Help Center

Private information posted on Twitter

Posting another person’s private and confidential information is a violation of the Twitter Rules.

Some examples of private and confidential information include, but may not be limited to:

  • Intimate photos or videos that were taken or distributed without the subject's consent.
  • Images or videos that are considered and treated as private under applicable laws.
  • Private contact or financial information, such as:
    • credit card information
    • social security or other national identity numbers
    • addresses or locations that are considered and treated as private
    • non-public, personal phone numbers
    • non-public, personal email addresses

How our enforcement works

Keep in mind that although you may consider certain information to be private, not all postings of such information may be a violation of this policy. 

  • Context matters. 
    • We may consider the context and nature of the information posted, local privacy laws, and other case-specific facts when determining if this policy has been violated. For example, if information was previously posted or displayed elsewhere on the Internet prior to being put on Twitter, it may not be a violation of this policy.
  • We focus on behavior. 
    • We enforce policies when someone reports content where the behavior may be abusive. 
  • We have a range of enforcement options. 
    • The consequences for violating our rules vary depending on the severity of the violation and the person’s previous record of violations. For example, we may ask someone to remove the offending Tweet before they can Tweet again. For other cases, we may suspend an account.

For frequently asked questions about reporting private information posted on Twitter, click here.

To learn more about protecting your private information on Twitter and other websites, click here.