

The optics of Melania Trump wearing stiletto heels to a disaster zone

The optics of Melania Trump wearing stiletto heels to a disaster zone

Look, the outfit was on-point, but maybe not the right message, yeah?

  • by Annie Brown


Emmanuel Macron's wife urges France to 'have faith' as his ratings plummet

Emmanuel Macron's wife urges France to 'have faith' as his ratings plummet

Paris: Brigitte Macron, France's first lady, has urged the country to "have faith" in her husband Emmanuel as his approval ratings collapsed to 40 per cent ahead of a crunch week for the new President.

  • by Henry Samuel
British bosses forced to publish pay differences between executives and workers

British bosses forced to publish pay differences between executives and workers

The peak body for Britain's unions said the changes were "feeble" and fell short of the government's promises.

  • by Latika Bourke
Column 8

Column 8

Ever been caught in a Gerbil Riot?

Chaotic Donald Trump risks presidency with 'self indulgence', says Tony Abbott

Chaotic Donald Trump risks presidency with 'self indulgence', says Tony Abbott

London: Tony Abbott has taken a swipe at world leaders Angela Merkel and Donald Trump in a wide-ranging essay in which he also states the threat of Islamist extremism is greater than climate change.

  • by Latika Bourke
Migrant crisis: Europe, African states agree on plan to tackle human trafficking

Migrant crisis: Europe, African states agree on plan to tackle human trafficking

Four big powers and three African states agree a plan to tackle illegal human trafficking and support nations struggling to contain the flow of people into Europe.

  • by Marine Pennetier and John Irish
Trump associate boasted Moscow deal 'will get Donald elected'

Trump associate boasted Moscow deal 'will get Donald elected'

"Our boy can become president of the USA... I will get all of Putin's team to buy in on this..."

  • by Matt Apuzzo and Maggie Haberman
In the Herald: August 29, 1845

In the Herald: August 29, 1845

A servant's narrow escape

  • by Brian Yatman
Prime Minister May under pressure from Labour and EU as Brexit talks resume

Prime Minister May under pressure from Labour and EU as Brexit talks resume

Brexit talks resume on Monday with Prime Minister Theresa May under pressure on two fronts.

  • by Robert Hutton
Germany will be harsh with holiday refugees, says Angela Merkel

Germany will be harsh with holiday refugees, says Angela Merkel

Harsher measures should be taken against asylum seekers if they take a holiday in their country of origin, Chancellor Angela Merkel said in an interview on Sunday.

  • by Abby Young-Powell
Idiot wind blows from the global leadership vacuum

Idiot wind blows from the global leadership vacuum

Welcome to the end of the age of reason, sniped the US president as his corrupt ways finally dragged him low.

  • by Mark Kenny