- published: 15 Oct 2014
- views: 131217
Nikkei can refer to:
The Nikkei 225 (日経平均株価, Nikkei heikin kabuka, 日経225), more commonly called the Nikkei, the Nikkei index, or the Nikkei Stock Average (/ˈnɪkeɪ/, /ˈniːkeɪ/, or /nɪˈkeɪ/), is a stock market index for the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). It has been calculated daily by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei) newspaper since 1950. It is a price-weighted index (the unit is yen), and the components are reviewed once a year. Currently, the Nikkei is the most widely quoted average of Japanese equities, similar to the Dow Jones Industrial Average. In fact, it was known as the "Nikkei Dow Jones Stock Average" from 1975 to 1985.
The Nikkei 225 began to be calculated on September 7, 1950, retroactively calculated back to May 16, 1949. Since January 2010 the index is updated every 15 seconds during trading sessions.
The Nikkei 225 Futures, introduced at Singapore Exchange (SGX) in 1986, the Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) in 1988, Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) in 1990, is now an internationally recognized futures index.
Closing the gap is a term used in Australian society, referring to the inequalities in Aboriginal culture that creates a gap between Indigenous and non Indigenous Australians. The average age of death of an Aboriginal male is 11.5 and woman 9.5 years less than the average white Australian, this is a major example that there is a gap that needs to be closed in our society to get rid of Aboriginal inequalities. The main cause of this is lack of knowledge in health education and lack of funding going towards proper health systems being installed into rural communities where aboriginals are living.
With such a difference in life expectancy between Indigenous and non Indigenous Australians shows that there is a massive issue of lack of health system, Aboriginals living in their rural communities do not have access to hospitals or medical help unless having to travel long distances to get there, this cost Aboriginals in need money that they do not have which leaves them avoiding the health system all together. Without medical help on hand people will be left without any knowledge of what is wrong and will not be taught anything that the doctors can share with them. The lack of health services is definitely contributing to the life expectancy gap, as Australians living in cities have 24 hour access to doctors and nurses allowing them to constantly monitor their health which makes them live a healthier lifestyle which leads to living longer.
MUNCHIES Presents Nikkei: Peruvian-Japanese Cuisine
Nikkei: The Story of Chef Mitsuharu Tsumura
Soy Nikkei: Piden a descendientes de japoneses identificarse en cédula censal
How to Trade Nikkei 225 | Closing the Gap: Futures Edition
YO, NIKKEI ARGENTINO - Ser de familia japonesa en Argentina [NihonVlog 46]
Fusión culinaria: Cocina Nikkei
Documental sobre la Comunidad Nikkei - Avance
Flash Crash beim Nikkei! Videoausblick
La fusión de sabores tras la comida nikkei
5. Ser nikkei no Japão | Peach no Japão
Trading the Nikkei 225 - Trading US Evenings!
Una Mesa Nikkei Ep1 TZURU
Hecho con Amor: La propuesta Nikkei de Shizun
Nikkei Extreme X6 Review (Nederlands)
Receta de Arroz Chaufa Nikkei | KuMar Cevichería Fusión | Kumar Paredes
LONDON: Nikkei / Japanese Peruvian Cuisine
Mitsuharu Tsumura, su arroz con pato a la nikkei y el Chardonnay peruano
Cebiche Nikkei Rokkaku
TRAILER NIKKEI estreno 30Enero2015
Actors: Dominic Mendez (writer), Dominic Mendez (producer), Dominic Mendez (actor), Dominic Mendez (editor), Dominic Mendez (director), Anthony Lattuca (actor), Jacob Smaczniak (actor), Nicole Uhle (actress), Madelyn Pecyne (actress), Miranda Lombardo (actress),
Genres: Drama, Horror,Get the recipe for Nikkei Fish Sandwiches: http://bit.ly/1w780hb Seeking land ownership, Japanese farmers began emigrating to Peru in 1899 when the two countries established diplomatic ties. With the intent of recreating Japanese dishes using local ingredients, Nikkei (Japanese descendants abroad) informally created Nikkei cuisine, a fusion popularized worldwide by Nobu Matsuhisa's empire. MUNCHIES flew to the Land of the Incas to interview three very different local and proud Nikkei chefs: Mitsuharu Tsumura (of Maido, a top 15 restaurant in all of Latin America), Toshiro Konishi (of Toshiro's, a favorite amongst Lima's Elite) and Toshi Matsufuji (of Al Toke Pez, a delicious hole-in-the-wall in one of Lima's working-class neighborhoods). Our skilled chefs took time from preparing entrées ...
World-renowned chef Mitsuharu Tsumura delights foodies with his unique take on Peruvian-Japanese cuisine at one of the world's top 50 restaurants — Maido restaurant in Lima, Peru. "Nikkei" is part of our Peru-focused food travel film series that recently won 2nd place in the World Food Travel Association's 2017 FoodTrekking Awards. Films & Release: https://www.glpfilms.com/2017-foodtrekking-awards The video features the Lima restaurant Maido by Mitsuharu. For more information visit http://www.maido.pe/en/ GLP Films Founded in 2008, GLP Films is an award-winning content marketing agency dedicated to authentic storytelling within the travel industry (e.g. adventure, outdoor, food, culture, wildlife, sustainability). To date, GLP has produced and distributed 200+ videos from 30+ countrie...
Get an introductory look at the Nikkei 225 Index, contract specs, futures availability and discover trade ideas to get involved in the Japanese equity market! See more videos from the Closing the Gap: Futures Edition Series: http://ow.ly/RNTEZ The Nikkei 225 Index allows traders to access opportunities within the Japanese market, one of the largest, most liquid markets in the world today! tastytrade host, Pete Mulmat, presents the makeup of the the Nikkei 255 Stock Average, which is a price weighted index. Due to a monetary stimulus from the Bank of Japan, /NKD, the symbol for the US Dollar based Nikkei 225, has seen a large increase over the past 12 months. What trading opportunities does that provide as a stand alone futures trade as well as trading currencies like the Yen (/6J) and th...
Fueron casi 3hs de grabación y muchas cosas las dejamos fuera ya que compromete mucho a la comunidad nikkei en Argentina, pero aun asi se cuentan muchisimas cosas interesantes de un pequeño mundo aparte dentro de la sociedad Argentina ======================================= Tiranos una moneda en Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/japatonictv Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/japatonictv Para comprar nuestras remeras oficiales o donarnos en pesos argentinos: remerastpics@gmail.com Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/japatonictv Contacto: naka@checkpointvg.com
Reportaje sobre la cocina nikkei. Disfruta de nuestro recorrido y de los datos curiosos sobre la cultura peruano-japonesa.
Documental en proceso Historia de la comunidad nikkei en Perú, desde la llegada de los primeros japoneses, sus problemas durante la segunda guerra mundial, y la unión que los llevó a la superación, y a ser una comunidad fortalecida, cuya mezcla con el Perú los ha llevado a generar una cultura propia. Una producción de Plano Masivo.
Seltsames heute im asiatischen Handel: der Nikkei startete zunächst stark und gewann +2%, um dann jedoch im späten Handel ungebremst 900 Punkte zu fallen, bevor es wieder zu einer Erholung kam. Das alles drückte zwischenzeitlich die US-Futures deutlich nach unten - jedenfalls dürfte der X-Dax unter der 13400er-Marke starten. Die heftige Bewegung am japanischen Aktienmarkt passiert in einem derzeit eigentlich sehr ruhigen Umfeld: der Dow Jones schleppte sich in ein Mini-Plus mit sieben Handelstagen in Folge mit positiven Vorzeichen, der Dax kaum bewegt, ähnlich die Lage am Devisenmarkt, die US-Zinskurve weiter verflachent, die Risikoaufschläge bei US-Junk-Bonds steigen deutlich an. Heute erreicht die Dax-Berichtssaison ihren Hochpunkt, in den USA kommen Zahlen aus dem schwer angeschlagenen ...
La Guía Pelegrino catalogó al restaurant Osaka como uno de los 50 mejores de Latinoamérica.
Somos parecidos com os japoneses mas... somos brasileiros! Meus amigos nikkeis - o Marcelo e o Rafael - e eu falamos sobre o lado positivo e negativo de se descendente de japoneses no Japão. Curtiram? Inscrevam-se no canal para acompanhar os próximos vídeos! Vídeo anterior: https://youtu.be/RemW5PUfyyQ blog: peachnojapao.com - Agradecimentos Satiko+Isabel, que assina todos os looks: http://satikomaisisabel.com.br/ Cassiana Der Haroutiounian, que me dirige em toda a série :)
This Tiradito has the best of 2 worlds, the Japanese technique and the Peruvian tradition. Peru is the second largest Japanese migration and you can tell by eating there and visiting the Nikkei restaurants! This Tiradito is made with tuna tataki, pondzu sauce with aji amarillo and aji limo, pickles veggies, cucumber and chestnut oil.
What I'd like to do today is take a look at an interesting market - the eMini Nikkei 225 trading on Osaka Securities Exchange. One of the things that makes this an interesting market is that there's a lot of US traders that have full time day jobs and want to trade after work. There's not really much available for them as the US markets are really quiet in the US evenings. There's also a lot of Australian and Asian traders that don't have access to a market with decent liquidity and volatility in their morning time. Many brokers don't cover the Asian markets well and a lot of the Asian markets are very thin and volatile. Many traders feel comfortable with thicker markets like the eMini S&P500;. The eMini Nikkei opens at 9am Osaka time. 9 AM Osaka time is 8pm Eastern Time or 5PM pacific...
UN MESA NIKKEI -- EPISODIO I Desde el restaurante Tzuru, Jorge Matzuda y Masa Hamada, llevan a Masaki Uyema a la inspiración culinaria Nikkei, a partir de un fresquísimo Buri, el primo japonés del Fortuno. Dõzõ (Servido). Asociación Gastronómica Nikkei https://goo.gl/ZY06ZF
En un nuevo Hecho con Amor, conversamos con el socio de Shizun, Rodrigo Lagos, sobre cómo motivó a realizar el emprendimiento de comida Nikkei tras un viaje a Lima, y que ya lleva dos meses entregando una fusión entre gastronomía japonesa y peruana.
Meer info of bestellen? Ga naar: http://bit.ly/2a9464o De Nikkei Extreme X6 is startklaar om jouw avontuur te filmen én fotograferen. Je filmt met deze camera in 4K formaat met 30 fps. Dit geeft je veel ruimte voor een creatieve nabewerking van je video's. Kies je voor filmen in full HD formaat? Dan legt de camera je beelden zelfs vast op 60 fps. Foto's worden vastgelegd met een 15 megapixel CMOS sensor. Dat is veel beeldkwaliteit in een kleine camera. Via wifi is de camera te bedienen van een korte afstand met je smartphone. Met verschillende mounts bevestig je deze camera op je stuur, op je lichaam of aan een object. Regen is geen excuus meer om binnen te blijven. Standaard wordt namelijk een waterdichte behuizing meegeleverd. Standaard meegeleverd: - Waterdichte behuizing - Buis beve...
El Chef Kumar Paredes nos comparte la receta de su Arroz Chaufa Nikkei. ¡Delicioso!
The season finale for 2016 at Chotto Matte London, where Head Chef Mike Paul and I stir each other up over some intricate Nikkei dishes. Nikkei is a combination of Japanese and Peruvian ingredients which add up to some SERIOUS flavours. New video each week - don't forget to subscribe! Business Inquiries: julia@thismodeleatsalot.com LINKS: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thismodeleatsalot Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thismodeleatsalot Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/modeleatsalot
En “Cocineros peruanos, platos típicos y vino peruano”, Mitsuharu Tsumura del restaurante Maido, prepara uno de sus platos más representativos, el arroz con pato a la nikkei. Pato confitado, dashi, y algunas variantes que le añaden un toque de locura. Acompaña un Chardonnay de Ica con cierto paso por barrica. !El resultado puede ser adictivo!
SUSCRÍBETE a este canal: http://bit.ly/10nAF2t Descubre recetas nuevas: http://cocinaycomparte.com/ Síguenos en Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CocinaAlNatural Síguenos en Twitter: http://twitter.com/cocinaalnatural Únete a Google+: http://plus.google.com/117464414297243244897/posts Síguenos en Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/cocinaycomparte/ Los platillios de la cocina Nikkei son una fusión entre lo japonés y lo peruano.
Get an introductory look at the Nikkei 225 Index, contract specs, futures availability and discover trade ideas to get involved in the Japanese equity market! See more videos from the Closing the Gap: Futures Edition Series: http://ow.ly/RNTEZ The Nikkei 225 Index allows traders to access opportunities within the Japanese market, one of the largest, most liquid markets in the world today! tastytrade host, Pete Mulmat, presents the makeup of the the Nikkei 255 Stock Average, which is a price weighted index. Due to a monetary stimulus from the Bank of Japan, /NKD, the symbol for the US Dollar based Nikkei 225, has seen a large increase over the past 12 months. What trading opportunities does that provide as a stand alone futures trade as well as trading currencies like the Yen (/6J) and th...
Fueron casi 3hs de grabación y muchas cosas las dejamos fuera ya que compromete mucho a la comunidad nikkei en Argentina, pero aun asi se cuentan muchisimas cosas interesantes de un pequeño mundo aparte dentro de la sociedad Argentina ======================================= Tiranos una moneda en Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/japatonictv Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/japatonictv Para comprar nuestras remeras oficiales o donarnos en pesos argentinos: remerastpics@gmail.com Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/japatonictv Contacto: naka@checkpointvg.com
En el http://www.masterdeemprendedores.com además de ofrecer claves prácticas para autónomos y pymes, invitamos a emprendedores a que compartan sus experiencias con los alumnos del Máster de Emprendedores. Son los Viernes VIPP, Viernes del Instituto Pensamiento Positivo. Luis Arevalo, fundador del Restaurante KENA nos cuenta su historia como emprendedor y como ha llegado a convertirse en uno de los referentes en España de la cocina Nikkei. Tomar riesgos, confianza en si mismo y determinación para conseguir sus objetivos son algunas de las claves que Luis comparte en este video. El Máster de Emprendedores está comprometido con ofrecer las claves prácticas que necesitan conocer los emprendedores para alcanzar el éxito en su proyecto. Para más información sobre este programa formativo, fo...
Interview in Ho Chi Minh City ,Vietnam ,Nguyen Hoa Hung,
Nikkei 225 futures allow traders to participate in the movements of the Nikkei 225 Index. As the most mature index futures in Asia, Nikkei 225 futures are traded worldwide by traders seeking exposure to the Asian markets. In fact, whenever someone says he's trading the "Nikkei," it usually means he's trading Nikkei 225 futures. With one transaction, CME Nikkei 225 futures and options give traders access to 225 top-rated, blue-chip Japanese companies tracked by the underlying index. Dan Gramza and Pete Mulmat explore trading opportunities within this unique index product and also its relationship to the Japanese yen, Australian dollar and New Zealand dollar.
O filme documentário de 70 minutos sobre o Centenário da Imigração Japonesa no Brasil, e sobre a comunidade brasileira que vive no Japão moderno. The documentary movie of 70 minutes about the centennary of Japanese immigration to Brazil, and about the Brazilian community living in modern Japan.
Today, we took a look at gold's floundering price action, oil overly extended in the near-term, and strength in major global indices and whether it can last. @PaulRobinsonFX
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong delivered a speech at the Special Session of the Nikkei International Conference in Tokyo, Japan on 29 September 2016. PM Lee was on an official visit to Tokyo, Japan, from 26 to 29 September 2016 in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Singapore and Japan (SJ50). (PMO Video by Alex Qiu)
"El desafío de ser Nikkei" Ricardo Hara, Ingeniero Agrónomo y empresario. Presidente de ISK Argentina y Solidagro. Con una mirada dinámica y objetiva sobre la esencia, virtudes y defectos de los nikkei, Ricardo plantea en forma prospectiva cómo convertir sus fortalezas en oportunidades y cómo contrarrestar sus debilidades. Ser ciudadanos 200%. CONVENCIÓN PANAMERICANA NIKKEI - ARGENTINA 2013 13 de septiembre de 2013 / Hotel Intercontinental - Buenos Aires, Argentina Organizado por el Centro Nikkei Argentino (CNA) Coordinado por la Asociación Panamericana Nikkei (APN) Sonido, iluminación y filmación: Rasound Edición y postproducción: Hokamax Música: Gus Hokama
Andrés Furukawa, Itamae principal de la barra de Hanzo en Santiago de Chile y Eduardo Fujihara, socio de Hanzo nos cuentan como la comida fusión peruana japonesa ha ganado terreno en los paladares de los peruanos y ha traspasado fronteras.
If you have a full time day job and can't trade during the US trading day, there are other markets to trade that follow order flow quite nicely. Visit http://www.orderflows.com Follow Orderflows: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/orderflows YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI37HXPO1f4o9j4SA83-Iog LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mvaltos Twitter: https://twitter.com/orderflowsmike Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/orderflows/ You can trade SGX Nikkei or Eurex FESX (Eurostoxx) as well as Dax and Bunds. There are really many products to choose from that are very liquid and have good movements. Don't think you have to stick to only trading the emini sp all night long, sometimes the ES just doesn't move very much and your trading will be like watching paint dry on the wall...
En este capítulo de A La Vereda, conoceremos el concepto de comida del alma de Varanasi, a manos de Luis Mujica. Y después iremos a Merced, para conocer un poquito de la comida callejera japonesa de Republica Nikkei, con José Ozaki.
How To Trade NIKKEI 225 Index Without Headache Start applying no-headache technical trading strategies to tame the Japanese NIKKEI 225 Index like a professional indices trader. Become a more efficient NIKKEI 225 technical trader today. We recommend to indices traders to watch the full length of this essential trading video before it is too late. Stop the headache today. How To Trade The Beast Dow Jones Index Like The Masters https://youtu.be/_yMyNt304Ps http://www.stochastic-macd.com/tradeindiceslikeapro.htm NIKKEI-225 Trader Shares His Technical Analysis For 2017 https://youtu.be/rIyKaNvL2G8 Nikkei 225 News goo.gl/UU3BfW Singapore Exchange develops a pricing headache goo.gl/Lvt5XJ JPMorgan loss another headache for markets goo.gl/5EnG2P The no-headache ETF that’s beating the S&P; 500...
In today’s webinar, we examined the outlook for the US dollar, cross-rates of interest, gold backdrop weakening, and bullish stock prices. @PaulRobinsonFX
Lecture Date: February 27, 2014 Speaker: Jeffrey Lesser, Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Latin American History; Chair, History Department, Emory University Today, Brazil has the largest community of Japanese descent in the world while Japan currently is home to about 200,000 Brazilians. Cities like São Paulo claim huge populations of Syrian, Lebanese, Italian, and Portuguese descent. The millions of immigrants who settled in Brazil helped to create ideas about ethnicity, foreignness and national identity, all within a historical context of slavery, that are often distinct from other countries in the Americas. This presentation will analyze the role of Japanese-Brazilians in creating new forms of multiculturalism in both Brazil and Japan.
Thiraphong Chansiri President & CEO, Thai Union Group, Nicolo Galante COO, Central Group, Yoshihisa Kainuma President & CEO, MinebeaMitsumi share how they optimize management for today's global challenges This is a recording of a session that was held at the Asia300 Global Business Forum "Resilient strategies for a shifting world order" on July 14th, 2017. Further coverage of the event is available here: http://asia.nikkei.com/Features/Asia300-Global-Business-Forum-20172
Partida de Tênis de Mesa-Ranking niKKei Curitiba João Monteiro Thalia Curitiba vs L.Bilobran Ponta Grossa
Tus ojos dejan ver la verdad
sé que llueve desde que no está
sé también que no es fácil estar solo
hay tanto que olvidar si el amor
se arrepiente y dice que se va
sin querer, el corazón
mira hacia atrás
y no hay forma de aprender
a estar vivo y no caer
y empezar otra vez
No preguntes por qué
ya no sois los de ayer
que es un juego sin reglas la pasión
que te puedo ayudar
que te ayude a curar
las heridas que deja el desamor
si tan solo hay dolor
ya habrá un tiempo mejor
De nada sirve ya remover
las cenizas que dejó el placer
no vendrá, no repitas más su nombre
que aunque te engañes el adios
es calle de una sola dirección
se marchó
y hay que dar
cuerda al corazón
Se que estas tocando fondo
pero asómate
la ciudad te está invitando
vamos muevete
Que otros labios de mujer
te darán mañana de beber
a sentir
otra vez