France: Fighting under the state of emergency

There have been a range of conversations in recent months regarding the situation in France — for example the consequences of jihadist attacks, in particular in repressive terms, as France certainly is one of the antiterrorist and security laboratories of Europe. But discussions also and foremost turned to the climate of social upheaval, marked by opposition movements or revolts, of which some echoes crossed the national borders. This article,… Continue reading

The struggle against Google in Berlin

Earlier this year Google rocked up to Kreuzberg district in Berlin with plans for a swanky new Google Campus. The idea immediately sparked a great deal of local anger, and a spiky anti-gentrification campaign. In the below article, writers for Avalanche dive into the anarchist offensive against corporate spread in the German capital — and argue for fights against the tech giant to go global.

In the end… Continue reading

Campaigners condemn far-right recruitment attempts among IPP families

Campaigners against indefinite IPP prison sentences publicly denounced efforts being made by far-right activist Tommy Robinson (pictured waving brick) to infiltrate and recruit from among the prisoners’ families of using his “media reach” as a lure today. Smash IPP said in a statement:

We are sad and angry to announce that Tommy Robinson, founder of the English Defense League, has been trying to recruit IPP prisoner families.… Continue reading

Revealed: The hidden street homeless shoved onto Glasgow’s waiting lists

A Freedom of Information request from Homeless Scotland has turned up a phenomenon of rough sleepers being pushed into doing Housing Options assessments by Glasgow City Council — meaning that those in greatest need are being asked to “bid” for a home and then wait up to seven months for help rather than being offered adequate immediate assistance.

Homeless Scotland explains:


I want you to picture the… Continue reading

G20: A comrade writes from a Hamburg Prison

In the below passage, one of the people detained in Hamburg during July’s G20 Protests talks about his imprisonment, the incarceration system and other arenas where anarchists are facing State repression.

It’s been almost a month-and-a-half since I was imprisoned during the 12th G20 summit in Hamburg, in a city that was besieged and taken in hostage by the security forces, but which also saw an important local and popular… Continue reading

Care Workers’ new campaign: Pay what’s owed for sleep-ins, or else

Over the weekend Bristol Care Workers Network (BWCN) celebrated its first year organising in the region, which has taught many lessons and allowed carers to collectively take on big issues such as the integration of anti-migrant policing into healthcare — and announced the launch of a major new wages campaign. The group said:


Recently the law on what is considered working time has changed. As a result, sleep-ins and… Continue reading

Why does the left hate free speech? Interesting question…

Since the election of Donald Trump, a right-wing discussion point which had long been burbling in national press outlets such as The Times and the Telegraph has spectacularly jumped into the spotlight — why does the Left hate free speech?

In Britain, this question has over the last few years mainly revolved around a relatively tame phenomenon of intersectional struggles in universities, with the likes of Germaine Greer expressing bafflement… Continue reading

Durban: 67 years after Apartheid evictions, ANC violently attacks Cato Manor occupation

Two people have been blinded this week in violent reprisals from State and local ANC-linked thugs as they try to push land occupiers out of Cato Manor in Durban, South Africa.

The relatively new occupation, organised with shackdwellers’ movement Abahlali baseMjondolo (AbM), has been shaken by the extreme violence, which saw Smiso Maphumulo shot in the eye on Tuesday and Noluthando Masikiza blinded on Thursday. In… Continue reading

Germany: Indymedia Linkstunten shut down as police raid journalists’ homes

In a chilling extension of the ongoing crackdown against anarchists in Germany, The Ministry of the Interior has shut down radical open news platform A corresponding prohibition has also been handed down to three alleged operators in Freiburg and house raids have been staged in connection with the ban.

The site was closed for “sowing hate against different opinions and representatives of the country,” Interior Minister Thomas de… Continue reading

Book Review: Squatting in Britain 1945-1955

by Norman Spinrad ISBN: 978-1-60486-810-4 PP: 264 Publisher: The Merlin Press £16.99

After World War II, many people squatted empty properties, often government-owned ex-Army camps, since a housing crisis had been created as a result of the hugely damaged housing stock, slow state action to build new homes and a huge influx of returning servicemen as well as displaced peoples from other countries.

Don Watson’s “Squatting in Britain… Continue reading