Weekend Edition
A displaced family is rescued from flooding during Hurricane Harvey (Johanna Strickland | Department of Defense)

How Houston was left to drown under Harvey

For years, experts and activists have warned that Houston's unbridled pace of development was creating the potential for disaster.

Focus: Standing up to the right

Protest scares away alt-reich

The far right had to skulk away from Bay Area cities in defeat twice this weekend after the anti-racist majority sent its message loud and clear.

An avalanche of resistance

Thousands across the U.S. marched against white supremacists in response to a call for a weekend of solidarity against hate.

Keeping S.F. free of fascists

Some 15,000 people marched, rallied and danced across San Francisco after the far right was forced to cancel its planned rally.

Lessons from a counterprotest

A mobilization of 2,500 people against the far right in Laguna Beach, California, holds important lessons for defeating the racists.

We can demoralize the right

Donald Trump has stoked the fires of white supremacy in the U.S.--and it will be up to the left to figure out how to extinguish them.

One bigot pardoned another

Donald Trump's pardoning of racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio was a calculated show of support meant to embolden the right, and a slap in the face to those who care about justice.

The enduring disaster

Trump's new strategy in Afghanistan is Obama's plan, dressed up with a lot of bravado. There's been zero change in policy.

New this weekend

How we can resist the backlash against women

As supporters of women's rights face attacks under a Trump presidency, there are lessons to be learned from the right-wing backlash of the 1980s.

Other top articles of the week

Organizing for socialism today

Let's say you agree capitalism is a miserable train wreck and that we need an alternative society. You're ready to call yourself a socialist. So now what?

Surviving with mental illness

Oppression of those with mental illness consigns millions to a second-class existence and a constant struggle to get by.

Care not criminalization

More women are suffering from opioid addiction, and politicians' response is prison, not real solutions to addiction.

The university we deserve

There are many struggles ahead on campus, as we take on the neoliberal university and its thirst for profits.

The soldiers in revolt

A witness to the Russian Revolution learns about the grim toll of the First World War and the spreading revolt in the Tsar's armies.

The tasks for Venezuela's left

As Maduro’s government cracks down and the right goes on the offensive, the left must unite for a different vision of socialism.

Squeezing San Diego workers

After months of working without a contract, members of SEIU Local 221 in San Diego County have authorized a strike.

From the archive

Heroes and sheroes of Katrina

SW contributors Larry Bradshaw and Lorrie Beth Slonsky were trapped in New Orleans by Katrina--their story, first told here, shocked the world.

The politics of the ISO

Where We Stand: The Politics of the ISO

In this extended series of articles on the politics of international socialism, Paul D'Amato, author of The Meaning of Marxism, looks in detail at the ISO's "Where We Stand" statement.

Find out about the activities of the International Socialist Organization
The Russian Revolution of 1917
International Socialist Review |

The current issue of the ISR features an article by Monique Dols on "Free speech and fighting the right on campus." For that and more articles on socialist theory and practice, go to the International Socialist Review website.

Taking on the right

Why labor is mobilizing

Masses of people take the streets in Boston to protest the far right

A union activist and organizer of the Bay Area Rally Against Hate in Berkeley talks about the importance of labor's involvement.

Our resistance won't stay home

Bay Area Rally Against Hate organizers respond to a call by city officials as the August 27 counterdemonstration gets closer.

Berkeley can't give in to fear

White supremacists want to continue their campaign of intimidation and violence in Berkeley. They must not go unopposed.

Our alternative to the right

To counter the alt-reich, we need to build action based on our greater numbers--and put forward a left-wing vision based on solidarity and democracy.

The right's campus red scare

The right wing's paranoia about "Marxism" on campus is wildly overblown--but the left has a stake in defending campus organizing.

It's time to take down racism

When police tried to punish the activists who took down a Confederate statue in Durham, hundreds of people rallied in their defense.

Toss that gift from the fascists

The Balbo Monument in Chicago

As long as statues are being taken down, we should get rid of the monument to an Italian fascist that stands on Chicago's lakefront.

What we saw in Charlottesville

Three ISO members describe what happened when a neo-Nazi attacked their contingent in Charlottesville--and the lessons they've drawn going forward.

We can't ignore the Nazis

Berkeley's mayor advised people to stay away from the counterprotest against the far right on August 27. Here's why he's wrong.

They don't belong in museums

To put these Confederate monuments in a museum would only serve to reinforce their status as symbols of white supremacy.

Tear down their symbols

A statue of Confederate Gen. John B. Gordon stands outside the Georgia state Capitol (Wally Gobetz | flickr)

The flag of the Confederacy and monuments to its leaders lionize slavery. Taking them down is part of opposing a racist system.

Dallas won't stay silent

Thousands turned out in Dallas to stand in solidarity with Charlottesville and demand the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee.

How Boston turned the tide

Tens of thousands of people mobilized in Boston in a magnificent display of solidarity that sent the far-right and neo-Nazi forces packing.

Berkeley is ready for the right

Anti-racists from all over the Bay Area and beyond are coming together to confront the right when it rallies in Berkeley August 27.

Don't glorify either war "hero"

By equating George Washington and Robert E. Lee, Trump wants to whitewash racism, but that doesn't mean we revere Washington.

Calls ring out for action

Anti-racists mobilizing against the neo-Nazis in Berkeley are calling for a National Weekend of Solidarity on August 26-27.

Will Trump last the year?

Political leaders and corporate executives are fleeing the Trump White House like the proverbial sinking ship. But the vessel may not go down just yet.

Are tech workers the problem?

The profit incentive in a booming housing and food market, not a "techie onslaught," is what's driving gentrification in the Bay Area.

Losing the battle and the war

The Democratic Party has continuously ceded ground on abortion rights. The left needs to take a different approach.

Not just signing cards

Members of the Packinghouse Workers Organizing Committee (PWOC) on the job in 1930s Chicago

In the wake of the UAW's loss at Nissan, it's clear that labor's dominant strategies for winning union representation aren't working.

Chicago mechanics vote "no"

Striking mechanics at car dealerships around Chicago rejected the dealers' most recent offer and are standing firm on the picket line.

Fascism must be defeated

Speaking to the Reichstag in 1932, a leading German Communist made an impassioned call for a united front to defeat fascism.

Rebellion with a cause

A feature film about the 1967 rebellion in Detroit is marred by one-dimensional Black characters and overly sympathetic cops.

Series: The Russian Revolution

Read SW's series on the Russian Revolution, which began 100 years ago today.

Repression and resurgence

The period of reaction that followed the July Days was relatively short-lived, with the movement reviving in a matter of a month.

How Kornilov was defeated

In August of 1917, the Russian Revolution faced the threat of a coup. Defeating it depended on a mass popular mobilization.

Find a list of articles from the full Socialist Worker series on Russia 1917.

Views in brief

Bracing for disaster capitalism | San Diego workers set a strike | Different statues, different responses | Acknowledge their racism | A tune with multiple meanings

Views in brief

Students lead the way in Vermont | Demolishing Israeli myths | ICE lies about Frank Fuentes | A question not asked | Hands off Venezuela

Nuestra alternativa al odio

Para derrotar a la derecha extrema, necesitamos realizar acciones en grandes números, presentando una visión de izquierda.

Resistencia antiimperialista

Una oposición efectiva a Trump y a la derecha debe desafiar no sólo su agenda doméstica, sino además sus planes para reforzar el imperialismo.

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