ACT News


Warmer Spring weather in Canberra means it's spider mating season

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Did you give your pants a good shake before you put them on this morning?

You might want to start doing that. The weather's warming up and while that means more weekends at Batemans Bay and rissoles on the barbecue it also means a spider is more likely to be making its home in the pile of clothes you folded last night.

Brett Mitchell, operations manager at Canberra Pest Control, said spiders "do what many other species do" in Spring and start mating, with female spiders producing up to 100 eggs at a time.

"Yes you will see more spiders out and about with the change of the season," Mr Mitchell said.

"They start to do what they do at this time of year and when it's windy, hatchlings come in on the wind and land around the place."

He said huntsman, white-tailed and redback spiders were the three most prominent species in the ACT and despite popular belief, spiders don't just wander inside when it's raining.


"They can wander inside at any time, if they're looking for something ... they can end up in the roof or anywhere inside," he said.

The best way to avoid an influx of spiders in your yard and house is to keep all areas clear of unnecessary junk, Mr Mitchell said.

"They tend to gather if you have a lot of stuff in your backyard, like spare parts, or cars, or if you hoard stuff, if you've got more hidey holes for things you'll find them," he said.

"But every house is different, it can depend on what kind of gardens you've got and all sorts of things."

The best thing to do if you're worried about spiders?

"Call Canberra Pest Control," Mr Mitchell said.

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