Monthly Archives: February 2009


Pretty heavy rain last night & this morning. Found sprays of fennel, which evidently grows here. Saw very large slow-moving black & white birds, evidently of hawk tribe. Forgot to mention curious property of human shadows, noticed at Taddert. Sometimes … Continue reading

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Heavy mist yesterday morning. In general distinctly hotter. A lot of wildflowers now, two of marigold type, a sort of daisy, & various others.

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Wallflowers (good specimens) are blooming at the café near here. Pomegranate trees just putting forth their buds, which are brilliant red. Weeds pretty thick everywhere. This is probably as green as the country ever gets, but there are still considerable … Continue reading

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Spent a week at Taddert, 1650 m. up in the Atlas, about 95 km. from Marrakech, & since then have been ill for nearly 3 weeks (about 10 days in bed.) Most essential points about Taddert are noted in the … Continue reading

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