Good Weekend

The Frasers Property building in Rhodes, Sydney.

Architecture's next frontier: You

The "livability movement" is more than a buzz-phrase – architecture’s hot topic is how to design buildings that improve our health – both mental and physical.

Breathe Architecture’s Jeremy McLeod, the man behind the innovative Nightingale 1 project  and The Commons, both in ...

The little project that could

The inner-Melbourne suburb of Brunswick is ground zero in a quiet revolution: creating community-friendly housing across Australia.


At the moment, the planet loses about six billion trees each year. Seed-planting drones may represent the most ...

Forest rangers

Desertification, wildfires, mud slides: the terrifying results of increasing deforestation. Can seed-planting drones reverse them?

Sarah Moran, co-founder of Geek Girl Academy: "The internet is largely built by men... we're consuming it all through a ...

Sarah Moran

Sarah Moran's mission is to get a million women to help build the net by 2025.

“I live on the other side of the world, but this brings me back home every time I look at it,” writes Monica McInerney.

Home plate

Novelist Monica McInerney says this emblem from her Australian childhood evokes both sweet and sore memories.

Illustration by Simon Letch.

Screen in the sky

At a music festival, a woman in front of me held an iPad above her head to film the entire main act...


Illustration by Simon Letch.

Less is moreish

At breakfast, when we are at our most vulnerable, we're faced with far too many choices.

Mussel omelette.

Wok on by

This seafood omelette and succulent lamb stir-fry are easy to prepare.