Eberhardt Press: Printing for the People since 2005
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The Tramp Printers

The Tramp Printers
Forgotten Trails of the Travelling Typographers
by Charles Overbeck

The tramp printer was a typesetting troubadour with a story in lieu of a song, a scholarly hobo, and a master of the type case. They lived without belongings, without homes, and without romantic entanglements, traveling freely despite the hardships of the road. Many were brilliant, literate individuals who were nevertheless possessed by a predilection for bacchanalian debauchery. They helped each other over the hard places and spread the craft of printing along the way. [more info]

Birds of a Feather

Flights of the Anarcho-Surrealist Imagination
by Ron Sakolsky

Imagine anarchy and surrealism as an avian body in flight! The anarchist wing yearns to fly to high that it demands the impossible, while the surrealist wing breaks the binary chains that imprison our minds in a sedentary dichotomy between dream and reality... [more info]

Birds of a Feather

2017 Organizers by Justseeds and Eberhardt Press

2017 Organizer

Justseeds & Eberhardt Press

The 2017 Organizer is now on sale for half price! We have a few left, and there are still 10 perfectly good months in the year. Featuring the socially-conscious artwork of the Justseeds Artists' Cooperative, and printed by Eberhardt Press. Available in a pocket edition or planner size. Summer discount: 50% off!
[more info]

2017 Moon Phase Calendar

by Nina & Sonya Montenegro

That's right, there are ten moon phases left in 2017, and these lovely poster calendar is on sale for half off! Designed and illustrated by Nina and Sonya Montenegro, this 11x17 poster calendar is resplendent with night blooming flowers: Queen of the Night, Nicotiana, Moon Flower, Four O'clocks, and Angel's Trumpet. Moon phases are depicted for each month, calibrated for the Northern Hemisphere. Printed in metallic silver on blue 80# Classic Linen cover stock. Summer discount: 50% off! [more info]

2017 Moon Phase Calendar

30 Birds to Know in Portland  

30 Birds to Know in Portland
30 Aves Para Conocer en Portland, Oregon
by Esther Forbyn

"30 Birds to Know" is a bilingual set of beginning birder flashcards for Portland, Oregon. Eberhardt Press co-founder Esther splendidly illustrated and wrote this beautiful deck of cards, which was designed and co-published with Eberhardt Press. For each pack of cards sold, one is given away to a local youth or low income Portlander. [more info]

Swift Winds
by Ron Sakolsky

A new edition of this outlaw compendium of subversive texts, marvelous manifestos, mutinous rants, utopian dreams, impossible demands and incendiary broadsides strategically aimed at countering the pathos of miserabilism with the uncontrollable laughter of the insurgent imagination. Illustrated by Anais LaRue. [More Info]
  Swift Winds by Ron Sakolsky

Scratching the Tiger's Belly  
Scratching the Tiger's Belly
by Ron Sakolsky

A radical mixtape of hidden histories, rebel poems, prickly rants, black humor, intoxicating adventures, razor sharp polemics, slyly subversive stories, provocative parables and ideas-in-action. Food for thought, ready to be washed down with the heady grog of mutiny! Read More

The CIA's Secret Manual on Coercive Questioning
A verbatim reprint of the Central Intelligence Agency's 1963 guidebook on interrogation. The document provides an inside view of the agency's methods for breaking "resistant sources" with mental and physical agony. The CIA cites its MKULTRA mind control research and describes an arsenal of mind tricks, including hypnosis, sensory deprivation and "truth drugs," as well as "medical, chemical, or electrical methods." Also includes descriptions of standard interrogation practices, as well as "personality assessment profiles," recruitment of informants, and more.

InTERRORgation: The CIA's Secret Manual on Coercive Questioning

Keesha and Joanie and JANE  
Keesha and Joanie and JANE
Characters, Dialogue and Conflict Including Opinions, Memories and Strategic Planning Filled With Hope, Disappointment and Inspiration
by Judith Arcana

A story about young women responding to the ongoing elimination of abortion access in the USA. "Vital, funny, and stirring reading for anyone who cares about reproductive justice ... an urgent reminder that is it we who must act." -- Rosemary Candelario, Educator/Organizer/Artist

Reclaiming Our Ancient Wisdom
Herbal Abortion Procedure and Practice for Midwives and Herbalists

Reclaiming Our Ancient Wisdom is a guide for practiced herbalists and midwives to better serve the women of their communities. New edition available now!
  Reclaiming Our Ancient Wisdom

Free to Choose  
Free to Choose
A Guide to Reproductive Freedom

Not just another pro-choice zine! An introduction to the history of underground abortion and a call to learn our history and to take matters in our own hands. Includes information on menstrual extraction and a list of resources. | Read More

Documents From Chicago's Underground Abortion Service, 1968-1973

Jane was a clandestine abortion counseling service which provided safe, humane services to thousands of women prior to the legalization of abortion in 1973. A beautiful example of the battles that can be won without begging. | Read More

Criminal by Isabelle Eberhardt   Criminal
Writings by Isabelle Eberhardt

A collection of Isabelle's writings, a record of all the beauty, misery, degradation of a life fully embraced. This gender deviant, kif smoking, sufi anarchist traverses the Saharan desert, battles African colonialization and records it all in poetic prose. | Read More

The Evan Mecham Eco Terrorist International Conspiracy

by Leslie James Pickering

Details EMETIC's series of guerrilla sabotage actions against nuclear power plants, uranium mines and the Snow Bowl ski resort in the Grand Canyon region, as well as their arrests and subsequent trial. Includes an extensive interview with Peg Millett. | Read More
  The Evan Mecham Eco Terrorist International Conspiracy

At Daggers Drawn  
At Daggers Drawn

The final Eberhardt Press printing of this classic anti-manifesto of insurrectionary anarchism. "The Secret is to really begin."
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Progress and Nuclear Power
by Fredy Perlman

Perlman's essay links the genocidal expansion of Western civilization across North America with technological expansion, leading to the advent of nuclear holocaust. "The premeditated poisoning of human beings, of soils and of other living species can only by the grossest hypocrisy be considered an 'accident'."
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  Progress and Nuclear Power

Communicating Vessels   Communicating Vessels

"An Ode to the Festival of Life." Anthony Leskov's excellent periodical of rebellious thought and poetry is still going strong. "A celebration of life and all its mysteries. Issues #26 and #25 are now available. | Read More

notepads and cards
These notepads and cards are designed and made at Eberhardt Press from leftovers, remnants and paper cutter scraps. The interior paper varies from white to off-white depending on what is available at the time. Most of these scraps are 30% post-consumer recycled paper. All are wirebound unless otherwise noted.

Max Ernst Notepads and Cards
Tiger Notepads
Bird Notepads

The Tyran'ts Foe, The People's Friend
E B E R H A R D T   P R E S S
636 SE 11th Ave., Portland, Oregon 97214

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