Monthly Archives: December 2008


Three eggs (102 eggs since 26.10.38[1] , or nearly 12 a week). [1]‘28’ written by mistake. Peter Davison

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Large flight (about 200) of storks or cranes passing over. Large white birds, apparently with black edges to their wings. Flying northward, but probably merely circling around to find a place to settle, as they must be migrants from Europe. … Continue reading

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Two eggs. Clear & fine. We have got a cock-pigeon (Frs. 4.50) & put him in the cage with the hen to get acquainted. She started pecking his head gently, I think picking out lice.

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Have been ill. Not certain about number of eggs, but about 9. Weather clear & fine. Second cylinder of Butagaz ended 27.12.38. Exactly 3 weeks (same as last time.)[1] [1] The previous cylinder lasted five weeks; see 24.11.38. Peter Davison

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Quite a heavy frost in the night, everything white this morning & a little cat-ice on the pools. Curious sight of oranges & lemons on the trees frosted over, & lemon blossom frozen stiff. Do not know yet whether it … Continue reading

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Four eggs. Both the pigeons eggs broken – do not know how, possibly a cat tried to get up to the nest & scared the bird off. Evidently fertile eggs as they were streaked with blood. Clear & fine.

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The pigeon has laid two eggs & is sitting on them. Cold & fine. The Oued Tensift has shrunk to about twice its original size. Three eggs.

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