
Legal Rights when attacked by a Dog

Dog is part of the family for many people. They raise their dogs like their own children. Dog is known as a man’s best friend and the bond between man and dog is very strong. Dog is needed for safety reasons as well. However, not all dogs have the same nature.

Some dogs can be very aggressive.

They can attack other dogs and people and cause serious injuries. In such case, legal actions can be taken.

Chris Stoy at is a personal injury lawyer in the Dallas Fort Worth area. He deals with dog bite victims and gives advice on what to do below:

Owner’s negligence

It is the owner’s duty to keep the dog under control all the time. The dogs should be kept inside a fenced area or on a leash when they are taken to the street or other public places. If the owners don’t comply with these rules then the owner can be sued for negligence. Even if the owner is not present at the scene, legal actions can be taken against him or her. The owner can be fined anything from $200 to $500.

Type of attack

If the dog attack causes serious injuries or damage to properties then you can get compensation up to $30,000. You can be imprisoned for up to 10 years in jail. You will have to pay for the medical charges and other forms of loss of money resulting because of the accident.

Type of dog

There are dogs that are dangerous and should be protected by the dog owners at all times. Dogs of specific breeds like Japanese Tosas or American pit bulls are dangerous. If anyone gets attacked by these dogs then they need to inform the local council. If they get injured, then they can hire a lawyer. The owners of such dogs should make sure that the dog is microchipped, has an identification tag, kept in an enclosed area, has a warning sign at the gate and is kept under control always. Failing to meet these requirements may lead to a penalty like fine or imprisonment.

Dog attacks can be horrible. They can leave victims physically injured and in a mentally traumatic state.

If you are ever attacked by a dog and get injured then you must contact a lawyer immediately. You should discuss the type of attack, the dog involved, and other details with your lawyer so that the lawyer can decide what type of compensation you can get. You should keep all your medical bills related to the injury with you so that you can make your claim easily.

The law for dog attack varies from one state to another. Your lawyer should be able to help you in this regard.

The Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Never Abuse Animals

We have all heard a lot of news and trending topics about animal abuse. Every day, hundreds of them are suffering from cruelty, exploitation and violence. It has to stop. We should put in mind that they are not tools to be used without consideration. Here are the top reasons why the animal cruelty has to stop the soonest possible time.

  1. Animals have feelings

Animals don’t have the capability to talk, but it doesn’t mean that they don’t feel anything. Like, people, they can also feel the pain of every violence people do. Animals are not machines because deep inside they can feel the helplessness of their situation.

  1. Retaliation

It is for the benefit of the people if they will stop animal cruelty. Since animals have feelings, they also have the tendency of being fed up. Once they are sick and tired of all your unacceptable behaviour, the animals can turn against you. If we think about it, the animal owners deserve it, but people will still consider it unacceptable.

  1. Put yourself in their shoes

Being an animal is not easy. Animals cannot say what they want so even if they are hurting there is nothing they can do but endure the pain. If you are someone who has the obsession of hitting animals, what would you feel if someone will hit you the same way? I bet you’ll be angry and frustrated because you can’t even fight back.

Whichever way we put it, there will be no enough reason for us to hurt animals. There is nothing we can get from it. If you are someone who can find contentment upon harming the animals, the best thing you can do is try to get some medical attention because you might have some psychological issues.

Why Should Animal Circuses Be Banned For Good?

Growing up as a kid, we have known all about the different performances in a circus. Children tend to be excited when seeing their favourite animals performs some trick. However, like any other kind of entertainment business, we don’t know what is happening behind the scenes. There are instances where some people are surprised why there are some organizations that are fighting for the animal circus bans. If we would know the truth behind the curtains, I bet we would all cry for a ban. Here are the reasons why animal circuses should be banned for good.

  1. Animals are not prisoners

We can all hear the loud cheering from the crowd if we see animals perform but what we can’t see is how they are suffering because of the kind of life they have to live. Animals are happy to go out and give you a great show because it is the only chance they have to be free from the prison bars where they are placed.

  1. Animals don’t deserve the punishment

In an animal circus, what we can see are the performances that have been practiced numerous times. How do you think these animals learned all those? The training that they have to endure is not like the ones we give to our pets at home whereas we just give them rewards. The animals in a circus have to go through painful training where being hit seemed to be a normal process.

  1. Starvation and Dehydration

The circus owners would say that they are feeding the animals, but we all know that the food they give them is not sufficient for their needs. The animals don’t get enough food and water which are the essential things they need to have a healthy life.

With these three reasons alone, the usage of animals on a circus should be banned forever. No living creature deserves the kind of life these circus animals have to endure.

Why We Should Adopt A Pet From Shelters And Not Buy?

In a household, having pets around is a good thing. It gives a different kind happiness whenever we see them. If you are considering of getting a pet for your family, the best way to go about it is through adoption. If we care about the welfare of the animals, we should always opt to adopt than buy from the breeders. Here are the reasons why we should consider adoption rather than buying it.

  1. Don’t support puppy mills

If you buy a pet, you can be assured that they came from breeding mills where animals are treated like crap. The environment they are in is not even recommended. The area is dirty, and they don’t have sufficient food and water supply. If we will buy than adopt, it is like we are showing them our support that they should continue doing such cruelty to animals.

  1. No need for house training

The pets that will be adopted are already equipped with the right things to do when at home. They are already trained about the different house rules, so there is no need to teach them. You can be guaranteed that you will not have a problem in dealing with pet discipline.

  1. The right care

If you will adopt a pet from a shelter, there is no need to worry about the different vaccinations required. Put in mind that shelters have their veterinarians who look after the animals. They will also not release any animal with incomplete boosters.

  1. You saved a life

Among all the reasons available, saving an animal life is the best one. Just think about the other animals that were not able to find a home. They will be put to sleep for good.

The next time you want to get a pet, make sure to put adoption on your priority list. If you want to help, say no to pet shops and breeding mills.