Monthly Archives: July 2009


Most of day overcast, heavy showers & thunder about mid-day. Weeded onions. Pricked[1] out 35 carnations. The wallflowers planted on 11.7.39 about 3” to 4” high. One hollyhock which is coming into flower is white. There are therefore 4 colours … Continue reading

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A little rain during last night. Today hot. Canterbury bell seeds germinating. Pulled first carrots today. Earwigs now very troublesome. 10 eggs (2 small).

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Foreign & General 1. Seems clear that Parliament will adjourn as usual with no previous arrangements for recall before October. Sunday Times [a] 2. There are now 60,000 German troops (ie. including police, storm troopers etc.) in Danzig. Sunday Times … Continue reading

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Apparently a few spots of rain in the night. Hot today. Mowed nettles. 6 eggs! (possibly something to do with the heat.) Sold 25 @ 2/6 score. Total this week: 78

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Foreign & General 1. French general election to be postponed by decree for 2 years (ie. until 1942). Daily Telegraph [a] 2. Evidently° that fairly severe struggle is going on in Spain between Axis supporters (Suñer) & Traditionalists (esp. the … Continue reading

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Foreign & General 1. Americans evidently deciding to denounce commercial treaty with Japan. Daily Telegraph [a] Social 1. Gov.t apparently considering raising old age pension, no doubt with an eye to general election. Daily Telegraph [b] 2. Rich gold deposits … Continue reading

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Some rain during last night. Hot. Nothing except weeding, mowing down thistles etc. 9 eggs.

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