert their dominance in Bhutan. And the dispute could end in bloodshed.

Which parties will form a governing coalition in East Timor?

Which parties will form a governing coalition in East Timor?

Professor Damien Kingsbury July 24, 2017 2 Comments

The surprise outcome of the elections was the rise of Khunto, which looks to have taken five seats.

East Timor’s democracy is flourishing, but economic hard times will test its resolve

East Timor’s democracy is flourishing, but economic hard times will test its resolve

Professor Damien Kingsbury July 21, 2017 3 Comments

To suggest that East Timor's democracy is "consolidated" or somehow a permanent feature of the political landscape might reflect a blinkered understanding of what it takes to retain a viable democracy.

Jokowi’s new decree is only partly about curbing Islamist groups

Jokowi’s new decree is only partly about curbing Islamist groups

Professor Damien Kingsbury July 14, 2017 3 Comments

Yes, Joko Widodo's decree against hardline Islamic groups is about stamping out terror-linked organisations. But it's also about saving his own political arse.