Category Archives: Berlin

August 27: Demo in #Berlin: We Are All #Linksunten!

Today, Sunday August 27 there will be a demonstration in Berlin in solidarity with Linksunten Indymedia. The indymedia was shut down by the German government on Friday. Image: Demonstration in Freiburg, Germany last night in solidarity with Linksunten Indymedia. Tonight … Continue reading

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#Berlin: Right to the City Demonstration on September 9

On September 9 there will be a demonstration in Berlin under the slogan: “To whom does the city belong? Standing together in solidarity against high rents & evictions! – For a grassroots city!” The demonstration at September 9 will start … Continue reading

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#Berlin: Cops Evicted #TeppichFabrik Squat

About 200 riot cops and a SEK squat evicted the squatted old Teppich Fabrik in Berlin earlier today. Image: SEK squat during the eviction of the Teppich Fabrik squat in Berlin earlier today.

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#Berlin #TeppichFabrik: On the necessity of Squatting, Collective Living and Continuing the Struggle in the Streets

About 120 people came to a solidarity gathering to the squatted old Teppich Fabrik on Friday, after a court order which allows the owner to let the cops evict the building also known as “Die Platte” in Berlin’s Friedriechshain district.

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#Berlin: Gathering in Front of Besieged #TeppichFabrik

On Friday, August 11, there will be a gathering in front of the Teppichfabrik squat in Berlin’s Friedrichshain district. The gathering will start at 06:00pm (18:00). The squat is permantly sieged by riot cops and private securities.

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#Berlin: Riot Cops Around #TeppichFabrik #Squat

Riot cops are patrolling around the squatted Teppich Fabrik (Carpet factory) in the Friedrichshain district in Berlin. A spokesperson of the cops told German daily that they want to prevent that supporters come to the squat. In Rigaer Strasse tension … Continue reading

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#Ljubljana Joins #Friedel54 Action Week

Friedel 54 in Berlin has been home away from home for many of us throughout the years, as it was always open for our talks, discussions, and meetings. Places like Friedel are important because they are a meeting point for … Continue reading

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#B2204 #Berlin: 1500 at Demo For Termination of the Peace with the Rich & Powerful

Report-back about the demonstration against evictions, gentrification and the G 20 in Berlin last night.

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#Berlin: Second Update – Interkiezionale Demonstration on April 22nd

On April the 22nd there will be a demonstration in Berlin against gentrification and the for the termination of the peace with the rich and powerful. The demonstration is also the the start of a week of action for Friedel … Continue reading

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#Berlin: 22.04.-30.04: #Friedel54 Action Week!

Like Rigaer94 and Rigaer as a whole, several other projects and people in Berlin are threatened by getting evicted and being destroyed. Especially Neuköllns Kiezladen Friedel54, has developed a potential for setting an aspirational example for the resistance.

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