Monthly Archives: July 2012


Today I have read less newspapers than usual, but the ones I have seen have gone cold on the Second Front, except for the News Chronicle. [the Evening News published an anti-Second Front article (by General Brownrigg [1]) on its … Continue reading

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Talking today with Sultana, one of the Maltese broadcasters. He says he is able to keep in fairly good touch with Malta and conditions are very bad there. “The last letter I get this morning was like a – how … Continue reading

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Yesterday and today, on the Home Guard manoeuvres, passing various small camps of soldiers in the woods, radiolocation [= radar] stations etc. Struck by the appearance of the soldiers, their magnificent health and the brutalized look in their faces. All … Continue reading

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I now make entries in this diary much more seldom than I used to, for the reason that I literally have not any spare time. And yet I am doing nothing that is not futility and have less and less … Continue reading

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From Ahmed Ali’s [1] last letter from India. “Here is a little bit of old Delhi which might interest you. “In a busy street a newsboy was shouting in Urdu: ‘Pandit Jawaharlal [2] saying his rosary the other way round’. … Continue reading

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A day or two ago a couple of lorries belonging to the Navy arrived with a party of Wrens [1] and sailors who put in several hours work weeding out the turnips in Mr. Phillips’s [2] field. All the village … Continue reading

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Vote of censure defeated 475-25. This figure means that there were very few abstentions. The same trick as usual – the debate twisted into a demand for a vote of confidence on Churchill himself, which has to be given, since … Continue reading

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