Anarchist Zines and Pamphlets Published in August 2017

new anarchist zines

The following zines and pamphlets were released in the past month and are of interest to the broad anarchist space. We share these each month as a way of highlighting the variety of anarchist printed material and to encourage increased circulation and discussion. Please consider making copies of these and distributing them or hosting reading groups and discussion circles.

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When the Police Knock on Your Door Your Rights and Options: A Legal Guide and Poster

From Crimethinc: In cooperation with legal counsel, our comrades have prepared a poster explaining how to handle visits from law enforcement. This includes any agent from any law enforcement agency, regardless of whether they are local, state, or federal, including the FBI, ATF, and ICE when they are working as law enforcement, uniformed or not. … Read more

Political Prisoner Birthday Poster for August 2017

From the Prison Books Collective: Hello Friends and Comrades, Happy Black August! This month is important for highlighting the liberation of people of African descent in the Western Hemisphere, from abolition and rebellion to revolution and self-determination. Here is the political prisoner birthday poster for August.(11″x17″ PDF, 1MB) Also available in color here, and as … Read more

Zines and Pamphlets Published in July 2017

The following zines and pamphlets were released over the past month within the broad anarchist space. We encourage folks to spread this list, read the zines, and share and discuss them both within and outside of the anarchist space. Inclusion here does not imply endorsement of any of the perspectives contained within these varied texts. … Read more