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Perth high school forced into lockdown after student crowbar attack

A Perth high school was forced into partial lockdown after a student struck another boy in the face with a "metal pole" during a schoolyard fight on Tuesday morning.

9 News Perth reporter Rebecca Johns said the attack occurred at Hampton Senior High School after a fight broke out at around 10am.

"It's understood up to 15 children were involved in this fight... one of the children, believed to be a year 8 student, has attacked a year 9 student with a crowbar," she said.

The incident occurred in a garden courtyard of the school grounds around recess time, and supervising teachers were able to disarm the year 8 boy.

"Police have said they believe this fight has happened from previous threats made from one student to another," Ms Johns said.

The year 8 boy was locked in a classroom until police could arrive.


"The kids have told me he was hit to the face, cutting his face in several areas," Ms Johns said.

It is understood he suffered minor facial injuries, and may require stitches. The metal pole was seized and those involved spoken to.

Parents have since picked up all of the children involved in the fight and the school was taken off partial lockdown shortly after the incident.

Police are questioning a teenage boy following the incident.