Monthly Archives: November 2009


Very mild & still. A very few light spots of rain. Bats were out (noticed midges flying about the other day, in spite of the recent frosts). Dug a little more of the weedy patch. Made up the front part … Continue reading

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Rained again in the night, fine today & reasonably warm. Started digging the patch where the bushes were. This is in a terrible state & will take a long time to do, also is poor chalky soil & needs a … Continue reading

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Still, not too warm, Some frost in the night. Finished the new latch. This will take 5 or 6 rows of potatoes. Showed the briar stocks to T[itley]., who explained that one must cut the side shoots off & bud … Continue reading

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Heavy rain in the night & all this morning. Finer & windless this afternoon. Everything very sodden. Dug another trench. Have now almost finished the amount I intend doing of the new bit. Stuck in 2 more briar roots. Shall … Continue reading

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Cold & windy, rain some of the day. Stuck a root of a wild briar in, experimentally, but not certain whether it will take as it had not much root. Shall plant some more as I want to try budding … Continue reading

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Hard frost last night, which started about 4pm. Thawed this morning about 10 am, cold & miserable all day. Lumps of ice turned out of hens’ basins were still frozen in the evening. Made bonfire, added some of the hay … Continue reading

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Fine, still, rather cold. Finished digging limed patch. Transplanted apple tree. Had great difficulty uprooting it & fear I damaged its roots seriously. Cut down remaining michaelmas daisies & transplanted one clump. Found nest of 11 eggs, not say on … Continue reading

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