Monthly Archives: May 2009


Fine & warm, but strikes very chilly as soon as the sun begins to go in. Tomatoes (protected from the sun with sacking) are O.K. A few French & runner beans showing. M’s mate no good. When bringing her back … Continue reading

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Very fine & warm. Planted potatoes (12), putting sacking over to protect them from the sun. One cheddar pink is out. A fine drizzle for a little while in the morning. Note that netting strawberries does not seem to inhibit … Continue reading

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Very fine & warm. Netted strawberries. Took M. to the billy but fear she is not on heat. Mr N.[1] says they usually only are on autumn-spring. M. greatly afraid of a cow. The cow, on the other hand, frightened … Continue reading

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28.5.39. (Whit Sunday)

Very chilly in early morning, the rest of the day fine & sunny. Some salvias were planted last night. Daily Mail rose now almost ready to open, buds on Dorothy Perkins & Albertine. Delphinium buds forming, peonies not far from … Continue reading

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Overcast in the morning, fine & warm in the afternoon. Blue speedwell & bugle out everywhere. Buttercups about at their tallest. Dandelions seeding. Large toadstools in the fields. Strawed strawberries. Applied sodium chlorate to the remaining patch under the walnut … Continue reading

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Warm. Ground is very dry. Fly is in the turnips. Many apples forming. Strawberries should be netted about a fortnight from now. Titly° has potatoes already earthed up. He says Catriona do not keep well for seed but store all … Continue reading

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Yesterday & the day before very warm. Today overcast, chilly enough to have a fire, & a few drops of rain. Got back[1] yesterday after nearly 3 weeks’ absence. Soil is very dry, weeds terrible except in kitchen garden. The … Continue reading

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