Brazil: Teachers Union Officially Declares Unconditional Support for Black Bloc.



Translated From O Dia Rio – The State Union of Education Professionals (Sepe) stated during assembly on Wednesday, unconditional support for the Black Blocs with respect to clashes with police occurred at the protest Monday. Was no vote on the matter during the meeting at the Municipal Club in Tijuca, Rio’s North Zone, which also defined the strike continuity of the category.

Many teachers say they have been protected by masked the excesses committed by the police and, in addition, they would have done first aid to people injured during the confusion around the Town Hall.

“Manifestations of education professionals continue to be organized by Sepe, but the Black Blocs are always welcome. Sepe What can not be responsible for prior acts, but the protests of the teachers were not causing conflicts but the Black Blocs the police, “said the general coordinator Alex Sepe Trentino.

The report said that the DIA admiration of teachers by masked youths is evident in this fourth edition. In groups of teachers and other servers formed on Facebook, were posted since the beginning of the month phrases like “Black Blocs, admire you,” “Congratulations to the Warriors Black Blocs”, “Black Bloc is my friend. Moved with him, touched me. “ A woman who identified herself as the teacher classified as “young fearless.” Another, more direct, called them “cute”.

About 5000 teachers attended the meeting and, soon after, came out in march toward New Town. During the meeting, there was still a clarification on outbound requests the Secretary of Education Claudia Costin. According to the union, the screams “Outside, Costin” does not constitute a condition for ending the strike, are just seen as a way to express disagreement with the current policy of the municipality for education.

8y0fmpvrqa0fhhfm73yxaze4z“The mayor Eduardo Paes said no negotiating with Sepe. This only diminishes the spirit of consensus and increases war between the two sides, which to me should not exist,” said Rep. Marcelo Ash (PSOL), who attended the meeting on Wednesday.

Judge Debra Nalin, the 5th of Treasury may decide on Wednesday for granting or not the injunction to suspend the session that approved the plan Positions, Careers and Salaries of municipal teachers, last Tuesday, the House Municipal.

The Magistrate ruled on Tuesday night that President House, Alderman Jorge Felippe (PMDB), manifest within 48 hours of the sessions. After receiving the information, the judge will consider whether to grant the injunction.

The writ of mandamus with the request was made by councilors Athayde Renato Silva, Eliomar de Souza Coelho, Paulo Pinheiro, Reimont Luiz Otoni Santa Barbara, Brizola, Davidson Jefferson Dias de Moura, Marcio Barreto dos Santos Garcia, Maria Teresa and Veronica Bergher Keys Oak Costa.

In the lawsuit, lawmakers argue that the right to due process of law would have been “violated by reason of tumult, lack of security of councilors and employees of the Legislature and the prevention of public access to sessions that occurred in the City Hall on the date of approval of plan “. According to the councilors, the meeting of the Thematic laws, in principle, should be open to the public, which did not occur with the three sessions questioned.

The group also questions the distribution of passwords so that councilors could invite a person to monitor the vote. In the process, the councilors allege further that the Municipal Organic Law expressly prohibits the holding of secret sessions.

Reportage: Gabriel Savoie

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