31 August 2017

Another war threat: Trump rules out talking to North Korea

By Peter Symonds, 31 August 2017

If negotiations are not an option, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that the US is preparing to attack North Korea militarily.

Trump threatens North Korea with war

Flooding continues to inundate Gulf Coast as Harvey makes landfall in Louisiana

By Niles Niemuth, 31 August 2017

Hurricane Harvey is expected to far surpass any previous storm as the costliest in American history, with at least $190 billion in damage, equivalent to one percent of the national GDP.

The Houston flood, the anarchy of the capitalist market and the case for socialist planning

The Houston flood disaster: A social crime of the American oligarchy

Capitalism and the Houston flood catastrophe

Houston residents speak out on historic flooding from Hurricane Harvey

More on Hurricane Harvey »

Deportation fears prevent many Houston immigrants from seeking emergency shelter

By Eric London, 31 August 2017

Immigrants are risking rising flood waters because of anti-immigrant maneuvers and false reports of deportations at evacuation sites.

Trump pardons former Arizona Sheriff: A green light for anti-immigrant violence and repression

Pentagon rejects UN call for pause in siege of Raqqa

By Bill Van Auken, 31 August 2017

Washington is determined to continue the slaughter in order to further its battle for control over Syrian territory.

US massacring hundreds of Syrian civilians every week in Raqqa

After the financial crisis: How the ultra-wealthy have prospered

By Nick Beams, 31 August 2017

The word “recovery” is frequently used to describe the state of the world economy, but what it really reveals is the position of the ultra-wealthy.

Former UAW official pleads guilty as corruption scandal threatens top union executives

By Jerry White, 31 August 2017

The plea deal by United Auto Workers Associate Director Virdell King could open the way for the indictment of other senior union officials.

Pseudo-lefts lament United Auto Workers defeat in Nissan vote

Notes on Police Violence
Akron, Ohio police claim 17-year-old shot himself in the back of a police car

By Kevin Martinez, 31 August 2017

Relatives of Xavier McMullen want to know how the boy could have had a gun after being handcuffed and taken into custody.

Trump orders resumption of military supplies to local police

More on police violence in America »

French President Macron calls for military buildup in foreign policy address

By Alex Lantier, 31 August 2017

Speaking Tuesday to a conference of French ambassadors, Emmanuel Macron laid out plans for an aggressive global policy.

UK rail workers to continue strikes against plans for Driver Only Operated trains

By Tony Robson, 31 August 2017

The latest round of strike action takes place against the background of concerted efforts by the rail unions to end the dispute and prevent its extension to other private operators on the network.

Australian reports show declining incomes and soaring debt

By Eric Ludlow and Oscar Grenfell, 31 August 2017

The ongoing property boom is forcing young people to live at home with their parents for longer, while creating a debt crisis for millions of working people.

New in Spanish

La devastadora inundación en Houston: un crimen social de la oligarquía estadounidense

Por Barry Grey, 31 agosto 2017

Catástrofes como el huracán Harvey son producto del medio siglo de descuido de la infraestructura social estadounidense, mientras que las capas sociales más altas han podido acumular cantidades extraordinarias de riqueza privada.

Informe del gobierno revela el alcance de la crisis de vivienda en California

Por Guillaume Garnier, 31 agosto 2017

Los alquileres y los precios de la vivienda en el estado más poblado de los Estados Unidos continúan aumentando, impulsando a cientos de miles de trabajadores y jóvenes en la crisis económica.

Crece la pobreza entre los estudiantes de la Universidad Comunitaria de Los Ángeles

Por Glen Mulwray, 31 agosto 2017

Según una recién publicada investigación, más y más estudiantes de la Universidad Comunitaria de Los Ángeles sufren de falta de viviendas y de hambre.

New in French

Sommet à Paris : l'UE crée des camps de détention pour les migrants africains

Par Alexandre Lantier, 31 août 2017

Le sommet visait à refuser le droit d'asile à des centaines de milliers de réfugiés et à bloquer leur route d’Afrique vers la Libye et l'Europe.

A Barcelone, la colère éclate contre la guerre et les complicités officielles avec le terrorisme

Par Alexandre Lantier, 31 août 2017

Les manifestants ont hué le roi et dénoncé les ventes d'armes espagnoles au Moyen-Orient pour avoir aidé l'État islamique qui a organisé l'attaque du 17 août à Barcelone.

Verdict draconien contre un manifestant anti-G20 à Hambourg

Par Katerina Selin, 31 août 2017

Un homme de 21 ans originaire des Pays-Bas a été condamné à une peine de prison de deux ans et sept mois parce qu‘il aurait jeté deux bouteilles vides sur un policier.

Le NPD au Canada, la guerre en Libye et les mensonges de Niki Ashton

Par Roger Jordan, 31 août 2017

Ashton affirme ne pas se souvenir comment elle a voté en 2011 lorsque les sociaux-démocrates canadiens ont approuvé par deux fois les bombardements de l’OTAN contre la Libye.

New in German

Die Flut von Houston: Gegen die Anarchie des kapitalistischen Markts – für sozialistische Planwirtschaft

Niles Niemuth, 31. August 2017

Zwölf Jahre sind seit Hurrikan Katrina vergangen, und nichts wurde unternommen, um Hochwasserschutz und Infrastruktur gegen neue Sturmfluten auszubauen.

Trump droht Nordkorea mit Krieg

Peter Symonds, 31. August 2017

Trumps Drohungen widerlegen faktisch seine Äußerungen vom letzten Wochenende und von Außenminister Rex Tillerson, Gespräche mit Pjöngjang seien möglich.

Schulz wirbt für eine „gut ausgestattete Bundeswehr“

Johannes Stern, 31. August 2017

Niemand sollte sich von den pazifistischen Phrasen der SPD täuschen lassen. Ihr geht es darum, die weitverbreitete Opposition gegen die US-Kriegspolitik in Unterstützung für den deutschen Militarismus umzumünzen.

SGP-Kandidatin spricht auf Schülerdemo gegen Abschiebung

unseren Korrespondenten, 31. August 2017

Gegen die Abschiebung nach Afghanistan demonstrierten mehrere hundert Schüler in Offenbach. Auf der Kundgebung vor dem Rathaus sprach auch die Kandidatin der Sozialistischen Gleichheitspartei, Marianne Arens.

Die Abschiebepraxis der Linkspartei

Stefan Steele, 31. August 2017

Die Abschiebepolitik der Linkpartei ist ebenso grausam und unmenschlich, wie die aller anderen etablierten Parteien und übertrifft diese in vielen Fällen sogar noch.

New in Turkish

Google’a açık mektup: İnternet sansürünü durdurun! Dünya Sosyalist Web Sitesi’ni kara listeye almaya son verin!

David North, 29 Ağustos 2017

Solcu web sitelerine ve özellikle WSWS’ye yönelik sansür, gerçek bir sosyalist perspektifin, adil bir söz hakkı tanındığında, ABD’de ve dünya çapında geniş bir izleyici kitlesi bulacağından duyulan korkuyu yansıtmaktadır.

Berlin Türkiye karşıtı ajitasyonu yoğunlaştırıyor

Johannes Stern, 29 Ağustos 2017

Berlin ile Ankara arasındaki siyasi ilişkiler, Alman politikacıların Türkiye hükümetine yönelik histerik suçlamalarının ortasında daha da kötüleşiyor.

Other Languages


The working class responds to Hurricane Harvey

31 August 2017

The self-sacrifice and organizational initiative of the working class in response to the hurricane make a powerful case for independent workers’ organizations and workers’ control over economic and social life.

Earlier Perspectives »

Mehring Books

New from Mehring Books
Why Study the Russian Revolution?
Volume I: The February Revolution and the Development of Bolshevik Strategy

28 August 2017

One hundred years after the Russian Revolution, the events of 1917, their consequences and their lessons retain a burning contemporary relevance.

Lessons of Hurricane Katrina

31 August 2017

The World Socialist Web Site pamphlet on the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina 12 years ago is critical reading in light of the current catastrophe in Texas.

Google Censorship

“They are trying to block out the truth”
US autoworkers denounce Google censorship of WSWS

By Shannon Jones, 31 August 2017

Detroit autoworkers support the campaign by the Socialist Equality Party against the attempt by tech giant Google to manipulate its searches to restrict access to the World Socialist Web Site.

An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!

25 August 2017

David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site, has sent the following open letter to Google executives Sundar Pichai, Lawrence Page, Sergey Brin and Eric Schmidt.

Arabic translation of “Google rigs searches to block access to World Socialist Web Site”

We are publishing here the Arabic translation of the July 28 2017 perspective article, "Google rigs searches to block access to World Socialist Web Site."

Sign the petition and share it as widely as possible through email, online forums, and social media.

Watch: Stop online censorship!

More on Google Censorship »

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

Leaders of the Russian Revolution: Ivar Tenisovich Smilga (1892-1937)
Part one

By Clara Weiss, 31 August 2017

The is the first part of a two-part article on Ivar Tenisovich Smilga, a leading figure in the October Revolution and the Red Army who worked closely with Lenin and then with Trotsky as a member of the anti-Stalinist Left Opposition.

This week in the Russian Revolution
August 28 – September 3: Surge in support for the Bolsheviks

28 August 2017

As mass support for the Bolsheviks grows, the ruling classes are deserting Kerensky, throwing their support instead behind the tsarist general Kornilov, who is plotting to establish a counterrevolutionary dictatorship by means of a military coup.

Professor Sean McMeekin revives discredited anti-Lenin slanders (Part I)

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »


SGP condemns German government’s ban of linksunten.indymedia.org

By the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 31 August 2017

The banning of the left-wing website is a fundamental attack on freedom of speech and sets a precedent for the suppression of all social and political opposition.

German government raids and shuts down left-wing Indymedia site

German court issues draconian ruling against Hamburg G20 protester

Australian government offers to send troops to the Philippines

By Mike Head, 30 August 2017

Judge quashes lawsuit by Sanders supporters against DNC

By a reporter, 30 August 2017

Serious outbreaks of syphilis and hepatitis underscore social crisis in America

By Genevieve Leigh, 30 August 2017

The Canadian NDP and the Libyan war: Niki Ashton is a liar

By Roger Jordan, 29 August 2017

DreamHost ordered to hand over data on anti-Trump website: The criminalization of political dissent

By Joseph Kishore, 26 August 2017

Socialist Equality Party

Indian ICFI supporters hold meeting against US-led war drive

By our correspondents, 31 August 2017

Despite police efforts to block the meeting, participants discussed how Washington’s war plans and India’s partnership with the US are intensifying geopolitical tensions in the region.


Sean Penn’s The Last Face and Hollywood’s “August Death March”

By David Walsh, 31 August 2017

The Last Face, about relief workers in Africa, met with a savage critical response at the Cannes film festival. Meanwhile, the American film industry is deservedly suffering through one of its worst summers in decades.

Ingrid Goes West and Wind River: Hardly scratching the surface

By Joanne Laurier, 30 August 2017

Logan Lucky: Steven Soderbergh returns from retirement

By David Walsh, 26 August 2017

Randy Newman and the problems of Dark Matter

The Grenfell Fire

Interview with rapper El Nino about “Grenfell Tower’s Burning”: “We had to watch that, so why shouldn’t they have to listen to us?”

By Paul Bond, 28 August 2017

UK: Salford residents challenge Labour Council over fire risks revealed by Grenfell Tower

By our reporters, 29 August 2017

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

Workers Struggles

GM CAMI workers authorize strike in Canada

By Carl Bronski, 30 August 2017

Ford workers speak out against sexual harassment, UAW corruption

“Everyone high up in the UAW must have known what was going on”
US autoworkers react to new UAW corruption indictments

More on auto workers struggles »

CSX worker in Tennessee seriously injured due to cutbacks
Railroads push cost-cutting and contract concessions

By Jeff Lusanne, 25 August 2017


1917: The Great Strike—an engrossing exhibition about mass walkouts in wartime Australia

By Elle Chapman and Richard Phillips, 24 August 2017

Australian history curator Laila Ellmoos discusses 1917: The Great Strike with the WSWS

Australia’s 1967 referendum, fifty years on

By Richard Phillips, 23 August 2017

International Amazon Workers Voice

Protests against Amazon’s bid to seize land from historic African-American community in Virginia

By Nick Barrickman and Alex González, 21 August 2017

Amazon to seize the land of freed slaves’ descendants to lay power lines

Working life at a Pittsburgh Amazon warehouse

By Samuel Davidson, 10 August 2017

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook

Amazon and the CIA: a match made in hell
Part One: Amazon cashes in on war crimes and mass surveillance

Maruti Suzuki

Sri Lankan free trade workers express solidarity with framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers in India

By our reporters, 1 August 2017

Aisin Automotive workers in India’s Haryana state face a new company-government witchhunt

Five years since company-provoked incident used to frame up Maruti Suzuki workers

The Maruti Suzuki frame-up and the history of international labor defense campaigns

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »