Tag Archives: Churchill


Talking today with Sultana, one of the Maltese broadcasters. He says he is able to keep in fairly good touch with Malta and conditions are very bad there. “The last letter I get this morning was like a – how … Continue reading

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Vote of censure defeated 475-25. This figure means that there were very few abstentions. The same trick as usual – the debate twisted into a demand for a vote of confidence on Churchill himself, which has to be given, since … Continue reading

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Almost every day in the neighbourhood of Upper Regent Street one can see a tiny, elderly, very yellow Japanese, with a face like a suffering monkey’s, walking slowly along with an enormous policeman walking beside him. On some days they … Continue reading

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Tokio bombed, or supposed to have been bombed, yesterday. [1] Hitherto this comes only from Japanese and German sources. Nowadays one takes it so much for granted that everyone is lying that a report of this kind is never believed … Continue reading

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I reopen this diary after an interval of about 6 months, the war being once again in a new phase. The actual date of Cripp’s departure for India was not given out, [1] but presumably he has gone by this … Continue reading

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I am now definitely an employee of the B.B.C. The line on the eastern front, in so far as there is a line, now runs roughly Tallinn, Gomel, Smolensk, Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Kherson. The Germans have occupied an area which must … Continue reading

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Several of the papers are growing very restive because we are not doing more to help the U.S.S.R. I do not know whether any action, other than air-raids, is really intended, but if nothing is attempted, quite apart from the … Continue reading

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