

US orders closure of three Russian diplomatic buildings

The Trump administration directed Russia to close three buildings in the US but declined to expel any diplomats in retaliation for Russia's decision in July ordering Washington to cut staff at its embassy and consulates.

"We are requiring the Russian Government to close its Consulate General in San Francisco, a chancery annex in Washington, DC and a consular annex in New York City," State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said in a statement Thursday. "These closures will need to be accomplished by September 2."

In a bid to soften the consequences of the decision, a US official who asked not to be identified said that no Russian officials will be expelled. Instead, Moscow can reassign them to other consulates in the US or the embassy in Washington.

The US move comes after Russia directed Washington to cut staff at its diplomatic missions in Russia by 755, or nearly two-thirds, following congressional approval of tougher sanctions against Moscow. Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the time that he hoped there wouldn't be need for further retaliation but Secretary of State Rex Tillerson later vowed to respond by September 1.

The tit-for-tat response underscored how relations between Washington and Moscow have only spiralled downward in the seven months since President Donald Trump came to office promising improved ties with Russia. From the war in Syria to tighter sanctions on North Korea, the US and Russia continue to be at odds on key international issues.

Trade missions

"We waited for a rather long time, thinking that things might improve, nourished the hope that the situation would change somehow," Mr Putin said in an interview with Russian state television in July. "But by all indications, if it does change, it won't be soon."


In addition to the San Francisco consulate, the State Department decision affects the residence for the consul-general in the California city as well as two buildings that housed Russia's trade mission to the US in New York and Washington, according to the US official.

The closing of the Russian diplomatic posts is an act of "impudence" which Moscow should retaliate for, said Andrei Klimov, the deputy head of the foreign affairs committee of the upper house of parliament, according to state news service RIA Novosti.

Russia ordered the expulsions soon after the US Senate on July 27 overwhelmingly passed a bill, later signed by Trump, to prevent the president from easing sanctions without getting congressional approval. The legislation also opened the way to wider restrictions than the ones already in place over the Ukraine crisis.

Obama decision

Russia's order also came after the Obama administration in late December expelled 35 Russian diplomats in response to alleged hacking of the 2016 presidential election.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is among the diplomats that Mr Tillerson has spoken with most often during his term, though the two have frequently exchanged sharp words. In Hamburg, Germany, in early July, Mr Tillerson scolded Mr Lavrov for raising minor irritants in the relationship rather than big issues such as disagreements over the course of Syria's civil war.

Still, Mr Tillerson has repeatedly said that the US wants to improve the relationship, saying it's unacceptable for two major nuclear powers to remain in such a continuous state of tension. He and Mr Lavrov reiterated that view in a call they conducted this week, a point made in the latest State Department announcement.

"The United States hopes that, having moved toward the Russian Federations desire for parity, we can avoid further retaliatory actions by both sides and move forward to achieve the stated goal of both of our presidents: improved relations between our two countries and increased cooperation on areas of mutual concern," according to the statement.
