Bilaketaren emaitzak
  1. Pertsonak Guztiak ikusi

  2. Duela 2 minutu

    Discovering the world on the sidewalks of New York

  3. Duela 4 minutu
  4. Duela 3 ordu

    These are the world’s most crowded

  5. Duela 4 ordu

    After watching sunrise in its definitely a two day especially as last nights adrenaline wears off

  6. Duela 6 ordu

    31/10 was world cities day. matter more and more in stopping - not least since megacities are larger than many states

  7. Duela 13 ordu

    These are the safest around the world

  8. Duela 13 ordu
  9. Duela 16 ordu

    “Economic dev is the idea of tapping into the skills & talents of all residents.” - speaking at

  10. Duela 17 ordu

    A smart city is being built in Toronto

  11. Duela 19 ordu

    The starting point for must be to acknowledge that are not, and never have been, level playing fields.

  12. Duela 20 ordu

    Missed Climate Innovation Summit 2017: , levers of change? No worries. Session summaries & more >

  13. Duela 20 ordu

    Concluding remarks at by of : all water challenges come together in . Partnerships needed. Continue!

  14. Duela 21 ordu

    Actions by will have major consequences for our ability to manage & adapt to risks: , see

  15. urr. 31

    These are the 25 most high-tech in the world

  16. urr. 31

    Saudi Arabia is going to build a $500 billion mega city

  17. urr. 31

    Great new work by next generation of scholars arrived on my desk - can't wait to read!

  18. urr. 31

    Happy ! Does your city have green ? Find more maps on trends of European : 🏙️🌿

  19. urr. 30

    Air pollution decreased in most metropolitan areas btwn 2002-2013 across the OECD. See Making Work for All

  20. urr. 30

    5 charts that show how is changing the world’s

  21. urr. 30

    Among reporting to 90% report adaptation data 50% have plans

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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