Aug 292016
Supported by:
NHS Solidarity Campaign Logo
NHS Solidarity Campaign
Lush LogoLush  The Barry Amiel & Norman Melburn Trust
The Barry Amiel & Norman Melburn Trust
 Barnet Unison Logo

Barnet Unison

Black Triangle Campaign Logo
Black Triangle Campaign
Winvisible Logo
Women with visible and invisible disabilities
Mental Health Resistance Network Logo
Mental Health Resistance Network

DPAC Week of Action Logo with "DPAC Week of Action, September 4-10th 2016" underneathAt the end of last year the UK became the first country in the world to be investigated by the United Nations for grave and systematic violations of Disabled people’s rights.

This is as a direct result of the disproportionate impact of austerity on Disabled people and ideological attacks waged by the Tory government that have seen Disabled people and the poorest members of society hit by cut after cut after cut.

In 2012 DPAC in partnership with UK Uncut were able to use the media interest around the London Paralympics to draw attention to the disgraceful practices of Atos, one of the Paralympic sponsors and the company responsible for carrying out the notorious Work Capability Assessment that has caused so much harm and suffering. Two years later Atos pulled put of the contract to run the WCA which had become unworkable due to the success of the campaign against them.

This September DPAC will be using the interest surrounding the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio to draw attention to the cumulative impact of the cuts on Disabled people that are taking Disabled people’s rights back decades with attacks in every area of our lives from education to independent living to employment to income.

Whilst we will not be protesting against the Games themselves, we will be using this opportunity to raise awareness of the increasing numbers of Disabled people whose access not only to sport and recreation but also to basic human rights such support to eat, drink and use the toilet is being taken away as a result of the cuts.

Below are the events we have planned but please do organise your own and let us know so we can publicise.

Week of Action

Woman standing in front of an exhibition. She is holding a poster which says "Cut your crap not our lifelines"

Photo: Christopher John Ball

Sunday 4th September 2016
#Art4Rights Exhibition

To kick off our week of action Disabled People Against Cuts, PCS Culture Sector and allies will be launching an exhibition by Disabled artists to highlight the impact of austerity on Disabled people felt through the devastating range and scale of cuts experienced since 2010.

The exhibition will be popping up in a central London location and simultaneously launched on-line at from 2pm.

People wanting to join in this event online can look at tweets from @Dis_ppl_protest and  @PCSCultureGroup, follow the hashtag #Art4Rights, and join in using this tweetlist. There will also be updates on the DPAC Facebook Page


Man at protest holding NO ILF NO LIFE placard

Photo: DPAC

Monday 5th September 2016
Demanding the Right to Independent Living #Right2IL

Join Independent living campaigners in Parliament for the launch of ‘One Year On: a report into the impact of the closure of the Independent Living Fund’ by Inclusion London. For access info or to book a place please contact

2-4pm Committee Room 21, House of Commons. BSL provided.


Protest against cuts to legal aid outside Norwich City Hall

Photo by Roger Blackwell

Monday 5th September 2016
#Right2IL Pop-Up Street Theatre

Join the DPAC crew for a unique show paying homage to Independent Living with poetry, spoken word & performance art plus Masterclasses by the artists at one of the worlds most iconic venues.

Meet outside the Houses of Parliament Exit at 5pm.


The 'Atos Miracle Cure' -'Atos's own Reverend' blesses and lays his hand on the head of a man in a wheelchair at the Closing Atos Ceremony by DPAC & UK Uncut outside Atos's offices.

Photo: Peter Marshall

Tuesday 6th September 2016
National day of action for #RightsNotGames

DPAC is calling on campaigners across the UK to come out onto the streets in protest against the many different cuts and attacks with campaigners choosing local targets reflecting the issues that
are affecting Disabled people locally. Please get in touch if you are planning anything to:

For more information about where protests are taking place, and resources for local protests see


People with banners at a protest which say NO MORE DEATHS FROM BENEFIT CUTS

Photo: Peter Marshall

Wednesday 7th September 2016
No More Benefit Deaths #CutsKill

12pm. Meet outside Downing Street to remember the victims of welfare reform during the first Prime Minister’s Questions after Parliament comes back from recess. We will be calling on the new Prime Minister to make public the findings of the UN investigation into the UK for violations of Deaf and Disabled people’s rights, to scrap the Work Capability Assessment and commit to preventing future benefit-related deaths. Please bring white flowers. Mourning dress optional.


DPAC banner which says Disabled People Against Cuts: Rights not Charity

Photo: Disabled Go

Wednesday 7th September 2016
#RightsNotGames virtual protest

From 9.30pm. To coincide with the Paralympics opening ceremony we invite campaigners from across the world to join with us in a virtual protest against the disproportionate impact of global austerity on Deaf and Disabled people using a groundbreaking online tool developed for us by students at the Royal College of Arts.  For more information see


People walking in front of the Resource for London building

Photo: Resource for London

Saturday 10th September 2016
Conference: DPAC Disabled Peoples’ Resistance: building beyond borders #GlobalResistance

Now Fully Booked

Join us for a one day conference bringing together perspectives and allies in the fight against austerity and neo-liberalism from the UK, Europe and Canada to look at geographic resistance and independent living. Speakers include John Clarke (Canada), Antonois Rellas (Greece), Catriona Kenny (Ireland), Kapka Panayotova (Bulgaria), The ak MoB (Germany) and John McDonnell MP. For more info or to book a place contact


Lizz Carr with placard which says ASSISTED SUICIDE IS NOT THE SOLUTION

Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th September 2016
Assisted Suicide: The Musical

To celebrate the end of the week of action we will be kicking back and enjoying ‘Assisted Suicide: The Musical’ by writer/actor/activist Liz Carr which is being performed at the Southbank Centre on 10th and 11th September.

For more information go to:


Online actions

Throughout the week there will be a range of online actions that campaigners can take part in.
For more information see

Travel costs

If you would like to take part in one of the events above but need help with reasonable travel costs please contact:


For access needs please contact or 07505144371 (text only)


All donations however small to help make the week of action happen are extremely valuable. To donate you can go through the paypal button on the DPAC website or to make a direct transfer contact

Download the PDF flyer here:

#RightsNotGames Week of Action single page flyer - A5

#RightsNotGames Week of Action single page flyer – A5

Rights not Games Flyer

 Posted by at 17:11
Aug 272016

The story of David Clapson is well known, but for those who do not, David was a man who died after being sanctioned for missing a DWP appointment. David was claiming JobSeeker Allowance after leaving his army career for looking after her mother. Left without money, David could not pay for the electricity which powered the fridge in which he kept the insulin. Because David was diabetic.  The reason for death was diabetic ketoacidosis, caused by a severe lack of insulin[i].  David died on the 20th of July 2013.

On the 29th of September 2015, (over 2 years after David’s death) a FOI request was sent to DWP asking whether the Department “if any new or updated guidance has been issued to Jobcentres by the DWP on sanctioning people with the medial condition diabetes”. To which DWP responded: “There is no guidance in existence which specifically covers sanctioning people with diabetes”. [ii]

Yesterday in the Salford online, an article was published about another diabetic JSA claimant, David , who was “illegally” and repeatedly sanctioned. By illegally, it has to be understood that there was no grounds to sanction David, but it was still sanctioned and left without money for 4 weeks. During this period, he was unable to control his diabetes, because he had no money for food.  This caused diabetic ulcers which became infected and he had to have a leg amputated. All his sanctions were eventually overturned, but it was too late[iii].

We know that DWP has issued guidance for staff to deal with ‘vulnerable’ people.  It is obvious this guidance is ineffective or that DWP staff don’t follow it. In any case, DWP is guilty. Guilty of David Clapson’s death, guilty of David being amputated, guilty of the misery inflicted on numerous other claimants whose names don’t make the headlines by their senseless, baseless, inhuman sanctions.

If you want to help David and others and bring a case against DWP, you can sign the petition here:

If you have a bit of money to spare to fund the case, you can help with the crowdfunding here:

If you want to follow Salford Unemployed & Community Resource Centre, who are supporting David and other sanctioned claimants, on Twitter, they are here: @SalfordUCRC







 Posted by at 17:29
Aug 272016

Join us for a DPAC  conference on ‘Disabled Peoples’ Resistance: building beyond borders’ for discussion and film.

John Clarke of Ontario Coalition Against Poverty

John Clarke of Ontario Coalition Against Poverty

This exciting event brings together influential disabled people’s campaigners from around the world into one place for a discussion on how to take the fight for disabled people’s rights forward

The brilliant John Clarke joins us from Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) in Canada to present:  ‘Stop the War on the Poor! Resisting Austerity in Ontario’  and the workshop: ‘ is basic income a cynical promise of jam tomorrow to extend austerity?

John McDonnell MP

John McDonnell MP

Speakers include:  Catriona Kenny (Ireland), Antonios Rellas and Athanasios Papantonopoulos (Greece), Kapka Panayotova (Bulgaria)  and The ak MoB (Germany)

With a guest appearance by John McDonnell MP,  Shadow Chancellor

Booking essential: please email:

we may be able to help with travel for DPAC members if you email us

BSL will be provided

Where: Resource for London 356 Holloway Road, London, N7 6PA

Buses 43 17 4 29 271 153 253 254 259   stop within a short walk of Resource for London.

Tube: Holloway Road, please note this tube station is not accessible

When: Saturday 10th Sept 10.30-4.30 pm

Cost: Free

Photo: independent .

For more information about the #RightsNotGames Week of Action, see


 Posted by at 16:30
Aug 262016

DPAC Week of Action Logo with "DPAC Week of Action, September 4-10th 2016" underneathThe online day will begin on the evening of Wednesday 7th September to coincide with the Paralympic opening ceremony at 9.30pm going on till half past midnight (UK time)

We are not against the Paralympics, or Paralympians, indeed we wish them all success. But we want to remind spectators who are using social media that the vast majority of disabled people are not paralympian or superhuman, we’re people trying to live our lives to the fullest in spite of the barriers that society puts in our way.

We’ll be unveiling a new online app which will enable a whole new way of campaigning online. We are not going to unveil the tool itself but you can prepare to join in when it is revealed on Wednesday evening. (see below)

As well as the new tool there will be a traditional DPAC Twitterstorm and for the first time we’ll also be campaigning on Facebook (details of the tweetlist, hashtags and how to take part in the Facebook protest will be released nearer the day)

All of these activities will begin at the start of the Paralympic opening ceremony and continue throughout Thursday 8th September or until you wear your computers, smartphones and tablets out.

LiveProtest! A new concept in online protest!

Screenshot of the LiveProtestTool

Liveprotest was developed by the inestimably brilliant Ben Redgrove and Arjun Harrison-Mann (to whom we are supremely grateful) with support and input from DPAC, and we hope you members and supporters will enjoy it. You can see the tool (from 9.30 PM today) on the link

Liveprotest is a whole new concept in online campaigning, it enables people on social media to join together to create a virtual protest. When you first view the page you’ll see a riotous cacophany of  banners, all the videos playing and everyone speaking at once (just like you would at a real world protest.). Now move the cursor (the black triangle) and hover it over one of the videos. Then you just get that single video playing with one person speaking or signing their message. On an tablet or smartphone just tap to select a video.

LiveProtest works best when viewed on a desktop or laptop PC, but it also works on tablets and most smartphones.

To take part in the protest take a video selfie of yourself, saying what YOU want to say about the situation facing disabled people in the UK right now, and what rights and legal protections you think disabled people need to have.

The video you take should be about a minute long, maximum 1 minute 30 secs (but you can actually say quite a lot in that time)  and you can get a sheet of paper or card with the hashtag #RightsNotGames written clearly on it into he picture it would be great (don’t worry if you can’t)

Here are some youtube videos that give hints and tips for taking a good video selfie here and here

Once you are happy with your selfie, you can either email it to   or click on this link to upload it to google drive

Once we have checked your video (we won’t accept any that contain abuse or any other unacceptable language) which will take a little time, but then we’ll upload it to the tool and you will be able to see yourself take part in the protest.

(BSL Video Describing the tool, with thanks to Penelope Beschizza)

(BSL Instructions for using the tool, again with thanks to Penelope Beschizza)


TwitterStorms for the Paralympics

Again, it’s worth stressing that DPAC are not against the paralympics and we want our disabled athletes to do well in Rio. But the paralympic opening ceremony will be one of the few occasions where very large numbers of non-disabled people are taking an interest in an event for disabled people. We want to grab this opportunity to tell people out there what this government has done to us, what has happened to all disabled people, not just paralympians, since the start of the financial crisis.

We have not one but two different twitterstorms preprepared for people to take part in.

This evening, from 9.30 pm, the first twitterstorm goes off to coincide with the Paralympic opening Ceremony. You can join in with the hashtags #RightsNotGames #Paralympics #RoarTogether, or you can use tweets that we’ve prepared already

Then tomorrow, Thursday 8th Sept, we continue with an all day online action. Hashtags are #RightsNotGames #Paralympics #Superhuman and we’ve prepared tweets on this tweetlist, or of course you can use your own.

Hope you enjoy the twitter fun!

New! Facebook Protests for the Paralympics

We are asking our supporters to take part in our first online facebook protest. What we want you to do is seek out facebook pages where non-disabled people are gathering to talk about the paralympics

Then we want you to post some articles, text. videos to raise awareness about disabled people who aren’t paralympians in the UK.

Guidelines for taking part:

  1. be polite – we want to inform people, not offend them.
  2. when you find a group, check to see if anyone else has posted material from dpac, if they have move on to another page
  3. if people want to engage and discuss with you that’s great please do
  4. but if people start trolling or getting abusive, just walk away and leave them to it.

Here is some material to share round on facebook

See DPACs new concept in Online Campaigning for the #Paralympics
Turning Paralympians into superhumans is no help to disabled people #Paralympics
A #Paralympics guide to disabled people, for non-disabled people
 Disabled People are not #Superhuman #Paralympics
 Posted by at 15:41
Aug 252016

Evidence needed for PIP second independent review

Are you being forced to return your Motability vehicle because of the change in eligibility criteria for the enhanced rate of the mobility component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP)? The criteria was changed from 50 metres under Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to 20 metres under PIP.  Has the return of your Motability vehicle affected your ability to stay or return to employment?

Please let me know what the impact of returning your Motability vehicle has had on you, by emailing me on:

Your experience will inform Inclusion London’s evidence to the second independent review of PIP.

Information about the second independent review of PIP is available at:

We would also welcome evidence other areas of the PIP application process e.g. your experience of the PIP assessment or Mandatory reconsideration, or the appeals process, more information is available at:

 Please send me your evidence by 12 September.

Many thanks


 Posted by at 12:07
Aug 232016
Jeremy Corbyn standing shoulder to shoulder with PCS and DPAC members at the High Court while we were trying to save the Independent Living Fund

A huge thank you to the more than 1,000 people who have signed this letter in support of Jeremy Corbyn.

The letter is now closed for new signatures. Scroll down to read the full list of signatures and people’s comments


Jeremy Corbyn has been standing shoulder to shoulder with us for years. Now its our turn to stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

Jeremy Corbyn has been standing shoulder to shoulder with us for years. Now its our turn to stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

To: Mr Jeremy Corbyn MP. Leader of the Labour Party

CC: Mr John McDonnell MP. Shadow Chancellor

Letter in support of Jeremy Corbyn from Deaf and Disabled people and our allies

Dear Jeremy,

We are writing this letter in support of your campaign to remain Leader of the Labour Party and a future Prime Minister of this Country.

You have supported deaf and disabled people’s causes for many, many years. You have spoken in Parliament. You have voted against vicious welfare reforms that have blighted our lives, often having to rebel against the Whip to do so.

You have campaigned with us during court vigils, at street protests and you spoke at the ‘10,000 cuts and counting’ memorial for people who had died as a result of welfare reform.

During our campaign to save the ILF when we asked the then Labour Leadership for help and got none, you publicly supported our campaign.

We also recognise the long term and steadfast support of one of our, and your, strongest allies – John McDonnell.

You have supported deaf and disabled people in so many ways over so many years and now it is time for us to have a chance to rally in support of you and John.

We know that you have devoted your political life to supporting people and causes that really do matter to people in this country and around the world.

So we know that when you talk about a new kind of politics that you mean a politics that puts people, people like us, first.

As you fight to retain leadership of the Labour Party, please know that Deaf and Disabled people and our allies are with you in spirit and actively supporting your campaign.

In Solidarity,


Anita Bellows (Disabled People Against Cuts)

Linda Burnip (Disabled People Against Cuts)

Ellen Clifford (Disabled People Against Cuts)

Bob Ellard (Disabled People Against Cuts)

Andy Greene (Disabled People Against Cuts)

Debbie Jolly (Disabled People Against Cuts)

Roger Lewis (Disabled People Against Cuts)

Paula Peters (Disabled People Against Cuts)

Name Organisation
Mark wright Disabled people against cuts solidarity to your campaign keep fighting the good fight
Karen Burke Thank you for all you have done
Kessie A. Amponsah
Sandie Albery DPAC
Annie Bishop Jeremy has given me hope
Kevin Deegan DPAC
Louise Moran Bromley DPAC
Dave Wells
Chris gwynne Dpac
Dr Peter Hale Mental Health Service User Rep
Stephen Aselford .
Mairi-Ann Lowry
Jill Goble DPAC Save Jeremy Corbyn
Josh Petzoldt UCL UNISON Thanks for all your support John and Jeremy – you can count on my support for your continued leadership of the Labour Party in return!
karen hatwood
Felix Bruuer Green party I hope democracy can win for you Jeremy. Best of luck.
Sue Hall I support Jeremy and all he represents if I wanted a right wing Labour Party I would vote Tory
Jane Hatton
Gary Lines ensure the sick and disabled get fairer treatment
Lianne Bayliss Jeremy, thank you for all that you’ve done to help us and all that you will continue to do for us.
David Gillon Disability Rights Activist A return to New Labour is a return to ignoring disabled people
Sandra Bowes Rennox Whatever it is in a democracy everyone could and should be entitled to vote..IT’S OUT RIGHT AND WE SHOULDN’T HAVE TO FIGHT FOR IT
Lesley Farrington Retired Social Worker
Gail Ward DPAC North East/ Cross Border Alliance I support Corbyn because it is about ‘Policy’ not Personality and I believe he is the right man for a Fairer Britain for All
David-Lee Ball Bring back compassion and humanity to politics, not greed and corruption.
Nancy Farrell
Christopher John Ball (Disabled People Against Cuts)
Louise Whittingham Dpac
Del Pickup You continue to inspire me to believe in a better, fairer Britain.
Rachel Pembro
Olivia Pountney
Christina McCabe DPAC, Unite, Labour Party member, Care Network volunteer I can’t travel on the day, but solidarity & much respect from us who are working to help victims of welfare ‘reform’.
Alison Playford Disabled People Against Cuts
Jane Skinner
Rickie Poppleton
Nick Pettitt
Lizzie Walker
Sally Strachan You’re doing such a great job. Thank you.
morvenna righards
Selina Postgate a
Paul Hepden Many of my fellow MS sufferers are suffering even more due to the Conservative government’s attacks on the support they rely on and do will I if the switchover from DLA to PIP cones about as it’s currently set down.
Tracey Muir For allowing me to date to hope again(just a little)
Val Crawford
Alex doodle You’re the hope through the nightmare of austerity and one of the few honourable people in parliament with John McDonnell thank you xx
Kathleen Hunt Disabled people against cuts
Helen Woodhouse
Darren Asante Jeremy we are counting on you, there needs to be a change we disabled people cannot keep being vilified like the way we are currently.
Julie Boylan
Tim Geering
Rosemary Jones You have my full support, and I’m grateful that you support deaf and disabled people. I very much hope you will win the contest and go on to become PM.
Chris Veale
Wendy Mcmillan DPAC Always behind you all the way
Matthew Stuart I support Jeremy Corbyn and consider him the best person to lead our country
Jacky Owen
Valerie Carroll
Julia Dickinson Unite Just thank you.
amy stand strong, you have a lot of support stop the remainders of new labour and truely make labour what it should be
Margot Carter
Barbara Hulme Disabled People Against Cuts
Marie Page n/a My scientifically recognised neurological condition (CRPS) is not at all neurological according to the DWP head office. They have it listed as a pain condition (which involves the nervous system and is therefore neurological anyway, even without the other neuro aspectsof the disease) and it is listed under the old name (RSD) which superceded back in 1994.
Assessments of my neuro condition by non-neuro assessors on the basis that it’s not actually neurological is ridiculous, stressful, exasperating and detrimentally impacts my quality of life.
Simon Gee
susan ashcroft
Micheline Mason Many You have also both supported our fight for inclusion, which, as you know, is another word for socialism in practice. We will win this struggle together, but thank you so much for keeping the flame of hope burning in dark times. Much love
Stewart Hyde Solidarity to your campaign.
Lisa Pearce Thank you so much to you, John and everyone for standing your ground.
Ian M Jones WOWcampaign Jeremy Corbyn stood with John McDonnell, Tony Benn, Michael Meacher and many other MPs to help the WOWpetition gain a Parliamentary Debate. Most Labour MPs “talk the talk” about disabled people getting true equality of opportunity in our Society. Jeremy “walks the walk”. If this coup succeeds the cause of disabled people will be put back decades as the Bitterite rump tend to agree with a previous Labour Shadow Minister for Disabled People who thought it was acceptable for us to wait 15 years before dealing with the prejudice we face on a daily basis. We want political leaders who see the urgency!! #CorbynStays
peter collins
Mel Bunting
Sheila Johnson
Tricia McLaughlin
Daniel barratt
Beryl Walker I have tried to join the Labour party on line, and also by phone even in the said allotted time. I am so sorry but it’s been made impossible
Peter Harris for humanity’s sake
Claire Russell
Denise mulligan none Only jeremy Corbyn spoke out ofr people who are sick and vunerable
Chris and Roger Kinsey
Tony Tripp none keep up the good work
Paul Taylforth
John Aspinall
Leon Carter Billions for Trident, Billions pumped into markets after #Brexit but still disabled hit hard and pay the price for excesses for the elites
Evonne Aspinall
Juliet Marlow DPAC/NDYUK
Mark Benfold
Catherine Haigh North East together
kevin morley nmcn we fully support this
Johannah Buchan
graeme Keep up the great work
Josephine Dickinson
G Slater Stay strong and keep up the great work.
John Quinn
Marigold Potter N/A
anthony lynch tct
Alan Frost The real Labour party. Go Jeremy – stop the rot of society.
diane martin carer
kim moore Thank you for being a long-awaited beacon of light
Jacqueline Evans Disabled people need a person like Jeremy. I’ll vote for him over any others.
Debbie Sayers
Angela Drane Jeremy I have met you several times and I so want you to be my PM good luck in all you do x
Simon briggs Derbyshire dpac I’m deaf and disabled
Kevin Smith Jeremy is the only person who can help the sick and disabled and reverse the damage this government has done
Mary Harrison
Chris Kerry
John A Smith People with disabilities are suffering a sort of British Holocaust, it must end
Rose Moss Thank you for standing up for the most vulnerable in society and caring.
Cathy Brosnan
Robyn Appleton I’m afraid to go outside, I’m afraid of brown envelopes and I’m afraid of a government that has made me and many others this way. I can’t afford £25 to have democracy! I’ve been going without to pay for membership as it is! JC is my only hope of getting a life and maybe one day buying a house, we can’t afford to lose him as the leader of the only party that gives a damn about us!
Jae Robinson Let’s not ever give up, as Jeremy gives us hope to overcome
Tracey Strathdee Thank you for your continued support
terry anton
Gemma Jones
Katy Board DPAC Thank you for all the hard work you have done in supporting the causes of the deaf and disabled, Jeremy. I want to let you know that I’m doing what I can to help support you, too 🙂
Karin Ryk
Katy Board Thank you for everything you have done, and still do, for the deaf and disabled, Jeremy. I have just paid £25 out of my disability allowance, to become a registered supporter, so that I have the chance to support you, too.
Debbie Jackson Disabled people against cuts With you all the way Jeremy
H. Kennedy
Melanie Evans
Pat Rees Behind you all the way Jeremy x
Denise McKenna Mental Health Resistance Network
Sandra There are millions who desperately need you to succeed, don’t give up
Dawn Spence We need your support more than ever!
Sharon Crocker
Nina Dougall
Sandra Williams
Helen Mulrooney Thank You for fighting for the rights and welfare of the poorest and weakest in society. Now it’s time to return the favour. And you will prevail and give us all hope for a better future.
theresa jackson Became a labour member because of you
Sean Bradley DPAC I appreciate your decision to add a minister for neurodiversity if you are elected PM because I have ASD.
Nnaemeka Glover
Helen Benson Praying the right person gets the job x
Diana Neal
Lynn warburton Citizen
yvonne griffiths Thank you for caring
Liz Crow
Ross Offen
Sacha Goodwin
Margaret Elaine Hill Disability Derbyshire CIL A true socialist cares for all of humanity . I believe J C is one that does.
Susan Jefferies Unison Disabled Members We are beside you Cap’n.
Jason Batchelor
Jean Ronayne NORTHANTS DPAC Love both of you, Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnal, stay strong, xxx
Ben Golightly
Brian Hilton (Former ILF recipient)
Christine Wilson We, and many thousands like us, share your vision for the country.
Christine Stringer Disabled People against Cuts In Solidarity
stephen higgins my complete support and backing in this time of fracture and betrayal of our core values.
Stephanie Dale
Carol Evans
Joyce Bullivant Other MPs are prepared to sacrifice us for votes. We need someone we can trust
julie bell Thank you for heading an effective opposition to the tories assault on the poor and disabled.
Alan Gale DPAC We must support the only politician who cares about us, and that supports us.
Debbie Louise Smith I fully support Jeremy Corbyn and those in his party who also support him.
Michele Spandow
Kemi Lofinmakin
Brett Savage Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People
Katherine Brennan N/A Good luck to you DPAC. x
Jill Malenoir I’m retired and disbled; struggling with what the Government of the day thinks is adequate for us to live on. My son lives with me and, as my carer cannot get training for work for after I die.
Debbie Barwis I am a green but for the first time since the late John Smith there is a labour leader who is whar we need. Right wing laboyr are tories all but in name..we know you are committed. Thank you so much.
Jean Stones Keep up the good work Jeremy
Norman wood
John McArdle Black Triangle Campaign
Elanor Gordon Black Triangle Campaign
Angela Hill
Ann-marie Knight
Julia Bowen Disabled couple struggling with a corrupt council tried to evict us at Christmas and then took me to court for something I hadn’t done. I have an injunction for being disabled and innocent
Jennifer Cramp Supporting you all the way. Thank you for not giving up xx
Kevin Lane I paid £3 as a supporter last year, I joined as a full member on July 1st this year. Now I’m told I won’t be able to vote this time unless I pay an extra £25 – which I can’t afford! Please Jeremy don’t let them disenfranchise us.
Jay Faith
christine redmond I fully support jeremy corbyn, iff he goes then the labour party will be finished, this coup is scandalous and to go against your leader that was voted in is scandalous, head’s should roll, jeremy needs to do a full clean out and get shut of all of the coup as soon as he is voted in, the man is
Sioux Blair-Jordan Colchester Labour Party/DPAC Keep the faith and stay strong always
Julie Forshaw Disabled People Against Cuts Solidarity with Corbyn x
Lorna Oakley
Marie Difolco
Mary-Ellen DPAC and DNH Thank you for standing up & speaking out. You have my solidarity, gratitude & deepest respect.
Marisha Bonar
Alan McIntyre usdaw Disability – curviture of vertebrae
Paul McNulty
Penny Goring
Roger Stoker Author Please stay, an honest and principled man is hard to find in politics.
Jeffrey froud
drew Disabled People Against Cuts
Surinder Joshi Border Alliance I support Corbyn because it is about ‘Policy’ not Personality and I believe he is the right man for a Fairer Britain for All
Margaret Martin Because I believe in your politics
Deborah Kelly Jeremy for PM
Glyn Everett University of the West of England
Stu monaghan Sick of being persecuted by torys
Stephen Hall
Liz Epps Merseyside DPAC & Mersyside TUC The Labour Party and the country need and want people of principle in charge – we need Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell – there is no other choice.
John Smith
Susan Archibald Scottish Disabled Activist Thank you for all you do for my peers we are with you all the way my friend
Hilary Ann Boone Both myself and husband physically disabled through polio as a child.. Have Post-Polio Syndrome, he has Parkinsons as well. Your support for the disabled is why we support you. Thankyou.
Alison Watson
Eleanor Lisney
Kim Burns
Anita Sturdy For listening to and supporting disabled people. Thank you.
Paul Brangwyn A voice of reason and hope in a Nation ruled by corruption, inequality and hate.
Alex Coppock-Bunce Jeremy is the only hope for an integrated adult society- he is leading the way
Jo Watkins
Polly Russell
Charlie Foulkes Disabled People Against Cuts £25 – because you’re worth it!
Bob brown Retired disabled Good job Jeremy someone needs to listen because one can have stroke heart attack and become disabled
Rob Miller lj
Michael Snaith
Beinn Watson
Mr Terence J Warren We need a BSL interpreter service for the deaf people Thank you for your continued support against the cuts. Please help us.
Helen Evison Labour Party member in solidarity with the disabled and supporter. I see Jeremy as our only hope to start to rebalance our economy and stop the victimisation of those with disabilities or mental health issues; I had a breakdown in 2003 and thanks to support made a full recovery. Jeremy has given me hope in a fresh start for our country and our economy especially important after Brexit which I did not support.
Joe Whittaket DPAC I require the transparency in politics that you have demonstrated. I do believe I have become disbelieving of the way much politics is presented across all levels of Government and Official Opposition. I am not expecting you to have all the answers. I am not expecting to agree with you on all issues. I am however, significantly influenced by your honesty.

I believe the political honesty you are seeking to establish will be, necessarily refreshing and cathartic. You will get my vote during the leadership election and I wish your approach to politics well.

Jayne Phillips Dpac member In solidarity
Katherine Johnston Thank you for being there at many of the protests against benefit cuts
Chris Gregson Your leadership and advocacy gives us hope. Long may it continue!
Sarah Tranter
Michael king
Paul Butt I’m with you all the way Jeremy
Simon Gray
Alvaro zignani
Geoff Jelly
Norman Wright NUT
ms jay denton
Jeanette Leggatt I am with you, as you have been with us.
Tina Sales Disability Information and Advice Line Support Jeremy Corbyn
john phillips keep fighting brother
Keith Lindsay-Cameron A letter a day to number 10 I support Jeremy Corbyn, putting people first.
Ranjit Sahota Support Corbyn
Elizabeth Oakley
Julia Cameron Islington DPAC
Katy Marchant While the media and parliament has largely ignored the brutal attacks by Tory Austerity on disabled people and the enormous suffering and deaths this has caused both Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell have steadfastly spoken out and supported us.
Craig Newport
Nicky Clark Parent carer. Disability rights campaigner Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell thank you for placing the rights of disabled people on the political agenda. Politicians often remember disabled people when it comes to a career enhancing compassion heavy, photo opportunity, and forget disabled people’s rights when framing damaging policy like welfare reform Only 22 MPs voted against welfare reform. You were two of them.
Neana Lawson
Stuart Downs Thank you for not getting distracted Mr Corbyn, you have truth & honesty on your side
David Heath
Dawn beech
Brian beech
Debbie beech
Bruce R Abbott(Disabled)
Davinder Gill Supported me when I was referred to CWP without taking into account my health and childcare needs.
Mo Stewart Independent Disability Studies Researcher Thank you for your courage and the hope given to so many.
Elizabeth Drummond Member of Momentum and Labour Party Jeremy, we admire your steadfastness against all adversity and hope others will follow in their thousands.
Celia Davies As a spinal injured person, the challenges I face have been compounded by cuts, austerity, changes in attitude due to Government and Press bullying of people with disabilities. At 68 years old, I have to prove myself “worthy” of a wheelchair accessible vehicle which means having to work ‘voluntarily’ for more than 12 hours per week!
Jack Rovnick
Toni Morris As a disabled person and a long time member of the Labour Party I had decided after the 2015 General Election I could no longer support and remain in a party that did not support me. However I stayed in the party because Jeremey Corbyn does represent and support people like me and I finally feel after years of offering nothing more than austerity with a smile that there is someone who will stand up for what it is right rather than standing by.
Steve Mann Thank you Jeremy and John for standing up for dead and disabled people against this cruel regime.
Debbie Wall Behind you all the way Jeremy
terry steer
Emily Russ A society is measured by how it treats it’s most vulnerable members. Thankyou for making ours better.
James riley I know you will win but the members who plotted against you are destroying the party they should hang their heads in shame
Peter Lewis (Disabled People Against Cuts)
Eileen McChrystal Fantastic letter! My daughter is deaf & has profound & multiple disabilities. Thank you Jeremy Corbyn!
Tracey Davidson Heartfelt thanks to both Jeremy and John for being so supportive of disabled people and our causes.
Erica Cole
Dennis Queen Not Dead Yet UK, Manchester DPAC
Steve Davies Retired Nurse , now in wheel chair Never give up fighting for all disabled people, we are individuals who need a strong voice and advocate in Government. Good luck my friend
Mark Dale Basildon Disability Forum We support the re-election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Leader
Chris Reynolds
Christine (Chrissy) Russell Member DPAC The way you have been treated is abysmal. Add to that, the fact that disabled and other poor people have to find £25 just to vote for you if we have been members of the Labour party for less than 6 months (that includes me), is in my mind, vote rigging. You have my undying support. I hope you retain your leadership. Good luck.
Doug Troup
Paul Smyth
Steve Barker Member of the Public Once worked for BDA so have an understanding of the needs of the deaf and hard of hearing
Beverly Berzins Disabled people need to live in a fair society, Jeremy Corbyn understands this need.
Stella Kordun Thank you Jeremy, you are the only rightful leader of the party
Nikki Pegram I support Jeremy Corbyn, the man who supports us
Andy Fiolet Jeremy Corbin will always try to help – I don’t think the others will.
Katy Marchant Jeremy and John have steadfastly supported and spoken out for disabled and ill people. The media has largely ignored the vile attacks on us by Tories, the suicides and deaths this has caused, the hardship, poverty, misery and rise in hate crime. I believe that only Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell have what it takes to lead Labour and win the next General Election
Richard shearman Fully support jeremy
Rona Topaz Berkshire DPAC/Conference Delegate-Wokingham CLP You are the best catalyst I’ve ever encountered. Thank you for being who you are. 🌹
Fred Green
George Harrison The attack on disabled people as been devastating and a political choice,Nothing to do with austerity.
Dave Arnold Freelance Disability Equality Trainer
Deborah King Please get support for Mental Health First Aid courses
June Jones Bradford halifax and Huddersfield Unite Community
Elen Counsell DPAC You are the only person I trust to defend our rights
Gordon Waring DPAC I fully support Jeremy Corbyn.
Nusrat siddique
John Robinson I fully support the aims and objectives of this group.
Geof Hughes Voter Stay strong. The people are behind you against the establishment.
Martin Tolley DPAC Suffolk
Thomas Sutcliffe
Richard W. Symonds Jeremy Corbyn is our best hope to right the political wrongs
paul hegarty swp Corbyn represents the best chance for a more equitable society where disabled people are inclusive
Nick White Disabled person I am disgusted at the plp’s lack of support for the Labour party’s democratically elected leader.
Stuart Winchester Claimant Just going through agony of transferring from DLA to PIP. I don’t know if I am still going to get any money. Tories out. JC4PM. Solidarity. Socialism
Karen Bradbury I wish I had the £25 to vote for you in the leadership contest. Will be voting Labour only if you are leader.
Jill Sullivan
Carol Tummon DPAC Equality is what we are demanding.
Arthur Shaw Bromley Trades Council We all need great leaders like Jeremy disabled or not!
Tria Hall Very few politicians have spoken up for disabled and/or poor people targeted by multiple cuts & so-called reforms in the last 6 years. You are one of the few, Mr. Corbyn; your party should be proud of that, rather than attacking you. Whether they realise how little they are in sympathy with the electorate in taking this line is questionable. If they do not, we need to change things from within, by educating them on what the 99% in this country really need. If they do, then we need to change the whole political system. Honesty must be valued again. I think electing you as leader would be an excellent beginning, either way. Good luck.
Jill Jervis Have been a member of the labour party since You, JC became leader & I will continue to support you, but I shall be very disappointed if you lose the leadership & would seriously have to think about my continued membership.
Nicola Field
Kevin Marsh Disabled people have suffered continously under ‘austerity’. We need your voice and support!
Michael Seignot You are our only hope O B Corbyn. Keep up the good work.
Karen Smith It’s not just about politics, it’s about common decency. With you all the way!
Carol Sykes
Mrs J Ingram-Seal I’m in full support of Jeremy Corbin.
David Kirby
Darren Blakeman Disabled person Don’t give up and stand up for the people you believe in, we need you
Nicola Woodham
Timothy Bourne Dear Jeremy thank you for all your campaigning on behalf of deaf & disabled people. As we seem to be demonised by the Conservatives!
Maria Ihnatowicz MHRN
Hilary Smith Thank You! Jeremy for giving me hope for a better future.
Bilal Ahmad
Adrian Wait Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice everywhere…
Sally Wallis
Raymond Spiteri We have had enough of austerity measures that target the most disadvantaged people in our society in general and disabled people in particular. We need socialism to right these wrongs, and so we need an honest, genuine, principled person, who is worthy of our respect, genuinely socialist, Antie-Thatcher, to become our prime minister, to reverse all of the Thatcher / Blair outrages, crate a government that Nye Bevan would be proud of And to help us all to learn to love (care about, support, respect, value) one another. So I support you as Labour Leader and our future prime minister.
Ashish Prabhu Prabhu Ventures Limited (
Kirstie Wood Thank you for giving people hope.
Janice Mitchell I support this!!!
C bailey Disabled people need your help
Steven Devote None Vital Jeremy Corbyn is voted back as leader and starts reversing austerity.
Jessica Leschnikoff
Jane Johnson On behalf of my disabled son and friends, thank you
Karyn Steers
Ann Whitehurst DPAC I support both Mr Corbyn and Mr McDonnell who recognise our campaign is about our, disabled people’s, civil rights as ‘equals’ and isn’t about pity, through their leadership all people will get equality.
ros frances
James Smith Disabled people against Cuts The N.E.C. Latest ruling against New Members & those on low incomes having to pay £25 on top of Membership fees, shows how little some in the Labour PLP & N.E.C. Think about the views of disabled labour members. This is Financial Discrimination.
Mary Russell Richmond Park Labour Party
John Scott After the Tories attack on the disabled, poor, jobless etc we need these caring people in power so they can reverse the uncaring Tory policies
Kevin French Discrimination is rife, especially in government funded companies!
Tina Sales DIAL
Jane Mallin DPAC I voted for you first time and I will vote for you again. Thank you for all you have done for us.
Rob Marsh D.A.N. Cymru
John Scott CWU Continue to give us a voice
Richard Rieser UK Disability History Month Our problems as disabled people are largely caused by austerity and we should only support politicians who take a principled position against austerity measures.
Yve and Andy Smith
Robert Naether I’m severely disabled with chronic spinal injury and I back this as well
Ian Raggatt Mr Corbyn is a decent and compassionate man, someone who given the chance could lead this country into a bright new era – A bright new era for ALL not just the privileged few.
David burton Go get them bigits corbyn
Mandy Hudson TUC Disabled Workers Committee
Joe Feely What’s the use of the Labour party without the likes of Corbyn? Answer, no use at all.
Hilary Kisch I am a parent of a Disabled Son who has been affected by all the financial cuts by the Conservatives
Peter Rogers Hear Us Thank you and solidarity
Steve Binnion
Peter sanders You are the best. A proper conviction politician. So few left. Go Jeremy.
Lorraine Ann Williams You are our last hope – and we are all behind you. Your dignity during these ridiculous smear campaigns speaks volumes. I’ve never admired and backed a politician before. I do you.
Philip Bayse Hope your re-elected as you are the only decent Politician we have
Terree Selby DPAC He has shown tremendous support to disabled people over the years and I hope that he is re-elected as leader which will give even more weight to his support and keeps our issues very firmly on the agenda. Thank you Jeremy and John.
Anthony E C Linford BA(Hons) My Wife and myself both suffer from mental illness. I am her carer. If this Government continues unchecked I fear for our physical and mental Welfare. I have had heart bypass surgery as well and actually believe the removal of our NHS will shorten my life and the lives of so very many. Only you speak for us!
Anthony Turtle
Sophie Partridge former ILF recipient, Islington residnt (& member of DAII & DPAC!) Stay strong of heart! We will support you as you have continuously & tirelessly, supported us. 🙂
Gillian Wilson Supporting as a deaf person who values all that you have done and that you continue to do to make our world more equal and inclusive. We need you.
steven mcguire keep up the good work jeremy
Victor Martin Hunt As you do your best to promote humanity, so we shall help & assist you both in your work In solidarity !
Carla Woods As a hearing impaired and hearing aid user I would like to thank you for your suppport to the deaf community. I personally feel that this is an inside coup towards you and feel you are the best person to lead the Labour Party as you speak from the heart and voice of the majority of the people in this country. May I wish you very good luck.
Sharon Hingley Thank you for giving me hope that someone cares.
Jim Leven
Beth Innes
David Anthony Knight
Sian Thomas
Rick Burgess Manchester Disabled People Against Cuts
Nigel Brittain
Johun Duff Ddisabeled people againstv cuts We need your support and you have mine.
Jenny March
Julie Waterman your approach gives me hope that people on the margins of society can be represented
Gary Miller None Keep fighting!
Amy Barker
Sheila Steer Please support DPAC
Bill Reay SELF We need to know you’re still listening Jeremy,where people’s essential needs are concerned,listening and hearing….Thanks 🙂
Sheila Steer I fully support JC for leader, he stands head & shoulders above over others for real social Justice & fairness
Gina Geary Jeremy, you are needed, and you are the only person who will step up and fight for us. Please don’t let us stand, please fight. In solidarity, peace
Donna Greenwood N/A Support Jeremy Corbyn
Marilyn I am disabled by an invisible illness we are often the forgotten ones as a lot of us look well though always in pain.
anthony byrne wifes carer in jeremy we trust
Carol Gordon Welfare Advisor for people with Sensory Loss Keep fighting Jeremy….you have the people behind you, and there will always be more Ministers to choose a cabinet from!!!
Mike Llywelyn Cox UNISON Don’t let those unethical and corrupt Labour MPs drag you down Jeremy.
Viv Lloyd
Daniel Lloyd
Dave Lloyd
Joshua Lloyd
Rebecca Forster I totally support Jeremy to hopefully prevent this hostile takeover. He is the first politician I have believed in and felt support by since I started voting 18 years ago.
Mydrin thomas Labour Party member Jeremy is what labour should stand for his colleagues in parliament have a cheek to call them selves labour as they are totally out of touch with working class
Glyn Foulkes
Brian C.Potter DPAC
Michele Spandow
david pearce TUSC The country is long overdue governance for it’s citizens. None of the other candidates have expressed a desire to provide this.
Kevin Howard I continue to offer my support and thanks to JC to be leader because of his steadfast support over many years to the Sick/Disabled, and the victory against Camerons/Osborns disgraceful proposed PIP cuts. I support JC and the team all the way indeed I joined the Labour party as a full member to support JC and his colleagues return the party back to one which support the sick/disabled and not one which mirrors disgusting policies and practises of Blair/Camerons era
Paula Dibb
Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt
Gabriel Parlour I want rights for the disabled to be championed. Jeremy Corbyn does that.
Carole Jones
Chris Page DPAC
Ray Ludford UNITE Community
Max Bacharach National Autistic Society/University of Nottingham/Momentum Absolute solidarity. Keep up the fight!
Carol Breen University of Lincoln/Momentum
Diane Robinson [free speech for the disabled] I want an end of the atrocities inflicted upon disabled people by the DWP/govt
Vanessa Bramley
Sharon Tomkins DPAC Together we can rebuild our great country in peace and prosperity for all.
Anne Vivian-Smith We need people in Parliament who have some empathy for disabled people; we’ve been persecuted for so long by this Conservative Government.
Rosa Thomas This man would protect disabled people and work to improve our independence and rights.
Sean McGovern Unite the Union
Elin Morgan Thank you for standing for change Jeremy. You are brave and wonderful and and beacon of hope
Frances McGowan As a mum of a child with Autism i think we need Jeremy Corbyn. As a socialist i think he’s great too
Sam Ambreen Unemployed/Intersectional Activist Jeremy brought me back from the brink of despair. Finally we have an actual opposition.
michael ward
Louise Hill
Ginger Drage
Dean Hughes Thank you for your continued support & representation of us, Jeremy. It means a lot.
Trevor Desrosiers Keep up the good work!
Neil Thompson Solidarity!
Rebecca Thomas
Garry Strudwick
James Wilmot
Sarah Sturdey
Peter ROWE Stockport’ None of the main parliamentary parties are much interested in disability. We need a leader who will implement all sections of the Disability Discrimination Act
Clara Paillard PCS Union, President of Culture Sector
Sue Walters
Ray Ludford John McDonnell has said it Labour is an Aniti Austeerity, Anti Neo Liberalism Party. So it must remain. Labour Right Wingers can dream on. Scotland will never vote for neo-liberalism/Austerity and Labour needs Scottish votes/seats to win
Laurel Wingfield Jeremy Corbyn, the way your own MPs are treating you shows how they are out of touch with the electorate. You were elected by the people. You are a man of the people. The MPs who oppose you seem to have forgotten that – and forgotten us.
Clare Bonetree
Andy pye
Kevin Caulfield Hammersmith Fulham coalition against cuts
Carmel McGrath We need our N.H.S. The Conservative Government want to get rid of The N.H.S.
Christopher Jones DPAC
Miriam Binder (Disabled People Against Cuts
Cornelia B Roesskamp You have supported inclusive education when in and out of ‘fashion’ because you understand that it is human rights issue fundamentally.
Hilary Kemp We thank you for your continued support against the cuts that the Tories are imposing on the most vulnerable people in our society.
Barbara Elaine Kirk My mum needed treatment for her foot – the NHS deserve funding more than cuts.
Ross Bradford Corbyn is the only who understands the economy and how it relates to low income people.
Lynne burnley
Judith Parsons
Carolyn Walters
Oliver Swingler
Ann Morgan Jones
Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt MSc
Doug Paulley We need people with integrity like Mr Corbin and Mr McDonnell.
Philippa Brook Thank you for keeping the faith all those years, and for giving us hope and inspiration that things can change. It means so much.
Francis Clarke Jeremy Corbyn for PM
Debbie Waller
Jann oliver
Deborah Bennett
Andy Boylan PCS DSG
Tony O’Reilly Disabled People Against the Cuts Supporting Those who support us!!!!
paul donaldson we need a real socialist government right now
Paul Russell
Gillian Burnell After the dreadful treatment the disabled have received from this government I am looking to Jeremy Corbyn to defend our rights and I support him as Leader of the Labour Party.
sandra bowes-rennox
Jennyfer M
Asim Khairdean DPAC
Christina Goodwin
Chantelle Landon
Drew McFadyen
Mark Cole A genuine leader who will protect the most vulnerable
Graham Kirwan Dudley Centre for lnclusive Living JC4PM!!!
Alexis Chase I have rheumatiod arthritis and have had operations on both shoulders. I am signing this as an individual horrified at how disabled people have suffered since the imposition of austerity. I hope Corbyn’s commitment will be translated into a national welfare policy that supports and doesn’t hinder the disabled.
lorraine lewis
Carol Paterson
Jacquelyn Clarke
Andrea Heverin
paul myers
Anthony Ronayne None Thank you Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnall for all you have done for the sick and disabled
Paula Jacobs
Michael Nagle NORTHANTS DPAC Have a nice day Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnall and I hope your good work continues and I support you both.
Mike Steel
roy charman you bring hope to us all jeremy
Matthew Farrand (Disabled People Against Cuts)
Mrs Lesley Illingworth Mr Corbyn will be prime minister
trevor stroud Jeremy has always fought for the disabled and less fortunate in our society
Linda Jones
Clare Willison Disability and injury, now unable to work Disability from birth, aggravated after 20 years’ work and an injury. Lost everything except hope in power of Labour to challenge austerity and increasing persecution of the weak. But it seems only you want to lead that kind of opposition, which is why I support you. Good luck and please keep going. We know you didn’t seek this but that doesn’t mean you can’t achieve great things for us and, with us, the whole country. ❤️
Sarah hunter
Deborah J Hills
Wil Savage Disabled
Jenny Hurst Ex-ILF recipient and DPAC member Jeremy (and John)’s real support for disabled people has meant a lot to me in a time when all other political “help” has been nothing but damaging for disabled people.
Sally Llewellyn Labour Party member (Aberavon)
Brenda boland
Mark Harrison DPAC Norfolk
Jennifer Dunstan DPAC Sheffield
Sharon Gillings
Annemarie Jones You have my whole hearted support. Disability rights are very close to my heart
(Dr) Richard House Chartered Psychologist; Independent campaigner and consultant, Stroud Jeremy and John are true champions of those who are disabled. They have always been very supportive of the grass-roots activism of DPAC, and it’s only right that we should support them now, in their time of challenge and need.
Elane heffernan UCU disabled members standing committee (personal capacity) It is difficult to express how angry I feel that Labour Party MPs have set about Jeremy Corbyn and seem intent on smashing up someone who actually gives a damn about disabled people. Those MPs can afford to put themselves first, we can’t afford them destroying the elected and popular Labour leader
Jan Cafferkey
David Horner
Lynne burnley
Jay Astarte Please never lose your authenticity and integrity, Jeremy Corbyn.
Zarria Phillips Bristol Area Unite Community You’ve supported us & we support you back for. Solidarity (& many thanks) to you & your team.
Andrew taylor
Emily Slough Free to Feed Hang in there JC
Debbie Kendall I believe in a better world, in a fairer Labour Party, under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn
Ian Keenan You have been actively campaigning against cuts to disability benefits, and the Labour Party should be proud to have you as their leader. I give you my full support, and hope you remain as the leader of the Labour Party. If not, I shall never vote for the Labour Party again.
Carl harding
Jae Newlove With you both all the way,. ‘Stay strong’
Nicola Newlove Thank you JC & JMc for providing hope…keep strong…we’re with you all the way to No10 and beyond!
Judith Stephenson Without Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell there will be no ‘Labour’ party. Disabled people have to fight for their rights and yet again we continue.No more status quo politics where we achieve a few crumbs and legislation is passed that people fail to uphold.. Jeremy Corbyn as PM
Jean Watson Jeremy Corbyn is a true leader who has given us hope and must remain our leader and is our only hope. I admire him more each day with the way he has stood by us and now we must stand by him.
James Deane
GEOFF REYNOLDS After trying to survive on just £33.60p per week for the last four years since ATOS/DWP, stole my lifetime disability award, my hope rests with the Labour party to bring those concerned to justice.

The Blairite faction of the party represent nobody, a secret cabal created to follow their own agenda, completely ignorant of the needs of those they purport to represent.

Ian jacobs Please stop this horrible government killing off the disabled.
Carmen Bell Thank you Mr Corbyn for giving us our voices back. Together we stand as an unbreakable bond, a human chain of love; of acceptance and of SOLIDARITY.
Grainne McGinn Jeremy has always been fighting for disabled people like us. We need him to keep going.
HEATHER Nicholls
Helen Lynch
Susan Pashkoff
Tony Greene DPAC I can’t be there for the rally, but i support all Jeremy is doing for Labour.
Jeannie Le Mesuier Finally a leader who truly believes in dignity for all human beings
rene mcdonald DPAC
Julia Modern DPAC
Vanessa Trentham We need an end to Austerity before any more people die because of it & its cuts to services and benefits
Julia Modern DPAC Member
Kate Wyatt Norfolk Equal Lives (formally NCODP Norfolk Coalition of Disabled People)
Susan Wray
Miriam Cooper
Karen Bain
Keith Venables Educational Psycholgists for Inclusion I am hearing impaired and want a new kinder politics.
Linda foord JC4PM. XX
robert burdon I have had serious disabilities for 15 years its hard to get treatment. Its impossible to get benefit
Glenn Isaacs What is happening is undemocratic – the important strides were becoming evident in by-election results, in the number of Tory U-turn and, most importantly, in recent weeks when the party membership has grown in undeniable numbers.
Kristina Veasey You have provided the only alternative to Tory rule and austerity cuts, both of which have taken lives and wound back the progress made on rights for disabled people. Your integrity and solidarity are appreciated. Thank you.
Theresa Rooney
Mark Phillips Mr Corbin is the Last one standing with any integrity
Emily Wilkins We are tired of being scapegoats for problems we did not create. I am not a ‘burden’; I am a human being who meets the challenges of living with a disability every day
Paul harvey Support the deaf and disabled
Marie Chandler TeamCorbynforPM
Karin Lesnik-Oberstein Disability researcher We need the new kind of politics Mr Corbyn is explaining to people!
ANNE RAE gmcdp Your integrity, and humanity, are rare, rare, qualithies in politics…fight on
Cal Pearson Mad Pride – NXNE
Eleanor Firman East London Unite Community It’s vital for all of us disabled people to keep Corbyn as Leader of the Labour Party because he knows how much we are struggling under welfare reforms and the privatisation that is breaking up NHS services and will fight for real change.
Yvonne Harrison ACTIVIST Good luck Jerry.
Irene Andow I believe in democracy you were voted as our choice of leader and the party should support you in the fight against this tory government. I believe these MP’S that have caused this are trying to split the party
Heather Downs Unite community inevitable attacks by the right will not succeed against the movement you started
Richard smith Any one could be disabled in a instant through stroke or cancer etc etc . Just think on the elite?
Jan Pollock London Disabled People for Momentum
Della Roberts Southwark Benefit Justice
Hagir Ahmed
Adewale Shodemde
Michael Ikumelo Newham Deaf Forum
Ridwan Ojetola
Tim Blackwell
Mark Dunk Unite
Janine Booth TUC Disabled Workers Committee As well as the comments in the letter, I’d like to add that Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell’s support for autistic and other neurodivergent people fighting for our rights has been nothing short of outstanding. Only a Labour government under their leadership will deliver the radical policy changes that we need after years of Tory austerity and bigotry.
David Hatch
David Hooke
Dominique Payne DPAC
Ian Hodgetts
Dan Daw
Andy Fugard UCL lecturer, UCL UCU executive committee member
Anne Hall
Peter Rogers Hear Us / DPAC
Marian Brain Jeremy has always supported us, and as opposed neo liberalism. He has change the labour party for the better.
Colin Glazebrook Labour Party has been taken over by career politicians who see being an MP as a stepping stone to greater things and more income. Working people want their representation back
Penny Ledger Co-Chair Disability Network Hounslow
Maria Nelson A human who needs no title
Emma Round Your support has been greatly appreciated, it’s nice not to stand alone against MPs who put popularity ahead of disabled peoples lives.
Yvonne Harvell Momentum and DPAC Keep fighting Jeremy we are behind you all the way.
Linda Affleck
Anna Annana DWPex Ensure the disabled get fairer treatment.
Andrew Baldwin None Why deny people the right to a basic life? When you lot sit on your overfed arse, lining your pockets. You are (tories) a bunch of wolves preying on the weak and vulnerable. You should be ashamed at the thought of one person committing suicide! How about hundreds? No you don’t care it’s now thousands! Worst of all the general public don’t give a damm. Brainwashed by talk of extra help for us, who are you kidding there’s no f#?king help. How many times in the last 3 years have I had to relive my traumatic life of abuse and neglect to some unskilled atos arseholes. I can’t take no more!!!!!!! The unwanted?
Sarah Hatch
Nicola Woodham DPAC Thanks for your support, please know you have ours.
Asa Benstead
Sue Horne
Martin Pagel
Alison Theobald PCSU member Keep up the great work!
Mojgan Safa
Tina Bate With Jeremy Corbyn at the helm I feel more hope for my future which has been looking bleak as a disabled person in ‘Austerity Britain’.
Lindsey vickers
Tanya Smith Watching you not give in to nasty bully boy behaviour has been a real comfort to many of us. I am a Unite member and will be voting for you.
Barnabas-Francis MacPhail
Catherine Scarlett Solidarity with the people who have ALWAYS shown solidarity with disabled people.
Mandy Colleran Independent Disability Cultural Activist.
Andrew Malivuk` DPAC and Labour Party Member
Liz Silver Nottinghamshire Disabled People’s Movement I’m supporting Jeremy due to all the info listed in the letter and because he is not ashamed to stand up as a socialist and support equality and fairness for Deaf and disabled people and other groups/people who experience discrimination and prejudice on an ongoing basis.
Nicola Saunders
Michael Condon Ewart House Residents
Roddy Slorach UCU Vice-chair, disabled members standing committee Stand firm Jeremy! The PLP are hugely out of touch. What price democracy?
Stella Thomas Disabled People Against Cuts
patrick mccreesh
RACHEL BOLWELL My adult son has autism and mental health problems. He has no help or support from anyone. His difficult and aggressive behaviour has devastated and destroyed our family. We are all backing Jeremy all the way.
Lynne Baird
F Hanlon F Hanlon
Matthew Farrand
Jane Erin
james wheating Go Jeremy (27 years medical neglect here)
Emma watts Dpac
Anne Pridmore Being the Boss
natasha newman
Chelsey Binder
Colin Thomson Mr Corbyn was elected as leader of the Labour Party by its members and MP should back him up all the way, and if they donot want to do that they should resign from Parliament.
Anthony Nelson SHQ
Anne Binder
Bryoni Burnett
Chris O’Donovan Harborough CLP
Deborah Williams
Jonathan Skrine Unpaid Carer and Stropy Crip Jeremy is one of the very few allies we have left. The faker from Ponty has very ‘confused’ ideals – speaks Left and acts Right.
Sarah Bush
Michael G. Morrison That which they do to the disabled today is in the post for you and your loved ones tomorrow.
It’s not pity.
It’s self-preservation.
Steve Leggett TSSA Jeremy has been elected, and should remain, leader of the Labour party
Stephen Williams
Michael Denton Service user. Do I count?
Jacqueline Hennessy
Chris Swaffield
Mark Findlay UNITE In solidarity
Hazel Simmons Thank you for all your support Jeremy, it won’t be forgotten by 1000s of disabled people right across the UK. This is our way of saying thank you and I hope you remain leader of the Labour Party for a very very long time!
Marion Jones truly inspirational and compassionate politics that is the foundation of democracy
John Maher Unite NW/567 How can we not support those who have supported us for so long?
Jim Thakoordin Member Luton South CLP I am 100% behind Corbyn for Leader. He has the right beliefs and values..
Thomas Cochrane Rasc Rct veterans association This Tory government has failed the sick and disabled. And failed our ex service veterans.
Matt Stabb Dpac member I fully support Jeremy Corbyn!
Merry Cross Berks Disabled People Against Cuts With you all the way!
Charlotte GERADA
Carole McBay
Chrys Hawk Skrine Jeremy Corbyn is the only person that speaks with the heart of real people, disabled and able-bodied alike.
Tom Friel
Mrs C Mellor
Kevin Robinson Chairperson of Knowsley Trade Union Council
John Quinn
Dylan heywood You are the voice of the 99%
John Ingleson Best of luck
Kay Nosae Unite Community + DPAC
Thom Jackson Disabled writer and filmmaker
Alison Wilde
Maggie R May
Walker We are right behind you Jeremy. Fight the good fight!
Julie Poland Labour party member of 19 years. I have every confidence in you Jeremy. You have put mental health issues at the top of your agendas and I really appreciate a leader who listens to people and supports our causes. Now it’s our turn to show you Solidarity. I am voting for you and will be very proud to say you are our leader. Then maybe you will be allowed to get on with what really matters to you and us and that is fighting the tory’s, stopping them making further cuts to our services.
Good Luck Jeremy
Terry Conway I have also been impressed by your attempt to highlight the question of mental health – an issue too often ignored
Katherine Safi Unison and Labour Party Member
Andrea McCulloch Long-term Party member and Disabled person. We need you, Jeremy, because nobody else is watching our backs. You have my unconditional support.
Katy Ford
Tina Hogg DPAC
Janet brown We only want jeremy corbyn
Adam Round Carer
Sue Stephenson
Martin Cornish Support
Ray Beeton PCS
Jane Wheildon
Carole Fitzpatrick We desperately need someone on our side.
Ms L. Hall
Jeff Davies Unite The disabled are people too
Janet Cashamn
Petra Court Mr Corbyn, You have given us hope where there was none xx
Ann Cane
steve murphy unite the union DPAC are a very pro-active group who have done a brilliant job in highlighting the needs of deaf & disabled people in the UK. Lets show them how much we admire and support them.
Isabel McNab
Wendy Maddocks
Bob Williams-Findlay I fully support the campaign for the reaffirmation of Jeremy Corbyn as Leader of the Labour Party.

The vast majority of the PLP have demonstrated utter contempt for democratic process, sided with the government’s attack upon the NHS and the Welfare State, whilst showing no regard for the well-being of those hammered by the austerity measures.

I am not a member of the Labour Party, therefore can’t vote however by signing this letter I’m showing solidarity to a true leader.

Lee Towers None I hope you win election again and start to take fight to the Tories. And help to safeguard our NHS and protect the Disabled and vulnerable and make our society more Equal.
Andrew Simpson
Helen Evans Parent /Carer – With you all the way:-)
Tamiya Johnston You have given me hope I didn’t think I had left for my future. Thank you for all of your support and for fighting for us all these years. Now it’s our turn to support you.
Lindsey vickers
Liane Gomersall Person with Multiple Sclerosis
bill cocks Jeremy has consistently supported variabled people like myself on the face of government abuse and Administrative Murder.
Philip Thomas
Stella Atkins
Ian Parker Asylum Collective
Julie Rutherford
Christina Evans
Amanda Deacon Disabled person Thank you for supporting disabled people in the political arena. I wish you the best of luck becoming our next PM
Bushra Minhas
mark simon
Jo-anne Cox DPAC
Lesley Edwards
Glynis Terry
Jane Kelly UNITE Good luck Jeremy!
Nikki Barwis My mum and I are both too ill to work due to illness and disability (physical and mental). We rely solely on our benefits, which we live in constant fear of loosing and our constantly harassed by the DWP, we are dreading the upcoming change from DLA to PIP and universal credit. We have little to no support (due to government cuts) and are really struggling to cope. If things keep going the way they are we fear we will end up on the streets, and with our health, that would be a death sentence. We see you as our only hope of survival and our only light at the end of very dark, terrifying tunnel.
ian coward
Cathy WEETMAN I trust Jeremy – he is an honourable man and feel that he will fight our cause rather than try and portray us as malingering scroungers which IDS and certain newspapers have! Our only crime is to have become sick and ill – certainly not by choice – I would give anything back to be healthy again!
D. Varty Jeremy supports real people, and has done for many years. He is someone I would support because of his caring nature and his humane values.
andrew mills Don’t give up. You can beat them.
Jacqueline Gallacher I support your leadership 100% I know you can win this battle !
Anna Lewis
Val Whitter Strongly support
Helen Boughen
Sheila Rowlands Another disabled supporter of your cause – sending very best wishes, and here’s one who will always support you.
James Murphy
Paula Turnbull My vote is for Jeremy. I have never seen such a courageous honest politician who stands up for the people like him in my life! He represents what the Labour Party stands for and the MP’s who have turned on him should be ashamed and decide if they are in the wrong party because they are acting like Tories. The only hope of ever having a labour government is only going to happen if JEREMY CORBYN stays leader of the Labour Party. The people want him and the people are sick to death of the politicians that are only in politics to benefit themselves. Jeremy does not do that. Time to listen to the people!!
Stephen Thomas Jeremy is the only person to lead Labour into Government.
Helen Sinclair
Ashley Reed National Union of Students LGBT+ Committee
Theresa Carr I quite agree; Jeremy is very supportive of all good causes and really cares-he wants a fairer, kinder society-he’s the best and I fully support your cause!
Sheila Rowlands Another disabled supporter of your cause – sending very best wishes, and here’s one who will always support you.
Armineh Soorenian
Corrie Lowry Also please focus on Reinstatement of NHS Bill- the disabled need a state run NHS and so do all UK citizens unless they have a trust fund or work/lobby for a private health company. You are the only politicians I trust.
Noirin OFlaherty
Paul Cunningham
Stephanie Gregory
Paul Heyman So appreciate your standing up for the sick & disabled of this country
Jan Heyman You stood against the Osborne cuts to benefits for the working poor and the disabled and made him reverse them – we were scared and alone and you stood up for us.
Joy Fisher Our only political hope for decades, keep listening, Jeremy ..and THANK YOU!
Yvette Broadhurst
Katy Bailey
Peter Quinn Captain, Cosplay inds I fully support this
Stephen Bradley We have been attacked long enough it’s time for someone to protect us Jeremy is our man
Pat Melia None Thank you for all you are doing.Keep on Keeping on.
Tracy Smith
jackie yaxley
Chris.odonovan Harborough CLP
Mark Lingwood
Chris Taylor None As a person with a disability I support Jeremy Corbyn
Jan Clark I support Jeremy Corbyn wholeheartedly. He offers real hope to us all.
Jackie Birtles
Dan Cicchetti
William Steele I am horrified by the lack of compassion for disabled people which is demonstrated by this Tory government.
Melanie hudspeth
Vicki Lackenby We will not let you down
Bill Curran
Henry McKay
Claire Sparey We need you in charge, no one else understands the struggle.
Tricia Bliss
Liam Devitt
Rebecca Cooke Unison Making the disabled the victims of austerity is immoral
Alistair Didinal It’s the tory government, and the wider national and international regime of which it is merely a manifestation, that has disabled me.
paul prudence next PM youd be the best one ever
Lynda Harvey Thank you for your never ending campaigning against injustice in our country.
Julian Wadey Albany Farm Care (Hampshire) Limited We must protect our vulnerable.
Sheila Scoular Jeremy is our only hope.
Sophie Shaw Bromley TUC
Paul McNulty You are the man that can get things done, and get our party back to the way it was.
Liz Piercy
K Shafi Keep up the good work! Fully support you.
Karl Mitchell Well done JC, always looking out for those less fortunate.
Angie Gibson
S. Morton We need the welfare assessment process re-humanised. The current process is causing actual mental and physical harm to many sick and disabled people which the current government has stated it bears no responsibility for. I will never forget watching Chris Graying sit and smirk during a meeting where MPs talked about constituents who had been harmed or died. It was the day he had just been moved to Justice. It is very frightening to be too unwell to work and needing to rely on benefits. I literally have nightmares about being homeless and ill where I am trying to find somewhere safe to lie down. The process makes me more unwell.
Andrew Bailey Labour Party Member
Derek Turpin None I Support Honesty and Integrity
Alexandra Haines
Trudi Calvin
Gary Talbot Unite Champion of the working class, stands for what is right. Sorry you’ve had to put up with all the abuse Jeremy
Amanda Armes
Dr. Jenny Alexander Bournemouth University Because disabled people are not “benefit scroungers”. They are people.
Rona Topaz
Sarah Williamson Nobody seems to value us, you’re the notable exceptions. Thank you.
louise Reecejones Deaf Councillor we need someone who understands the struggles and is willing to stand up and be counted
Sarah-Jane. Brownlie Ambis Care Services As a disabled person, who supports through advocacy, others with disability I support you, as you are the only politician who has any hope for our future. As a business woman, you are giving us hope with anti austerity policies which will give businesses like mine a chance to grow. As a union member I voted for you, as a Labour member I will do so again for a better future for all.
K de Wolf
Georgia de Wolf
marion nisbet DPAC Glasgow
maureen drennan The earth’s crust is equivalent to the skin of A soap bubble and we will all go pop over nothing but the greed of a very few people who are blinded by greed and self-importance and they are everywhere and will go pop over nothing but the greed.
Mr Anik Islam
Joanne Stevenson Communist Party of Britain
Dr Steve Corbett Labour Party member
Jacqueline Herd You are a principled man who has always fought for what you have believed in. Thank you for believing in deaf and disabled people. You have my support for labour leader and future Prime Minister.
Shona McWilliams
Andrew Tiernan
Loretta Sloyan Carer for disabled This Tory Genocide aimed at the disabled has got to stop and i hope Jeremy can be the Man to make the much needed change as Owen Smith clearly isnt .
Paul Gilronan This Tory government is doing everything in it’s power to basically punish disabled people and make their lives as difficult as possible. I believe in your ability to oppose, highlight, condemn and hopefully change things for the better.
Karen Whelan Derbyshire DPAC Rights Not Charity!
Steve Reilly Momentum Thank You DPAC for showing support for #JC4PM
R Mason
James Hoddy Carer I care for my wife full time, she still works but mostly because the cuts mean she couldn’t contribute to us living any comfortable life, the changes mean I don’t get anything for caring for my wife and Pip could mean we would go deeper in debt. Jeremy’s campaign in Labour for D&D people stands heads and shoulders above the career politicians who abstained or voted for the cuts. He is true Labour Party, not these pretenders who quit and trying to oust him.
Thank you Jezza.
Mark Aldiss projectbrainsaver
Matthew Urquhart
Keith Venables Educational Psychologists for Inclusion I am hearing impaired
Lee Wilson
Rachel Btoady NUJ Manchester and Salford Equality Officer – personal capacity
Helen Griffiths
Dawn Holden Well done for supporting Jeremy. I rely on the NHS for my hearing aids. He is the only person I trust to lead the Labour party and look after our NHS
David Connor I came back into the Labour Party only because of you JC. I’m with you all the way to Downing Street.
Mark Jones This human compassion had been with us for at half a million years, only to be discarded by Conservative (of nothing) & Unionist (dis-Unionist, more like) governments. I call for that deep humanity to be returned, forthwith!
Jon Blake Author I’m the dad of a brilliant 9-year-old with cerebral palsy who was thrilled to hear JC speak in Cardiff a few months back.
Luke Richards D-trekkers
Debs Aspland Bringing Us Together As a parent to 3 children and young people with a variety of SEN and Disabilities, I believe Jeremy is the best hope for their future.
Yan Ellis We The People UK A voice in the darkness. For all of us who nearly surrendered, you gave hope.
Karen Jarvis Unpaid carer Trust Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour will fight the cruel injustice of ATOS
Jennifer Lennox
Patrick Druggan
Denise Chaplin As a deaf person and carer for a disabled 90 year old I celebrate a leader who includes the needs of the most vulnerable
Olga Preston Faversham Tutors All my support to DPAC In my opinion you have chosen the right person to support you.
pat boucher
PeterClare Your compassionate approach to politics is a refreshing change after so many years of the opposite, good luck!
TImotheus Gordon, Jr ASAN-Chicagoland I may be in USA, but I support political allies in ANY country who supports and respect the disability community
Rev. Paul Farnhill DPAC BlackTriangle Occupy Anonymous Long live the evolution.
Linda Watson Signing as a disabled person who believes Jeremy Corbin seems to be the only Party Leader that cares about people like me
Rosa Morris
Laura Moore You are our only hope. I am 100% with you.
Nicky Evans NUBSLI
Claire Hetherington From this disabled person who suffered under WCA & cuts, you have my full support.
Rachel O’Brien NUS Disabled Students Campaign, UoB DAMSA
Janet McGregor
Mary Sadler Disabled
Lyndsey Derbyshire Parent carer
Tanya Byk
Mrs Sarah Johns Thank you Jeremy, John and all the MP’s that have stuck by you for giving us a voice and working towards a better and fairer society. You have given us all hope at last. You are good people who care about each and everyone of us. 🙂
Wendy Wilson
Sue Fewster As a member of the original Armchair Army Thanks for fighting for us.
Mr Samad uddin Disabled people cuts and Independent Living fund Mental health illness learning difficulties and understanding problem diabetes and deafness Steven Johnson Syndrome asthmatic hypertension morbidity eye sights. I wanted to get my family members to come and support me from Bangladesh.
Lyn Venables None I’m very grateful to Jeremy Corbyn for recognising the plight of so many and for standing up, speaking out, and giving us true opposition to Tory atrocities. Good man! 100% support for you, democracy, inclusion, fairness and compassion. Best Wishes.
Susan Murray 8 years with MS and still battling difference and second class status. It’s tough, really tough. Good luck
Paul Watson None I am a disabled person [from birth] & wish to add my support to both DPAC & Mr Jeremy Corbyn MP
mark fitzgibbon thank you for always supporting us – and for being there when very few others in Westminster were. Now it’s our turn to support you! 🙂
Gina Mayers I have every faith in Jeremy as leader.
Gabriel Pepper Jeremy is rather awesome
Adrian Simpson Unison (unemployed) Full time carer for 5 years, partner’s had MS for 8. Fuck me, what a journey! Support us JC, we believe (we have to).
Jane Wisbey
elizabeth ross these cuts damage so many people during everyday life
declan mccann declan mccann A kinder better society for all
Jacqueline Chaloner In solidarity for democracy.
Shelagh Wilcox Hughes As the parent of a disabled child, this is an immensely important matter for me. Watching the Labour front bench abstain on legislation to cut beneifits to disabled people was a low point in a pretty bad year. We can do better.
John Maclean Solidarity with the democratically elected Leader. Our hope lies with you.
Dominique Payne Bless you and thank you for being our voice and giving us hope.
Ian Malcolm-Walker I supported us now we will support you
Elizabeth Hughes
Gary Murray Keep up the anti capitalist fight 🙂
Jane Dolby You’ve looked out for the vulnerable for so long. It’s our turn to be there for you!
Alan Frost N/A The best choice to elect in my 66 years.
Rob McDowall Equality Council @robmcd85 – I fully support Labour’s democratically elected leader and urge others to unite behind him and get back to doing what they should be doing; holding the Tories to account.
Lea Bentley member of unite unionunion and labour party Thankyou for your courage, compassion and fortitude.
Dave Greenhalf Yeovil College I have never, in my 61 years, joined the party but your words,strength and actions have given me a vision, hope for a better future for our children. I am in and behind you all the way.
Isabel Ros Lopez
Debra Duce Disabled people need to be treated properly and not have to worry abd live half a life.
Ian Fink
Angela Walsh So glad that JC has your support, long may he continue to support those that need it most
Debbie Wiles I look forward to seeing you in charge of the party to 2020 and beyond. #jc4pm
Theresa Yates Thank you for your support for us .100% support and back you .
Hayley Sanford
Emily Stock
Stephanie Davod
David Bridger
Susan England Jeremy and John – we support you all the way!
Jenny Morris
David Anderson Martial Arts Jewellery and Artefacts
Lee Berry (Disabled People Against Cuts)
Helen swift
C E Swatman Mrs )
Elizabeth Clover
Paul Bowden
christine potter Jeremy Corbyn Is the only polititian i could ever believe in after years and years of lies lies lies this country needs some hope and stability and i believe Jeremy is the one to get us back on our feet
Jacqueline Cowan
Walker Keep up the good fight Jeremy! We are all right behind you (or should that be left behind you).
Thomas Acland I suffer from mental health problems and have been appalled by the torture of ATOS and the cuts. Jeremy is the only man who stands up for us. I am also a member of the Labour party (I joined when Jeremy became it’s leader) the man is an inspiration. 100% behind Jeremy Corbyn.
Mary-jane Hartley
Neil Corney
Andy Matthews Disability Labour member Fed up with being picked on by parliamentarians as a convenient hobby horse for cuts and demonisation.
Jennifer King Disabled people against cuts Thank you Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell for being the voice for disabled people. We live in fear of having our PIP assessments because the odds are so stacked against us now. Being disabled is expensive. We need equipment and often have to pay people to do the things that we cannot do ourselves. You have campaigned against the Tories successfully reversing some of their cruelest policies. Thank you so much for caring and I wish you every success in your second Leadership campaign, Jeremy. I joined the Labour Party on the very day that you won first time around. Thank you for all that you’re putting up with in our cause.
Olivia Atkinson So happy I joined last Sept. to vote for you – Solidarity!
Jsnet brown
Brian Dash Am with you all the way!
Ken Clarke
Ruth forward mother of disabled daughter
Gilly These cuts are killing people
Sue Thorpe-Willett
Mr A J Flynn Parent/Carer Aren’t they scared of a man that apparently cannot be bought or silenced, WIN
Jeff Walker As a mental health service user, I look forward to a Corbyn led government that will improve access to talking therapies and combat the stigma associated with mental ill health.
Sophie Bryant DPAC Glad to see Jeremy Corbyn has been supporting those of us dealing with disability again!
Chris Davies
Geraldine Douglas
Colin Callan i know that you have devoted your whole political life to supporting people and causes that really do matter to people in this country and around the world.

So I know that when you talk about a new kind of politics that you mean a politics that puts people, people like us, first.

As you fight to retain leadership of the Labour Party, please know that myself and my friends are with you in spirit and will be actively supporting your campaign.

In Solidarity,

Colin Callan

Paul Sutcliffe Jeremy Corbyn the voice of reason.
Sarah Evans
karen jackson
Jean Holland I hope Jeremy Corbyn will win and go on to be Prime Minister. He cares about ordinary people
Jan Nolan
Andrew Fenwick-Green Labour Party Member and disabled Armed Forces Veteran
Linda Connon Disabled People Against Cuts (Glasgow)
Corinne Keany Thank you
Paula Bateman
Derek Taylor N/A You are well supported and well thought of, invest and build our futures Jeremy.
David Banks Disabled Labour/unite community member Thanks for standing up for, and standing with disabled people. You have my 100% support & solidarity! True labour leader and with luck, and our support, our next PM!
Stephen Wilkinson
Melanie Wilson Disabled, living on ESA & DLA Terrified of PIP assessment
Damon Ness
James Norris
Dianne Horsfield
Daniel Platts Wentworth & Dearne CLP and Unite We need Corbyn and socialism
Harry Fisher Momentum I have Autism and I think Corbyn is our best chance of ending the vicious cuts to PIP/ESA/DLA and public services. Thanks.
Sue Paraszczuk A politician whose actions match his words is a rare thing. Time it became the norm. You bring hope of that happening in the future.
Paula A. Power.
David Frost
Babs Short You are r only hope in a society that has become increasingly dismissive and judgemental by the disabled in mirroring the appalling example set by their government.
David FAIRBROTHER Given the way we have been treated by the present administration, Mr. CORBYN at least seems to be a compassionate man BEFORE he is an MP !
Simon Green I stand by people with disabilities and I stand by Jeremy Corbyn
Heather young Jeremy Corbyn is our way forward.
Renata Kolas
Anne Tresidder I am registered blind .
Clive Deacon
Frederick McLean-Brown The only party leader who cares about those destroyed by austerity policies.
Sophie Knight
Eileen Rowbotham Labour Party Member
Cinzia Taffagli
Angela Curry
Howard Purse Corbyn. Honest, credible, caring and an electable alternative to austerity.
Sue Millard
Jason Foxley DPAC The peoples choice not the elitists.
Joanne Beaty DPAC
Eleanor Beaty DPAC
Anna Beaty DPAC
Alison Thomas As a disabled person I need your continued support , even more so for those who are more disabled than I
Scott Nelson Socialist Voice Jeremy Corbyn is standing up for disabled people hurt by Tory austerity
Tanya Cook For the mentally ill.
Rosy wilsom
michael banwell you have my full support
Jason Simpkin In solidarity
Susan Vallance
Gillian chapman He is bringing socialism for those with a social conscience. Refreshing to see people are waking up
Ian Carruthers He could simply make our society so much fairer!
phil flood none I support Jeremy
Ian Thom Carer Mr Corbyn is the only mp apart from the green party who cares
Stewart Hyde
Mandy Bell As the mother of a disabled child, I believe that Jeremy Corbyn is the ONLY candidate of choice, the only person I would trust my daughter’s future to. I know that with him in charge, as Prime Minister, he will look our for the vulnerable, he will make sure that huge companies pay their taxes, so that my daughter has the provision and support she needs now and in the future.
Malcolm Wright A victim of the Tory cuts to ESA The Elitist bunch in the NEC should all tender their resignations as you have brought disrespect and derision upon the Labour Party with your blatant show of ignorance of the people that really matter. You are a Minority and democratic principles say you should give in to the majority. The Labour Party is founded upon Democratic Principles! Hang your heads in shame as you leave and we all hope the door hits you on the way out.
claudia ferreira I’m signing this as a carer, on behalf of my children who are both disable.
Robert Newman
Ewen Robertson Stick in there Jeremy, we need decent caring politics.
Eileen mallon A man of the people , Jeramy for Prime minister, God bless him
Donna Morrey Good luck to you all. Jeremy’s policies are a feeling, a knowing, that this is the right way for the 99%. We are all born equal in our humanity.
Kerry Thomas Jeremy has consistently supported disabled people, he deserves our support in return for his efforts.
Diane Hempsall 100% support for Jeremy for bringing Socialism back to the Labour Party. I have MS and know the importance of supporting people with disabilities. Thank you DPAC and Jeremy.
Geraint Williams
Sally Rebecca Eason M.E. /Fibromyalgia/Dysautonomia (PoTS and IST) supporting Corbyn
Alka Khajuria
Lucy V Smith
Joanne S
Hannah Curtis
Emma friedmann
Jenima Hoadley I am a carer of a child with a learning disability and type 1 diabetes. I’m supporting Corbyn for a better future for my children.
Liz Duffell
Tricia McLaughlin As a community that should care for everyone I fully support this campaign. Thank you Jeremy Corbyn for giving us hope.
Stephen Barnes
David Indge
Nicola Tudor I have a child who has dyspraxia I’ve had no support dealing with a child with this condition
Alison Lister I’m physically disabled, my son is severely autistic, and my whole family has inherited medical conditions. Jeremy Corbyn sees us as human beings, and he has never been in the pay of Big Pharma. We need this honourable, incorruptible man as leader.
Rachel Miles
John Baker —————– Disability’ has become the new touchstone for extremism, just as it did in Hitler’s 3rd Reich. This should make no one feel comfortable.
Jacqui Butterworth Lyme Support group
Glenn Wilkins
Kate Adams Canterbury and Whitstable Stop the Cuts Group
Carol Ann Rutz
Sally Riley I’d like to thank Jeremy Corbyn for all that he’s doing he’s given thousands of people hope when they were losing faith in humanity that there was no one to fight on their side .We’re all rooting for him to win and show everyone what a great leader he would be (is) he’s given us a voice and we thank him for that.
Karen Bradbury
Kate Evans-Jones My daughter is disabled. I fear for her future.
Jane Saunders
Lesley Silvester As a disabled person married to a blind person, I appreciate all Jeremy Corbyn has done for people like us and give my wholehearted support. I joined the Labour Party so I could vote although this has been prevented now.
alison warner Not disabled myself, but have worked most of my life in services for mentally ill and disabled people – you are the first politician in my lifetime who has had the courage to go against political consensus in favour of the morally right answer for us all. You get my vote and I really hope for a Labour government led by Jeremy Corbyn
Karen McCloud We so need someone to give us hope.
Saima Hussain I have disabled family members who need a good, honest man like Corbyn who will stand up for them.
Antony Wright none Disabled people need quality of life – not what this government is giving
Peter Trigg A man of political principles, unlike the rest, woulg represent the British electorate.
Nadia Sultani Mental health disability so would wholeheartedly support Corbyn
Mel Trowsdale Labour Party Member Our fight is ongoing. You have my support.
Timothy Sherlock
Gill Thorburn Your support has been invaluable to sick and disabled people. Hoping you both can feel the strength of ours in return.
Alexander McKechnie
John Mortimer DPAC Supporter Corbyn is our best hope of social justice
Richard Hall DLA Claimant Supported Labour all my life (47) and believe Mr Corbyn to be the only leader capable of protecting my rights as a disabled individual and the rights of all people living in the UK
Raymond Atkins #ImWithCorbyn 100% he has been like a breath of fresh air in politics, he has stood tall and with integrity, more than i can say about the others.
michelle davis jeremy for PM.
Jacqueline Kennedy
Belinda Meredith
Debbie Porter I support Jeremy Corbyn 100%
Rosemary Ainsworth Disabled people —Mental Health sufferers —and elderly people are all in need of support and understanding ,financially and personally. Jeremy Corbyn is the only compassionate politician –he will fight for all .
Adam Strong
Dr S Coley
John Handscombe Thanks you for continuing to fight these cruel and dangerous cuts
Gemma Elwes
Stefanie Woosey
Wayne Stanley
Miranda Saunders NHS
Anne Watkins I have had severe OCD since age of 13 (now 68). Husband disabled by Brain Haem and PTSD. So I am sufferer and carer. I joined Labour last August because of Jeremy Corbyn and his brilliant policies. Since 1979, noone has cared for us who struggle with disbilities. Without Jeremy, we have no hope.
Frank Heyes
Marc Carter Signed on behalf of my 3 children with disabilities and myself (I have a long term health condition)
Iain Bristow
Ann Parry Pensioner I appreciate what you’re doing and you have my vote.
Edward Walton Well done for supporting honesty, fairness, democracy and of course Jeremy:)
Julia Smith
Harry Virco We need a change to policy that has hit disabled harder than any other group of people in UK.
Dr Win Tadd Well done
peter thompson I support Jeremy COrbyn because he is a breasth of fresh air to the other mo0ney grabbing MPs.
Alice Wakely
Graham Willcocks
Michael McNamara There is no way on earth that ‘the establishment’ will relinquish the orb of power to a Corbyn style Labour Party.If there is no other way to stem the rising tide of popular decent Corbyn will simply be assassinated like so many other freedom fighters before him ,or worse still, ‘lobotomised ‘ like Mohammed Ali, look at your history books .Please God that he isn’t.
Eileen Simpson
Fran Keaney Deaf Awareness Trainer
Neil Anderson Thank you.
Calvin Shell Unison
Iain Donnachie Sick to death of being categorised as a scrounger I worked and payed into the system before ill health stopped me. Are the gov scroungers when they take N.I contributions and tax out of your wages.
Stella Enright 100% support for you Jeremy.
Michael Wells
Deborah Harvey Single parent of adult disabled children Thank you so much. I hope that you will be able to put right the terrible wrong that is the Work Capability Assessment.
June tonks Carer We need you to fight for all disabled people and their carers, and all struggling people in this country.
Ben Annesley thanks for your support lets join together to fight for all our rights
Denise Prideaux
Julie Fewster Thankyou, from a mental health sufferer.
steven ormerod The time to fight for our dignity is now.
Julia Jones
Louise Holden Disability Advice Service Lambeth I have recently joined the Labour Party to support Jeremy Corbyn as leader.
louise houston You have given us all hope
Isobel Wilson I would like to thank the late Michael Meacher who was also on our side.
Mark Flack Mark Flack
Michael Wood Disabled by age and accident so a bit of a fraud compared to many but affected in many similar ways
Nessie King Carer I couldn’t afford to join Labour to support you – but I can support you this way. Keep on keeping on, Mr Corbyn.
Jan Bailey
N Murugan Better Together
Jennifer Govey This is how I first heard of Jeremy Corbyn, when few seemed to care about the cuts and inhumane treatment of our most vulnerable. This is why I now wholeheartedly support him as leader as he supported us. Finally a real opposition! 😃👍
Deirdre O Neill
Sapphire Morgan-Hitchen
Michelle Eades I am disabled and thank you for standing with us 👍🏻
Al Lyons (Disabled People Against Cuts) I’m with you Jeremy Corbyn.
Hamja Ahsan Jeremy Corbyn is HOPE, compassion and integrity.
Michael Murray We need a change soon
Rachel Coldbreath
Councillor Kirsten Hearn Unite Member and Labour Councillor Anti-Austerity, equality and rights must be at the heart of a new politics.
Steven barber Carer of disabled partner and against cuts
Tracie fife
Roy Bard
Wynne Greenhalgh
Michelle Eades I am disabled and thank you for standing with us 👍🏻
rose challands volunteer i am an advocate for people with learning difficulties ……i believe jeremy corbyn will do whatever he can to support people with disabilities …..
Elizabeth Bassnett We need to be treated fairly and for Labour to be our voice. I believe Jeremy is the leader we need.
Tracy Neil We need decent politicians to help us fight against the austerity which blights our lives!
Nicky Clark
Janet Paxman Very grateful to Jeremy, John & Team, for all their attempts to protect the human rights of the vulnerable and disabled.
Shaz Tomkins DPAC, Labour, Momentum We have never needed such a leader at such a crucial time. And work together.
Elise Bos
Lucinda Botton village Please do not step down as a candidate for laber
Rachel Reeves
Michael Collins
Beryl Boyce Jeremy Cornyn is the ONLY politician and Labour leader that cares about everyone including disabled people like me. This country NEEDS him!
Jane Katz Thank you so much for bringing hope back into our lives! X
peter smith
Wendy Mcmillan Disabled people against cuts I believe Jeremy Corbyn has always been, and always will be a friend to the disabled
Lynne Parry Thank you for supporting us when others deserted us. Our time to support you now.
Maya Barrass
Sue Elsegood DPAC member In recognition and appreciation of the support given by Jeramy Corbyn to the Save the ILF Campaign and opposing cuts to disabled people’s services.
Norman Wright NUT (retired)
paul smedley If we don’t care for those who can’t care for themselves, then we don’t care.
Susan Gregory Occupational Therapist We need to ensure that people who have a disability are able to live with dignity and independence. I cannot see this happening under the present government. It is time for a positive change.
Graham walters
Elaine Newell JC speaks up for the disabled & it’s such a long time since a politician has every stood up for us. I’m going to loose my mobility car, it’s devastated me, I’m just one of many. It has to stop and we need the balance to be redressed and the disabled to be treated as equals and should be included in society not excluded as we are now.
Brian Barton
Yasmin Rogers Keep fighting, you’re a good guy, and good guys always win! ✊🏾
Ruth Hawe
Fiona O’Brien
Jo Watkins
Emma hirst Thank you for your support Jeremy
alison whitehouse
Jay Hurst Decades of lies, division, underinvestment, broken promises, superficial public discourse, craven media, celebration of greed, abuse of privilege, sneering contempt for citizens, obeisance to money, insane financial deregulation, corporate immunity, abuse of the vulnerable, illegal and aggressive war for resources, plundering of common heritage, rule by the most venal and vocal, subversion of democracy by private interests, prostitution of office, government by the few, sale of publicly funded assets, criminalisation of dissent, government sanctioned tax evasion for the wealthiest, the list goes on and on. Vote Jeremy for change.
Kerensa Wright
Wendy Thomas Good on u Jeremy. We feel passionately that people with disabilities who we’ve fought for all our lives ,as a family get all the support and benefits they deserve.
Kaleem Anwar Unite I fully support this open letter.
Christine Pascoe We’re with you Jeremy and thank you for standing up for us.
Andrew Gordon
Michelle Baharier Fruit Cake I believe we need him as he is the only option open to disabled people as we have been vilified & used as a scape goats as a dyslexic person without my access to work package as it has been stolen by CoolTan Arts who have been taken over by none disabled people………….
Charlie Hallam From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.
Terry Powling Disabled Citizen I think you are the future in politics, keep it up !!
Lou Williams I support Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour. The ‘establishment’, PLP, and mainstream media are never going to be fair and unbiased to him, as is evidenced by the sheer hysterical propoganda of the last month. This means he needs strong grassroot support, people who will inform other people of his fair, socialist message and counteract what will be a very long battle. We need to be out their fighting for him, debating his policies with other people and counteracting the smears and propoganda.

Jeremy is literally the only hope to reverse the cruel and vicious cuts that deaf and disabled people have suffered.

Jacqui De La Maziere You are to be saluted for withstanding the vile internal campaign as you have. Thanks for all you’ve done.
Clare Ivory
John Michael Pratt
Gloria Simons I am voting for Jeremy Corbyn because he cares about the human race!
Peta Glass In support of Corbyn and my disabled friends
Phil Johns Plymouth Claimants’ Union One struggle!
James Kelso. The People’s Bank UK At last a voice for the oppressed. We will not be silenced again.
Dave Allan Vice Chair Unite the Union, Disabled Members Committee Re-elect, the already democratically elected Leader of the Labour Party
Mel Bunting CRPS Buddies
Valerie Ann Kendall-Collis Torfaen CLP
Paul Johnson
Matthew J Kendall Look like the best person for the job as Leader.
Justin Greenwood we need someone who will represent people with disabilities at all levels and who will look at the overall process of this failed wca procedure that is worsening conditions across the board
Jane Mackenzie How can any responsible caring UK citizen not support this !
Jane Felecie Swaffield Tees Just another disabled and skint person! I voted for you in the 2015 leadership election as you were and still are the only candidate who would stand up for disabled and low income people instead of the MP’S abstaining on votes or agreeing with the Tories on cuts to the poorest in society. I thank you from the bottom of my heart Jeremy, and of course I will be supporting you in this up-coming election, Jane Felecie.
Seàn McGovern Chair Unite’s National DM Committee Jeremy Corbyn is a man who understands and fights for disabled people!
Amos Phillips We need opposition politicians who challenge the stigma, sanctions and cuts that Disabled and non-disabled people have been enduring for years. Corbyn is definately the real deal. He is a lifelong socialist radical and vociferous campaigner for rights for all and with solidarity, protests and principles we can enhance life and opportunity for all, not just the privileged few
Mike Butt Hope smiles were Love Lives Jez we can Keep Corbyn
Julia Smith Labour Party member, retired teacher. Corbyn is my voice. Corbyn is my HOPE. I am poorly and disabled and suffering under Tory policy. Thank you for caring Jeremy & John <3
Lisa wallace
Susan bramhall carer for my disabled daughter I totally agree with all you have written in the letter
Peter Hignell
Jenny Ferguson
Jennie Harrod 56 year old Ill health retired Practice Nurse (due to Multiple Sclerosis and a work related back injury sustained at the age of 29).
Margaret Moloney M.E. N.Ireland We need someone who understands the people who can’t help them selfs
Andrea woods
Anthony Russell Totally agree with this & fully support it & Jeremy Corbyn
Kier Sinclair
Anne Turner by myself! I’m 100% with Jeremy Corbyn!
Paul Johnson
Peter Watson
Jackie Hawkins Many blessings to you and John. Stay strong. Much love and respect to you both
Simon Vessey
Jacqueline Morton Tomorrow the disabled person maybe you!
Jay Tebbs At last some hope for the future! a man with some morals who is not prepared to be driven put by those who fear your passion!
Geraldine O’Connor I thank you for defending people with disabilities, democracy, the rule of law and human rights. You have fought for us, now we will fight for you.
June Mason
Katherine Gault
Valerie Kendall-Collis
H. Lumb
Gill Kennard I’m looking forward to the day when the DDA is properly enforced.

 Posted by at 10:50
Aug 222016

Many thanks to David Morgan @AJobTracker for this article 

The areas of the UK with the highest deprivation and poorest quality housing such as Hartlepool pay over twice as much in council tax as their own MP in Westminster for a property of similar value.

For example Band D — in Hartlepool — council tax costs £1695.32 whereas in Westminster council tax for this band is £672.74 for a property with value in 1991 of up to £88,000. That would be the equivalent of a property worth about £330,000 in 2016 according to Nationwide.

So a council tax Band D property occupier in Hartlepool pays 2.5 times more in council tax than their own MP for a flat in Westminster. The MP would also get a 25% discount if they lived alone.

You have to ask yourself what does a person in Hartlepool get for spending over twice as much as their MP in Westminster on council tax? Council tax is often listed as paying for key services such as schools, rubbish collection, roads, street lighting, policing and the fire service.

Schools — the best school in Westminster typically has 100% of children getting 5 Good GCSEs (mostly As) — whereas in Hartlepool the very best school has only 68% of children getting good GCSEs. So schools are generally better in Westminster.

Policing — Westminster typically has four times the amount of crime as Hartlepool. Is the cost of policing more expensive in Hartlepool with less crime?

Fire service — Westminster has 2 fire stations — Hartlepool has 2 fire stations. Is the cost of the fire service more expensive in Hartlepool?

Refuse collection — there are around 40,000 households in Hartlepool. There are over 105,000 in Westminster. Is the cost of refuse collection more expensive in Hartlepool with fewer properties?

Westminster has a higher number of households, more crime, far better schools and a similar fire service — yet Hartlepool one of the most deprived areas in Britain has to pay more for its council services.

Also if you look at council tax increases for 2016/17 the most deprived areas like Hartlepool have council tax increases of over 3.5% — whereas in Westminster council tax is decreasing.

A fairer system of local taxation is needed. So the most deprived areas get more money from central governmentand so council tax is either the same or less in deprived areas for each council tax property band.

If you want to do your own analysis:

A table of Westminster spending over £500:

The Hartlepool budget book:


 Posted by at 16:27
Aug 182016

Momentum announces four day Politics, Art and Culture Event

The World Transformed will take place in Liverpool alongside the Labour Party Conference 24 – 27 September.
As part of the Labour Party Conference fringe, Momentum will host four days of politics, art, music and culture, with the support of contributors including Ken Loach, Diane Abbott MP, Clive Lewis MP, Owen Jones, Ann Pettifor, Ed Hall, John McDonnell MP, the Chapman Brothers & Arabella Dorman. This series of events, called The World Transformed, is an important step in developing a new politics of participation and involvement.

The event will be a space of inclusive and respectful debate, discussion and ideas where attendees have the opportunity to contribute to a radical, positive vision for the 21st century. Attendees of The World Transformed will find contemporary struggles in conversation with new ideas. The event will also be an opportunity for often unheard grassroots voices to connect with the Labour movement.

With over 150 hours of workshops, talks, gigs, film screenings, art exhibitions, book launches, children’s activities, we aim to inspire all to take part in the new politics with their own ideas and contributions.
Leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, said in a promotional video for the festival: “I’m going to be there, because I want to see a world transformed. All those people, with all those ideas, ambitions and energy, are going to be there as well. Come along and join us – you’ll have a great experience… Doing things together benefits us all, educates us all, makes us strong, and does change the world”.

Deborah Hermanns, an organiser of the event, said: “Politics is part of our everyday lives – in our living rooms, work places, art and culture – not just within formal debates and arguments. With the inspiration of art, film and music, the World Transformed is the opportunity for us all to come together to be free to truly imagine a better future.”
“The World Transformed is about reclaiming politics from Westminster, and Liverpool is the ideal city to host the event. The event is free for all and accessible by providing free space, travel and accommodation for grassroots groups who would never be able to afford to exhibit at Labour conference. Politics shouldn’t just be for politicians. We want to build a movement that leaves no-one behind in its bid to empower communities and transform society.”

Full Listings

Speakers: Aaron Bastaani, Alex Nunns, Alex Scrivener, Alex Williams, Amina Gichinga, Ana Terriente, Andy Green, Ann Pettifor, Anthony Barnett, Assad Rehman, Barbara Jacobson, Ben Chacko, Bice Maiguashca, Cat Boyd, Cat Hobbs, Clive Lewis MP, Colette Williams, Diane Abbott MP, Ellen Clifford, Emma Rees, Faiza Shaheen, Heather Blakey, Helen Hester, Hillary Wainright, Ian Hodson, Jacqui Howard, Jeremy Gilbert, John Christensen, John McDonnell MP, Jon Cruddas MP, Jon Lansman, Kara Wayland Larty, Kate Shea Baird, Ken Loach, Laura Parker, Laura Williams, Leo Panitch, Mark Serwotka, Matt Wrack, Neal Lawson, Neil Lawson, Nick Dearden, Nick Srnicek, Owen Jones, Paul Mason, Paula Peters, Pragna Patel, Rachel Shabi, Richard Seymour, Sarah Jayne Clifton, Selina Todd, Shelly Asquith, Simon Parker, Tatiana Garavito, Vanessa Olonenshaw, Zita Holbourne & more to be announced.
Music: All We Are, Barbie Shop, Stealing Sheep & more to be announced.
Contributing artists: Arabella Doorman, Art for Action, Darren Cullen, Ed Hall, Jake & Dinos Chapman, Kennard Phillps, Michael Beitz, Patrick Lowry & more to be announced.
Groups: Again Again, Alborada, Barcelona en Comu, Basic Income Network, Black Activists Rising Against The Cuts, Black Lives Matter Manchester, Brick Lane Debates, Compass, Disabled People Against Cuts, Global Justice Now, Hillsborough Justice Campaign, IO Publishing, Jacobin, Jubilee Debt Campaign, the Labour Representation Committee, Momentum, Momentum Football, Momentum Women, Momentum Youth and Students, Morning Star, Novara, Podemos, Red Pepper, Talk Socialism & more to be announced.

Key Info

The full programme will be available at at the beginning of September. There will be a series of big announcements over the coming month, including internationally renowned speakers, artists, musicians and filmmakers.

– The World Transformed
– A free four day celebration of politics, art, culture and community
– Hosted by Momentum and powered by a coalition of grassroots groups
– Happening at the Black-E, the UK’s oldest community arts venue
– In Liverpool alongside the Labour Party Conference, as part of the wider fringe
– 24th – 27th September
– Mix of workshops, talks, gigs, film screenings, art exhibitions, book launches, kids activities and more
– Topics include: The Future of Work – We Should All be Feminists – Sanders and What’s Next – The Labour Party as a Social Movement – Building Black Power – Rent Strikes – The Debt Society – Football as a Force for Social Change – What is Momentum for? – What Can a Left Government Do? – Brexit and The Rise of The Far Right – Universal Basic Income – The Future of the Unions – and more

Like The World Transformed on Facebook
Follow The World Transformed on Twitter
Share our website
 Posted by at 12:08
Aug 162016

DPAC Week of Action Logo with "DPAC Week of Action, September 4-10th 2016" underneathThe third day of our week of action is the National Day of Protest on Tuesday 6th September.

Previously we’ve had national days of protest about PIP and WCA, but this time we are widening the target of the action to anything and everything.

  • DPAC North East are holding a static protest in a public square in Gateshead to highlight Claimant Deaths
  • Croydon and Bromley DPAC are protesting at the local Job Centre to highlight the excessive level of Sanctions being handed out there
  • Bradford PA will be protesting at their ATOS PIP Assessment Centre
  • and Norfolk DPAC will be protesting against an inaccessible Disability Assesment Centre in Norwich

More protests around the country will be posted soon,, so keep checking back.

But if there isn’t a protest near you to take part in and there is an issue you want to raise in your area, consider organising an event yourself, It doesn’t have to be massive, it could be just you and some friends handing out some leaflet in a public place, all forms of protest count and make a difference.

If you are interested in organising a protest, we can send you some materials to help, and we can advertise your event on this page, so email us at for more info.

Location Organising Group Address of Protest Protest Start Time Facebook Event Page or webpage Contact
Gateshead DPAC North East St Mary’s Square, Gateshead Quays, NE8 2JR Gateshead 12 Noon Gail Ward
Bromley Bromley and Croydon dpac Bromley Job Centre 1 pm – 3
Bradford Bradford People’s Assembly Atos Assessment Centre Wool Exchange 12:00–14:00
Norwich DPAC Norfolk. St Mary’s House Norwich NR3 1QA 12.30 pm to 2pm Marion Fallon,
Birmingham DPAC West Midlands BIRMINGHAM COUNCIL HOUSE 14:00–18:00
Derby Health Assessment Advisory Service, Unit 7, Southgate Retail Park, Normanton Road, Derby DE23 6UQ 11:00–14:00
Shefield DPAC shefield Sheffield Town Hall 12:00–13:00
Kilburn kilburn unemployed workers group BMA HQ
Tavistock Square
London WC1H 9JP
Isle of Wight Isle of Wight DPAC St James Square, Newport, Isle of Wight 14.00-17.00
Suffolk SUFFOLK DPAC PIP Consultation Centre, Unit 3, Duke Street, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP3 0BF 11-12.30 Martin Tolley
Salford Salford TUC, Salford Unison, Salford Unite Community Branch. Eccles Job Centre
Sentinel House
Albert Street
Manchester M30 0NA
Alex McFadden
Salford Manchester DPAC Salford Central railway station (then its a short walk, wheel to another location) 13:00–16:00 Rick Burgess
Glasgow DPAC Glasgow Glasgow. Organising Group: DPAC – Glasgow. Location: Glasgow, Buchanan Gallery by the steps 12.3 David Adam
Brighton Brighton Benefit Campaign and Brighton DPAC Crown House, 21 Upper North St, Brighton, BN1 3ER 12:00-14:00 Miriam Binder
Kentish Town Winvisible Kentish Town Jobcentre, 178 Kentish Town Road, London NW5 2AG 15.00-16.00
Barnet Barnet Unison Barnet House,
1255 High Road
London N20 0EJ
12 noon
Cambridge Eastern Area DPAC Jobcentre plus, Henry Giles House, 73-79 Chesterton Rd, Cambridge CB4 3AP 13:00 – 14:00
Merseyside Merseyside DPAC  JobCentre Plus office in Williamson Square, Liverpool L1 1PW 11.30 am

For a full list of the events in DPAC’s Week of Action see

 Posted by at 21:56
Aug 162016
Universal Credit Work Coach Advert - Captioned with "Does Work Coach Help You Prepare to Go Without Money?"

Does Work Coach Help You Prepare to Go Without Money?

Reblogged from Ipswich Unemployed Action, with thanks

The National today (August the 15th)  reports on the latest cock-up in implementing Universal Credit.

HUNDREDS of vulnerable people in Scotland were left penniless and having to turn to food banks over the weekend after a controversial new online benefits system crashed.

Computer problems prevented payments getting to families, disabled and unemployed people across East Lothian, the first local authority in Scotland to roll out the full Digital Universal Credit Service, which has to be claimed online, and replaces previous benefits such as housing, jobseekers’ allowance and income support with a single monthly payment.

The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) said it was working to ensure that everyone received their benefits today but it was cold comfort for many who spent the weekend struggling to feed their families.

East Lothian MP George Kerevan received complaints from constituents desperate for help after the system went down and failed to make vital payouts to those in need.

He said: “All computer systems fail occasionally, so the real test is how the human agency involved – in this case the DWP – reacts.

“Sadly, in this case, the response has been atrocious. Rather than take the initiative and alert clients and the public, the DWP has gone to earth issuing a bland “everything is under control” statement.

“This is not just outrageous it demands a proper inquiry.”

The DWP said there had been a “small-scale” problem that had been fixed and they were hoping to have all benefits paid by today.

A DWP spokesman said: “We experienced a small-scale problem with one of our service providers that has now been resolved. We will ensure that everyone is paid their benefits.”

When the pilot of the new universal credit system was launched in March, it was branded an “experiment in cruelty” by local councillor Fraser McAllister.

At the time he said: “We are living in a high-cost, low-wage society. It is an experiment and like all experiments there are unknowns but one of the most definite outcomes is that the poor will become poorer and more vulnerable. It is an experiment in cruelty.”

East Lothian was chosen for the pilot as it offers a different demographic to the areas currently being tested in England, such as London and Great Yarmouth.

Kerevan added: “Since its full service roll-out in East Lothian and a few other constituencies in the UK, service users have faced innumerable access problems.

“Many lack computer skills, are vision-impaired or have psychological problems that make concentration difficult.

“In addition, universal credit has been used as camouflage for a wholesale cut in social welfare spending.

“This latest crisis – involving the universal credit system crashing – is the final straw.”

 Posted by at 21:31
Aug 152016


For instance a bank may not have given you a loan or closed an account.

The Lords Select Committee is carrying out an inquiry into financial exclusion and one of the questions they are asking is, ‘What has been the impact of recent welfare reforms on financial exclusion?

Financial exclusion usually means a lack of access to a range of financial services such as those provided by banks including current or savings accounts, loans, credit and debit cards.

The welfare reforms include:

  • Disability Living Allowance being abolished and replaced by Personal Independence Allowance

This includes the change from 50 metres to 20 metre walking distance criteria for enhanced rate mobility                     payment

  • Changes to housing benefit such as the social housing size criteria (commonly known as the bedroom tax)
  • Harsher sanctions regarding Employment Support Allowance or JobSeekers Allowance
  • Tighter criteria for Employment Support Allowance via the WCA
  • Benefit cap.

Please let me know your experience on any areas of financial exclusion by 5 September by email:

Inclusion London is responding to the Lords Select Committee inquiry into financial exclusion and your experience will inform our evidence. Your anonymity will be preserved.

You are welcome to submit evidence directly to the inquiry.

Information about the inquiry is available at:

The deadline for submissions is Wednesday 14 September.




 Posted by at 14:15
Aug 142016

Support the DPAC #RightsNotGames Week of Action by signing up to the Thunderclap

DPAC Week of Action Logo with "DPAC Week of Action, September 4-10th 2016" underneath

At the end of last year the UK became the first country in the world to be investigated by the United Nations for grave and systematic violations of Disabled people’s rights.

This is as a direct result of the disproportionate impact of austerity on Disabled people and ideological attacks waged by the Tory government that have seen Disabled people and the poorest members of society hit by cut after cut after cut.

In 2012 DPAC in partnership with UK Uncut were able to use the media interest around the London Paralympics to draw attention to the disgraceful practices of Atos, one of the Paralympic sponsors and the company responsible for carrying out the notorious Work Capability Assessment that has caused so much harm and suffering. Two years later Atos pulled put of the contract to run the WCA which had become unworkable due to the success of the campaign against them.

This September DPAC will be using the interest surrounding the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio to draw attention to the cumulative impact of the cuts on Disabled people that are taking Disabled people’s rights back decades with attacks in every area of our lives from education to independent living to employment to income.

Whilst we will not be protesting against the Games themselves, we will be using this opportunity to raise awareness of the increasing numbers of Disabled people whose access not only to sport and recreation but also to basic human rights such support to eat, drink and use the toilet is being taken away as a result of the cuts.

Below are the events we have planned but please do organise your own and let us know so we can publicise.

Week of Action

Woman standing in front of an exhibition. She is holding a poster which says "Cut your crap not our lifelines"

Photo: Christopher John Ball

Sunday 4th September 2016
#Art4Rights Exhibition

To kick off our week of action Disabled People Against Cuts, PCS Culture Sector and allies will be launching an exhibition by Disabled artists to highlight the impact of austerity on Disabled people felt through the devastating range and scale of cuts experienced since 2010.

The exhibition will be popping up in a central London location and simultaneously launched on-line at from 2pm.


Man at protest holding NO ILF NO LIFE placard

Photo: DPAC

Monday 5th September 2016
Demanding the Right to Independent Living #Right2IL

Join Independent living campaigners in Parliament for the launch of ‘One Year On: a report into the impact of the closure of the Independent Living Fund’ by Inclusion London. For access info or to book a place please contact

2-4pm Committee Room 21, House of Commons. BSL provided.


Protest against cuts to legal aid outside Norwich City Hall

Photo by Roger Blackwell

Monday 5th September 2016
#Right2IL Pop-Up Street Theatre

Join the DPAC crew for a unique show paying homage to Independent Living with poetry, spoken word & performance art plus Masterclasses by the artists at one of the worlds most iconic venues.

Meet outside the Houses of Parliament Exit at 5pm.


The 'Atos Miracle Cure' -'Atos's own Reverend' blesses and lays his hand on the head of a man in a wheelchair at the Closing Atos Ceremony by DPAC & UK Uncut outside Atos's offices.

Photo: Peter Marshall

Tuesday 6th September 2016
National day of action for #RightsNotGames

DPAC is calling on campaigners across the UK to come out onto the streets in protest against the many different cuts and attacks with campaigners choosing local targets reflecting the issues that
are affecting Disabled people locally. Please get in touch if you are planning anything to:

For more information about where protests are taking place, and resources for local protests see


People with banners at a protest which say NO MORE DEATHS FROM BENEFIT CUTS

Photo: Peter Marshall

Wednesday 7th September 2016
No More Benefit Deaths #CutsKill

12pm. Meet outside Downing Street to remember the victims of welfare reform during the first Prime Minister’s Questions after Parliament comes back from recess. We will be calling on the new Prime Minister to make public the findings of the UN investigation into the UK for violations of Deaf and Disabled people’s rights, to scrap the Work Capability Assessment and commit to preventing future benefit-related deaths. Please bring white flowers. Mourning dress optional.


DPAC banner which says Disabled People Against Cuts: Rights not Charity

Photo: Disabled Go

Wednesday 7th September 2016
#RightsNotGames virtual protest

From 9.30pm. To coincide with the Paralympics opening ceremony we invite campaigners from across the world to join with us in a virtual protest against the disproportionate impact of global austerity on Deaf and Disabled people using a groundbreaking online tool developed for us by students at the Royal College of Arts. For more information see


People walking in front of the Resource for London building

Photo: Resource for London

Saturday 10th September 2016
Conference: DPAC Disabled Peoples’ Resistance: building beyond borders #GlobalResistance

Join us for a one day conference bringing together perspectives and allies in the fight against austerity and neo-liberalism from the UK, Europe and Canada to look at geographic resistance and independent living. Speakers include John Clarke (Canada), Antonois Rellas (Greece), Catriona Kenny (Ireland), Kapka Panayotova (Bulgaria), The ak MoB (Germany) and John McDonnell MP. For more info or to book a place contact


Lizz Carr with placard which says ASSISTED SUICIDE IS NOT THE SOLUTION

Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th September 2016
Assisted Suicide: The Musical

To celebrate the end of the week of action we will be kicking back and enjoying ‘Assisted Suicide: The Musical’ by writer/actor/activist Liz Carr which is being performed at the Southbank Centre on 10th and 11th September.

For more information go to:


Online actions

Throughout the week there will be a range of online actions that campaigners can take part in.
For more information see

Travel costs

If you would like to take part in one of the events above but need help with reasonable travel costs please contact:


For access needs please contact or 07505144371 (text only)


All donations however small to help make the week of action happen are extremely valuable. To donate you can go through the paypal button on the DPAC website or to make a direct transfer contact

Download the PDF flyer here:

#RightsNotGames Week of Action single page flyer - A5

#RightsNotGames Week of Action single page flyer – A5

Rights not Games Flyer

Support the DPAC #RightsNotGames Week of Action by signing up to the Thunderclap


 Posted by at 21:58
Aug 142016

Many thanks to one of our supporters for alerting us to this consultation by Torbay council on council tax. Its worth reading whether you are in Torbay or not because it gives us clues to the next set of horrors that will be visited on us by local councils. Torbay say:

Each year the Council has to decide whether to change the Council Tax Support Scheme for working age applicants in Torbay. This year we are proposing a set of changes to the current scheme, including some changes which will bring our support scheme in line with changes made by Central Government to Housing Benefit and Universal Credit.

In addition to this the Council will continue to face budget pressures over the next few years.  Taking into account the income the council receives and what we spend on our services, we estimate there is a funding gap of £18.5 million between now and 2019/20.  We need to ensure that we are able to provide the services which our communities need and value within the budget that we have.   The proposed changes to our Council Tax Support Scheme will assist us with these budget pressures.

The consultation puts forward a set of scenarios around council tax payments. The main message is that there will be more increases. Other messages include financial penalties for those with more than two children, and financial penalties for anyone getting ‘carers allowance’

What is being proposed?

We are proposing to make ten changes that are listed below to the current scheme from 1 April 2017:

  • Reducing the maximum level of support to 55% of the council tax charge
  • Restrict the maximum level of support to the equivalent of a band C property charge
  • Savings limit of £3,000
  • Removal of the family premium
  • Reducing backdating for new claims to one month
  • Basing the reduction on a set minimum income for self-employed earners after one year’s self-employment
  • Reducing the period a person can be absent from Great Britain and still receive a reduction to four weeks
  • Removing the work related activity component for new ESA applicants
  • Limiting the number of dependent children within the calculation to a maximum of two
  • Removing entitlement to Severe Disability Premium where another person is paid Universal Credit (Carers Element)

The consultation closes 31st October, changes will be implemented on 1st April 2017

Link to consultation

For those not in Torbay, it might be worth seeing if your council has similar plans

People might also be interested in:


 Posted by at 16:13
Aug 132016

Next Tuesday 82 HMRC staff from around the UK are being forced out of employment on compulsory redundancy. 24 of those have identified as disabled but in reality the number is likely to be higher.

PCS Union have challenged from the beginning as this is not only linked to the HMRC Office Closure programme but also driven by some HMRC businesses doing away with the Administrative Assistant role – the lowest pay band but also disproportionately represented by disabled and BAME staff.

The Equality Impact Assessment prepared by the businesses are inadequate and failed to show even the basic data to identify impacts on those with protected characteristics.

One of the sorriest examples of this is in Reading where 3 Admin Assistant’s are losing their jobs on Tuesday, two of them are disabled people. The office is confirmed as remaining open until 2025 and would certainly continue to produce work suitable for the staff to carry out.

Map to HMRC Offices in ReadingThe 82 staff losing their jobs are from right across the UK.

A lunchtime demonstration is being held at Reading on Tuesday 16th August between 12-2pm.

The nearest car parking to the Demo site is at The Oracle Riverside Car Park

DPAC are supporting this protest and we urge all our supporters who can make it to the protest to go along. If you can’t get to the protest please tweet on the hashtag #Defend82 during the time of the protest.

 Posted by at 12:53
Aug 122016

Ministers always assure critics of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) that their appeal process is fair. After all, the press is full of stories of people who have been declared fit for work even though their disability plainly makes it impossible for them. Given the quality of decision-making, there needs to be a thorough system in place for rejected applicants to appeal the ruling.

But scratch beneath the surface of the appeals system and you find a mess of confusing and inconsistent legal practice, which stack the odds in the department’s favour.

A new appeal process was introduced in 2013 and was beset by problems from the start. Now a report by the Social Security Advisory Committee (SSAC) highlights the Kafkaesque deficiencies of the system.

Before a claimant can take an appeal to a tribunal they must first ask for the decision to be reconsidered by the DWP – known as a ‘mandatory reconsideration’ (MR). This process is a terrible mess. And the DWP has known about it for nearly 18 months without doing anything to change it.

With thanks to author Natalie Bloomer and read the rest of the article at:



 Posted by at 15:44
Aug 092016

This has now been cancelled

Call out for solidarity for RMT members on Southern on strike this week

This week RMT members working on Southern railways are on strike over the planned introduction of driver-only operated trains which will restrict Disabled passengers’ freedom to travel on the rail network.

RMT member Dean Thwaites says, “I am absolutely appalled with Southern/GTR’s stance that disabled people have to give this company 24 hours notice if they would like to travel on the trains. It’s disgraceful in this day and age that restrictions are placed on people who would like to go out for the day but cannot spontaneously do so, how is that right ? How is that fair? Keeping the guard/conductors on the train alleviates this problem. The guard/conductors are there to help and assist, on any trains, at any time(s) and are only too happy to do so. We are there for the safety and security of ALL OUR passengers and we want that to continue for many years to come.”

Trade union reps have been victimised viciously by Southern for taking industrial action including having family travel passes removed, while the right wing press has blamed staff sickness for problems on the Southern trains, refusing to report the passenger health and safety concerns and impact on Disabled people’s ability to travel that are at the heart of this dispute.

DPAC members will be meeting at Victoria station this Thursday 11th August at 10.30am to join the picketline and show solidarity. Meet by the information desk between platforms 1 – 7. If you cannot come in person you can leave messages of solidarity in the comments or by emailing and we will pass them on.

 Posted by at 22:06
Aug 052016
Statement from the Reverend Paul Nicholson following his lost case against Haringey’s CT court costs yesterday (4th August) :
Reverend Paul NicholsonI lost my council tax case against Haringey Council’s court costs today and await a another summons to court at which the Tottenham Magistrates can jail me.
I am refusing to pay £2831.42 council tax because of the damage the tax is doing to the health of very badly off residents of Haringey some of whom have had their income stopped by a benefit sanction.
Meanwhile Haringey council continues to tax the benefit incomes of its poorest residents, adding court costs, sending in the bailiffs, ignoring mental and physical ill health, the short life span, the low birth-weight, food and fuel poverty,in some of the most deprived wards in the UK.
The Tottenham magistrates have rubber stamped over 60,000 council taxliability orders, 100s and 1000s at a time, adding court costs of £115 against Haringey resident over the past three years on council print outs totally ignorant of their vulnerable circumstances. That adds to the mental health risks of unmanageable debt in the deprived wards on the court’s doorstep.
The magistrates added a punitive £2,729.42p to the £115 court costs I was challenging at the request of the council making a total liability order cost of £2,844.42.
I will stop protesting when Haringey stops taxing benefit incomes.
He is now awaiting summons at which Tottenham Magistrates can jail him.
Disabled protesters from Bromley DPAC and Winvisible were there to support Rev Paul Nicholson at the court case yesterday. Photo Credit: Paula Peters.

Disabled protesters from Bromley DPAC and Winvisible were there to support Rev Paul Nicholson at the court case yesterday. Photo Credit: Paula Peters.

DPAC applauds the stand the Reverend Paul Nicholson is taking and we invite our supporters to support him , by joining his group, Taxpayers Against Poverty, and by following and sending messages of support to them on twitter @taxpayers_a_p and facebook

 Posted by at 12:23
Aug 012016

Wednesday July 27th

Thursday 28th July

Saturday 30th July

Monday 1st August

Please help by

Following @fredjallen and sending him a message of support

Tweet to @CityWestminster and tell them to provide Fred with the support he is entitled to

 Posted by at 22:14