#Godlovesme 검색 결과

인기 / 전체
  1. BREAKING: My favourite commentator Gary Bloom is covering Ivory Coast x Japan

  2. That feeling you get when you for something & it happens without delay & on the same day....

  3. I just dropped my phone in water and it didn't do anything lol wtf.

  4. You know I just see guys like him and I'm like.. Thank god I don't look like that.

  5. Only a few hours till World Cup IM SHO HAPPY I MEAN WHAT GREAT TIMING! The day I finish my exams is the day World Cup begins :')

  6. My route home from CR is a single lane road for 45 minutes. This evenings commute took double the time behind a lorry

  7. I AM THE HAPPIEST GIRL ALIVE RN!! I feel like a burden just lifted off my shoulders.

  8. I just dropped my phone down the stairs and there's not even a scratch on it

  9. School ends on the 11th. World Cup starts on the 12th. Coincidence? I think not!

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