A glimpse into the thoughts of George Orwell

Starting today, an entry from the diaries of George Orwell will be posted every day on the website of the Orwell Prize, the British award for political writing. Starting today, an entry from the diaries of George Orwell will be posted every day on the website of the Orwell Prize, the British award for political writing. (Bettmann/corbis)
By David Mehegan
Globe Staff / August 9, 2008

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It may be hard to imagine that any of George Orwell's writings would be unread 58 years after his death. Generations of readers have been gripped by such classics as "Down and Out in Paris and London," "Homage to Catalonia," "Animal Farm," and especially "1984." That chilling novel of psychological manipulation by a totalitarian regime even added a new adjective ... (Full article: 725 words)

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