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Legalise same-sex marriage for the 'common good', says Catholic priest Frank Brennan

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Same-sex marriage should be legalised for the "common good", one of Australia's leading Catholic thinkers has urged, arguing civil marriage cannot be seen as an instrument of the church.

In a marked departure from other Catholic leaders and many Coalition conservatives, Jesuit priest Frank Brennan said any concerns about religious freedom should be set aside until after a successful "yes" vote in the postal survey.

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'Liberals & Nationals for YES' and 'The Coalition for Marriage' have released their first ads, supporting the 'yes' and 'no' campaigns respectively, for the upcoming the postal vote on same-sex marriage.

And he turned opponents' fears on their head, saying the increasing prevalence of same-sex couples with children was an argument in favour of marriage equality, not an argument against.

"We've got to factor that in to the common good argument about what's necessary," Father Brennan told Sky News on Friday, following his delivery of the Lionel Bowen Lecture this week in which he declared he would vote "yes".

The legalisation of same-sex marriage in like-minded countries such as Britain and New Zealand was also a reason to support change, he said, to provide consistency for couples who moved around the world.

He imagined the example of a married Canadian same-sex couple, where same-sex marriage is legal, who are in Australia. If one person were dying in hospital, their partner's spousal rights may not be recognised.


"That's a common good argument you've got to look at," said Father Brennan, who runs Catholic Social Services Australia and is a professor of law at the Australian Catholic University.

"They're the sort of arguments which have me saying 'yes'. We are now in a society very different from what it was a decade ago."

Father Brennan said he continued to espouse the Catholic Church's teaching on marriage - that it is between a man and a woman - but this had to be separated from civil marriage, which was the question before the Australian people.

"It's a very different institution from what is marriage in the Catholic Church," he told Sky News. He said concerns about religious freedom were valid, but should be dealt with by Parliament in the advent of a "yes" vote, and not "during the hubbub of a publicity campaign".

The comments underline a split among leading Australian Catholics, following an ardent defence of traditional marriage by the Sydney and Melbourne archbishops, Anthony Fisher and Denis Hart.

Father Brennan noted Archbishop Hart was "a man of 76 years of age", whose job was "putting out there what is the formal church teaching".

Other Catholic figures - such as the rectors of St Ignatius' College, Riverview and Xavier College in Melbourne, who wrote last week in favour of a more liberal interpretation of church teachings - were "getting the vibe of young people", Father Brennan said.

Liberal senator Dean Smith has put forward a bill that contains extensive protections for religious organisations and ministers of faith.

However, because the Turnbull government has not committed to using one of those bills in the advent of a "yes" vote, same-sex marriage opponents in the Coalition have argued the protections for religious freedom are unknown.

"You need to put in place religious freedom protections. We don't know what that would look like if the Marriage Act changed," Assistant Social Services Minister Zed Seselja said this week.

Attorney-General George Brandis assured the ABC's Q&A; audience on Monday that any bill put forth under the Coalition would contain "very strong protections" for religious freedom.


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