Tag Archives: Greece


Now that the evacuation of Crete is completed, there is talk of 20,000 men having been removed. Obviously, therefore, they must have begun clearing out long before this was admitted in the press, and the ships sunk were probably lost … Continue reading

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All eyes on Crete. Everyone saying the same thing – that this will demonstrate one way or the other the possibility of invading England. This might be so if we were told the one relevant fact, i.e., how many men … Continue reading

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The number evacuated from Greece is now estimated at 41-43,000 but it is stated that we had less men there than had been supposed, probably about 55,000. Casualties supposed to be 3,000, and prisoners presumably 7 or 8 thousand, which … Continue reading

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No definite news from Greece. All one knows is that a Greek army, or part of a Greek army, or possibly the whole Greek army, has capitulated. No indication as to how many men we have there, what sort of … Continue reading

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The Greeks appear to be packing up. Evidently there is going to be hell to pay in Australia. [1] So long as it merely leads to an inquest on the Greek campaign, and a general row in which the position … Continue reading

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Have been 2 or 3 days at Wallington. Saturday night’s blitz could easily be heard there – 45 miles distant. Sowed while at Wallington 40 or 50 lb. of potatoes, which might give 200 or 600 lbs. according to the … Continue reading

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No real news at all about either Greece or Libya…Of the two papers I was able to procure today, the Sunday Pictorial was blackly defeatist and the Sunday Express not much less so. Yesterday’s Evening Standard has an article by … Continue reading

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