Tag Archives: Hitler


Several of the papers are growing very restive because we are not doing more to help the U.S.S.R. I do not know whether any action, other than air-raids, is really intended, but if nothing is attempted, quite apart from the … Continue reading

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Churchill’s speech in my opinion very good. It will not please the Left, but they forget that he has to speak to the whole world, e.g. to middle-western Americans, airmen and naval officers, disgruntled shop-keepers and farmers, and also the … Continue reading

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Non-aggression pact between Germany and Turkey. This is our reward for not mopping up Syria quickly. From now on the Turkish press will be turned against us, and this will have its effect on the Arab peoples. The Derby was … Continue reading

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Complete mystery, about which no one has any real news, surrounds the state of affairs between Russia and Germany. Cannot yet make contact with anyone who has seen Cripps since his return.[1] One can only judge by general probabilities, and … Continue reading

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Have been 2 or 3 days at Wallington. Saturday night’s blitz could easily be heard there – 45 miles distant. Sowed while at Wallington 40 or 50 lb. of potatoes, which might give 200 or 600 lbs. according to the … Continue reading

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No real news at all about either Greece or Libya…Of the two papers I was able to procure today, the Sunday Pictorial was blackly defeatist and the Sunday Express not much less so. Yesterday’s Evening Standard has an article by … Continue reading

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Belgrade bombed yesterday, and the first official announcement this morning that there is a British army in Greece – 150,000 men, so they say. So the mystery of where the British army in Libya had gone to it at last … Continue reading

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