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The World

The Donald is wrong -- talking is the only way to deal with North Korea

The Donald is wrong -- talking is the only way to deal with North Korea

Professor Damien KingsburySep 1, 20179 Comments

Wars are always ended by some form of negotiated settlement. That means that, at some point, talking must be the answer.

Would Australia be forced to defend Japan from North Korea?

Would Australia be forced to defend Japan from North Korea?

Charlie LewisAug 31, 20173 Comments

As the debate over rages Australia's involvement military action in the Korean Peninsula, Crikey looks at the Korean War remnant that means we're already there.

Ethnic tensions seethe in Myanmar as persecuted Rohingya radicalise

Ethnic tensions seethe in Myanmar as persecuted Rohingya radicalise

Professor Damien KingsburyAug 30, 201711 Comments

Myanmar's Rohingya people have long been considered the most persecuted in the world and despite hopes for change with new political leadership it seems the same cruel story is set to play out yet again.

Are we the bad guys? Australia's ruthless past with East Timor

Are we the bad guys? Australia's ruthless past with East Timor

Kim McGrathAug 30, 20172 Comments

In her new book Crossing the Line Kim McGrath exposes Australia's brutal opportunism towards East Timor, and the atrocities we were willing to condone to serve our national interest.

Egypt's government tightens authoritarian control

Egypt's government tightens authoritarian control

Salma IslamAug 29, 2017

With the Arab Spring and the attention of the international media now in the past, Egypt is still struggling with repressive governmental control and increasingly volatile attacks on human rights, writes freelance journalist Salma Islam.

Rundle: the ABC should dump political editor Chris Uhlmann

Rundle: the ABC should dump political editor Chris Uhlmann

Guy RundleAug 25, 201789 Comments

Chris Uhlmann embodies a power-hungry, truth-averse approach to politics that makes him wholly unsuitable for his current job.

ASIS chief raises fist -- and hackles -- with Duterte

ASIS chief raises fist -- and hackles -- with Duterte

Bernard KeaneAug 23, 20176 Comments

The head of Australia's foreign intelligence service has alarmed intelligence circles with an error of judgment in his meeting with strongman Rodrigo Duterte.

Happy warmonger Trump joins the circle of a perpetual war

Happy warmonger Trump joins the circle of a perpetual war

Bernard KeaneAug 23, 201718 Comments

While the foreign policy establishment applauds Trump's conversion to military intervention, they never ask the question of why the War on Terror has been such a spectacular failure.

Rudd and Abbott agree on this extremely impractical idea

Rudd and Abbott agree on this extremely impractical idea

Charlie LewisAug 22, 20176 Comments

Our two most famously helpful former prime ministers have weighed into the possibility of war with North Korea by suggesting we invest in a missile defence system. Are they right this time?

Greenwald: Trump black hole distorts the politics that surround him

Greenwald: Trump black hole distorts the politics that surround him

Helen RazerAug 22, 20176 Comments

Helen Razer continues her discussion with Glenn Greenwald, explicating how Trump's excessive personality distracts from the political framework that props him up.