
Hurricane Harvey: 5 reasons looting is essential for survival


Looting is a rational response to disaster situations and price gouging. Liberals would prefer people to dehydrate, starve, or drown, while food rots underwater.

Setup in Charlottesville

In Charlottesville, Virginia 32 year old anti-racist Heather Heyer was run down with a car at an anti-fascist protest on August 12. This murder by a white supremacist touched off a fury of democratic rhetoric by the very political forces that have cultivated this political violence for decades.

Donate to help translate radical texts into Chinese

Chinese workers on strike has launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise money to translate key texts to assist radical workers in China organising on the ground, so please donate and share this appeal!

Mosley's fascists and the narrative of victimisation

A look at a common point of divergence on the effectiveness of anti-fascist action and its wider implications.

The G20 Summit: Beyond Broken Glass and Protest

The results of the G20 summit in Hamburg, which cost €130 million, have been, as expected, modest. According to official announcements the G20 meeting offered political decision-makers the possibility of “finding their tongues and entering into dialogue with each other.”

Identity crisis: Leftist anti-wokeness is bullshit

Black Lives Matter supporters and community members march from Minneapolis City

When criticism of ‘identity politics’ is just an argument for class representation under capitalism.

WorkersWildWest Issue no.6 - West-London Newspaper

We distribute 2,000 copies of WorkersWildWest at job centres, factories, warehouses and working class housing estates in far-west London. Would be great if you could give us a hand and/or if you'd send us some comments on the newspaper - please get in touch:

6 reasons why Chomsky is wrong about antifa

Noam Chomsky recently made some comments about antifa, and militant anti-fascism in general, which were as ill-timed as they were ill-informed. Here's what we think he's got wrong about the subject.

17,000 Egyptian textile workers on all-out strike

Once again the workers of Mahallah have gone on strike against both management and unions over the non-payment of wages.

Do Marxian academics dream of affluent LARPers?

As white nationalists attacked towns across the US, many of the critiques of black bloc and antifa tactics were cheap shots.

FMLN: In the Footsteps of the Bolivarian Revolution

Monument to Peace, San Salvador

The Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front in El Salvador brought great hope to the country, but it's in big trouble as it faces presidential elections in 2018. An on-the-ground report from El Salvador by Clifton Ross.

Tyler is wrong about everything, as usual

This is a response to a blog post about the current state of the IWW in the US and Canada.

Corbynism: Leftists Illusions about Labour

Some of those who support Corbyn’s Labour do so with the idea that “it’s the least worst option” but many more actually believe that Labour can reform capitalism in favour of those who create the wealth that is enjoyed by a minority. This article is mainly directed at their distortions.

What is a workplace? Race, workplace struggle, and the IWW

Factory committees, shop floors, collective bargaining, contracts. What do those words mean to you? Well, it depends on your life experience, of course. To me and other workers in my industry, those words have been associated with folks who have “real jobs.” You see, even though I work a real job in a real industry, all industries are not treated equally.

Help us report on the class struggle

Occupy Oakland is looking for volunteers to help us rejuvenate our news reporting, making it a better resource for all of us trying to organise and fight for a better world.

West London Amazon Flex worker's report

Self-employed worker's report about the ups and downs of driving for Amazon.

UK: A Promising Hospital Strike

Cleaners manifesting during London hospital strike 2017

Since the Spring of this year in several London hospitals about 750 cleaners, security personnel and porters have been in dispute with their employer, Serco. They are part of the lowest paid workers in the U.K.

Living The Dream with Free Money #UBI

Latest episode of Living The Dream - a podcast hosted on The Word From Struggle Street blog

The French Miners Strike of 1948: Some Scraps of history

What little information I've managed to dig up on what seems to have been an important struggle in post war France.

“工人们在让统治者快滚蛋” ——细谈埃及革命

Tahrir Square 解放广场

“无阶级社会之友”(德国共产主义团队)与 贾努·沙尔贝勒(一位埃及无政府工团主义的记者)的访谈录,2011年春季