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'Floodgates to destruction': Ex gambling addict urges WA to continue to resist pokies

A Canberra woman whose life was nearly ruined by an addiction to poker machines is calling on policy makers in Western Australia to continue to resist any change to the state's pokie laws.

Unlike in the eastern states,where pokies can be seen in just about every pub, bar and club while governments rake in billions from their trade, WA only allows them at Perth's Burswood Casino.

Twice-jailed former WA premier Brian Burke - whose government helped bring Burswood to life in the 1980s - said in his recently published autobiography that "very unfairly, the policy penalises WA in the carve-up of federal funding, with the other states and the Commonwealth saying WA has not maximised its own tax-gathering potential because of the lower tax take from gambling."

"Successive governments have maintained the ban on poker machines and that's the reason less money is spent gambling in WA than in any other state," Mr Burke wrote.

Then-premier Colin Barnett ruled out lifting the restrictions in 2016 amid a push for the sale of the TAB, which the McGowan Government confirmed this week was back on the agenda - but wont be decided until after the state budget is handed down in early September.

Whatever happens with the TAB, Kate Seselja, who racked up $500,000 in debt during a 12-year addiction to pokies, said WA must maintain its stance against the pokies that nearly destroyed her.


"I think if you do that you open up the floodgates to destruction in your community," she said, visiting Perth on a speaking tour to raise awareness of addiction.

"Communities in the eastern states are starting to rise up against these pokies, all of the damage they bring to vulnerable people, and WA is seen as an example of how to do it.

"When I was in the thrall of addiction to these things there were no warnings, no help, and what does that say about our society?

"It's been a gross mismanagement of power, and WA is the one place to do the right thing. At least when they are in a casino you know you are in a casino. When they are in a social setting they become normalised."

With the United Nations Australia Association backing her not-for-profit foundation, The Hope Project, Ms Seselja is visiting cities and towns across Australia to stimulate a conversation around UN sustainability goal number three - good health and wellbeing.

While she praised WA's approach to pokies, Ms Seselja said it was not enough to simply restrict access to one kind of gambling product.

"From what I have been through, I can see all of the triggers as to how I was essentially groomed to become an addict, to enable my behaviour," she said.

"No one wakes up and says 'I'm going to become addicted to pokies today.' It doesn't work like that. It happens over time, and people are usually not aware of how much effort goes into getting them to play, to prop up this industry."

Ms Seselja said the one of the root causes of addiction is disconnection, and warned a dangerous aspect of modern society is technology that isolates people and normalises addictive behaviour.

"Look at the technology we use every day, from smart phones to video games, and you'll see people just flicking through, mindlessly repeating. They are being groomed, and it's a danger to children who are particularly vulnerable.

"Online games these days are now almost exclusively impulse and addiction based, they are are primed to make you play again and again. This normalises the behaviour, and makes you a prime target for expensive habits that can ruin your life."

To focus on this issue, Ms Seselja said The Hope Project is developing a program for children called AWAKE that teaches mindfulness and self-control.

She's planning to visit Perth again once the program is ready for distribution - but for now she's focussed on sparking the difficult conversations she believes we have to have.

"We need to let kids know that it's okay to be bored, to feel distracted and challenged and to harness those feelings in a positive way instead of creating or exposing them to things that take advantage of that."

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