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Two WA babies being treated for meningococcal

Two babies are recovering in hospital from deadly meningococcal disease - bringing the number of cases to hit WA in the past fortnight to five.

The Department of Health said it had "identified the close contacts of all recent cases and provided them with information, and, where appropriate, antibiotics and a vaccine" to stop any potential spread.

The Department said the two babies being treated were diagnosed with different types of meningococcal disease – one serogroup W and the other serogroup Y.

Of the five recent cases of meningococcal disease in WA, four have been serogroup W cases with 12 such recorded so far in 2017, which the department said is well above the long term average of less than one serogroup W case per year, and follows 14 cases of the type in 2016.

A vaccination program for serogroup W disease was begin this year for adolescents aged 15 to 19 years, with people eligible receiving vaccine at school during the third term.

The department said eligible teenagers who are no longer at school can currently receive the vaccine at community health clinics and some university student health centres. The vaccine will also be available at GP clinics from late September.


The department said meningococcal disease is more prevalent in winter and spring, and is an "uncommon though life-threatening illness caused by a bacterial infection of the blood and/or the membranes that line the spinal cord and brain, and occasionally of other sites, such as the throat or large joints."

The department said from a peak of 86 cases in 2000 the incidence of the disease has fallen in WA to a low of 16 cases in 2013 – but now appears to be increasing again due to the emergence of new virulent strains of serogroup W, and to a lesser extent serogroup Y, meningococcal bacteria."

"Overall, 23 cases were reported in 2016, and there have been 21 cases to date in 2017, comprising twelve serogroup W, four serogroup B, three serogroup Y and one serogroup C infection, along with a case in which the type could not be determined," the department said.

"Meningococcal bacteria are carried harmlessly in the back of the nose and throat by about 10-20 per cent of the population at any one time. Very rarely, the bacteria invade the bloodstream or tissues and cause serious infections.

"Meningococcal bacteria are not easily spread from person-to-person. The bacterium is present in droplets discharged from the nose and throat when coughing or sneezing, but is not spread by saliva and does not survive more than a few seconds in the environment.

"Invasive meningococcal infection is most common in babies and young children, and older teenagers and young adults, but infection can occur at any age.

"Symptoms may include high fever, chills, headache, neck stiffness, nausea and vomiting, drowsiness, confusion, and severe muscle and joint pains. Young children may not complain of symptoms, so fever, pale or blotchy complexion, vomiting, lethargy (blank staring, floppiness, inactivity, being hard to wake, or poor feeding) and rash are important signs."

A vaccine for the serogroup C type of meningococcal disease is provided free to children at 12 months of age, while shots for serogroup B is available on prescription.

There are also cvombination vaccines against four types of the organism - serogroups A, W and Y, in addition to serogroup C.

Details of where 15-19 year-olds can access the free meningococcal ACWY vaccine are available at: http://healthywa.wa.gov.au/Articles/J_M/Meningococcal-vaccine