Monthly Archives: August 1938

August 12

Very hot in the morning. In the afternoon sudden thunder-storm & very heavy rain. About 50 yards from the gate the road & pavement flooded a foot deep after only 1 1/2 hours rain. Blackberries beginning to redden.

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August 11

This morning all surfaces, even indoors, damp as a result of mist. A curious deposit all over my snuff-box, evidently residue of moisture acting on lacquer. Very hot, but rain in afternoon. Am told the men caught another snake this … Continue reading

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August 10

Drizzly. Dense mist in evening. Yellow moon.

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August 9, 1938

Caught a large snake in the herbaceous border beside the drive. About 2’ 6” long, grey colour, black markings on belly but none on back except, on back of neck, a mark resembling an arrow head (ñ) all down the … Continue reading

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War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. And The Wait is Nearly Over.

Less than 24 hours to go before the first diary entry… but if you can’t wait: BBC Radio 4’s PM programme will be talking about the diaries later this afternoon – and giving you a chance to get involved. Professor … Continue reading

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