- published: 26 Apr 2017
- views: 619
Endemism is the ecological state of a species being unique to a defined geographic location, such as an island, nation, country or other defined zone, or habitat type; organisms that are indigenous to a place are not endemic to it if they are also found elsewhere. The extreme opposite of endemism is cosmopolitan distribution. Another term for a species that is endemic is precinctive, which applies to species (and subspecific categories) that are restricted to a defined geographical area.
The word endemic is from New Latin endēmicus, from Greek ενδήμος, endēmos, "native." Endēmos is formed of en, "in," and dēmos, "the people." An alternative term, precinctive, has been suggested by some scientists, and was first used by MacCaughey in 1917. It is the equivalent of ‘endemism’.Precinction was perhaps first used by Frank and McCoy.Precinctive seems to have been coined by David Sharp of the Hawaiian fauna: "I use the word precinctive in the sense of 'confined to the area under discussion' … 'precinctive forms' means those forms that are confined to the area specified." That definition excludes artificial confinement of examples by humans in far-off botanical gardens or zoological parks.
Ecology (from Greek: οἶκος, "house", or "environment"; -λογία, "study of") is the scientific analysis and study of interactions among organisms and their environment. It is an interdisciplinary field that includes biology, geography and Earth science. Ecology includes the study of interactions organisms have with each other, other organisms, and with abiotic components of their environment. Topics of interest to ecologists include the diversity, distribution, amount (biomass), and number (population) of particular organisms, as well as cooperation and competition between organisms, both within and among ecosystems. Ecosystems are composed of dynamically interacting parts including organisms, the communities they make up, and the non-living components of their environment. Ecosystem processes, such as primary production, pedogenesis, nutrient cycling, and various niche construction activities, regulate the flux of energy and matter through an environment. These processes are sustained by organisms with specific life history traits, and the variety of organisms is called biodiversity. Biodiversity, which refers to the varieties of species, genes, and ecosystems, enhances certain ecosystem services.
NEET Biology Ecology : Endemic Species & Species Extinction These NEET Bio videos are helpful in coaching students of class 11 & 12 for NEET / AIPMT /AIIMS / other medical entrance exam preparation. These free study materials will help you to crack NEET examination. It covers Bio concepts, solutions, important topics, tips & tricks, Mcqs , Sample Paper and Previous Year Questions. You can refer examfear.com for NEET notes, online test and important Question. This video lecture is in addition to CBSE Board level NCERT Books based video lectures on Biology.
Madeira is often referred to as the floating garden. The reason for this unusual name, its astonishing floral diversity. Out of the hundreds of species of plant, a high proportion of these are endemic to Madeira. Endemism is a common pattern shared by oceanic islands around the world. So why is this case? In this episode, David explores the fundamentals of island ecology, in an introduction to the subject. --- If you like this episode, or any other, why not hit that subscribe button? We need all the support we can get, to help continue produce the huge array of videos we hope to make. --- And check out our Tumblr blog for competitions and conservation and wildlife news, and our Facebook and Twitter for more updates! http://ecosapienshow.tumblr.com https://www.facebook.com/EcoSapienShow ...
We are in the Conservation the species of hummingbirds from Colombia and their habitat in the Neotropics through the integration of research, environmental education and the active participation of the community and the establishment of natural reserves. For the Initiative on Endangered Species we have established two programs endangered species in Colombia: 1.) Population Dynamics and Hummingbird-Plant Interactions and 2.) Present Range and Potential Areas. Here you to see to Amazilia castaneiventris (Chestnut bellied hummingbird) at Soata (Colombia)
Class 8: Science: Conservation of Plants & Animals: endemic species
The Western Ghats support some of the most intact and extensive tropical evergreen forests in Asia. These forests are home to many endemic species, plants and animals found nowhere else in the world. The mountainous topography has created islands of moist habitat that have acted as refuge for species over time as surrounding areas have grown drier, leading to the evolution of diverse and unique forms of life. Even within the Ghats, some of these endemic species have very restricted distributions, being found in only a handful of places. This makes them extremely vulnerable to extinction, as the changes wrought by economic development lead to conversion and alteration of natural habitats. With support from CEPF and ATREE, civil society groups throughout the Western Ghats have been worki...
Biodiversity hotspots are locations with many endemic, native species that are highly threatened. Learn how do we determine which places on Earth require the greatest attention and highest conservation priorities. For more biodiversity tutorials, visit http://bit.ly/cas-khan.
This General Microbiology video gives a discussion of the meaning of the terms epidemic, endemic and pandemic in terms of numbers and distribution.
From the Translocation and Migration session of the CNPS 2015 Conservation Conference, "Habitat restoration and enhancement for two rare clay endemic plants", by Mark Dodero of RECON Environmental.