Federal Politics

Mark Kenny

Mark Kenny is the national affairs editor for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, based at Parliament House

Mayor of Port Headland Camillo Blanko, Bianca Crake, Andrew 'Twiggy' Forrest and Jean Reerie at Parliament House.

Twiggy snaps, branding Greens the 'party for paedophiles'

Billionaire philanthropist businessman Andrew "Twiggy" Forrest has lashed out at opponents of the cashless debit card aimed at curbing substance abuse in remote Indigenous communities, singling out the Greens in particular whom he branded "the party for paedophiles".

Bill Shorten's real purchase is the sense people have that they are going backwards.

Beware the neglected, vulnerable worker

It stands to reason that in the absence of convincing solutions to persistent problems, unhappy voters will seek alternatives, and look for someone to blame.