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"Socialismo Libertário", No. 17

category brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana | anarchist movement | press release author Tuesday May 06, 2008 21:08author by Fórum do Anarquismo Organizado - FAO Report this post to the editors

Newspaper of the FAO groups

The April-June edition of "Socialismo Libertário", jointly published by the FAO groups, is now available.

"Socialismo Libertário", No. 17

The April-June edition of "Socialismo Libertário", jointly published by the FAO groups, is now available.

The articles in this issue:

Libertarian noticeboard

* Urgency of the streets. Breaking the circle.
* Radical theatre, libertarian and popular theatre.
* 6th ELAOPA.


* On developments in the situation regarding Brazil's environment.


* Alberto R. Parsons

National situation

* Restructuring the production, flexibilization and capital's "new" offensive.
* The GM case - workers in struggle!
* Racism, torture and prison overcrowding in Lula's Brazil.

Regional news

* Mato Grosso: violence and struggle.
* 8 March. Working women looking to the future.
* Territories of citizenship - an opportunity for those below or opportunism for those on top.


* Venezuela. We don't want them to govern us, we want to govern.

Theoria & History

* 40 years after May '68.
* A false dilemma: spontaneity versus organization.

Translation by FdCA-International Relations

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Brazil/Guyana/Suriname/FGuiana | Anarchist movement | Press Release | en

Fri 25 Jul, 20:34

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opinio_anarquista.jpeg imageMessage to the Founding Congress of the Brazilian Anarchist Co-ordination (CAB) 13:51 Mon 04 Jun by Federação Anarquista Gaúcha 0 comments

In the days of June, in Rio de Janeiro, organised anarchism in Brazil will experience its greatest contemporary historical event. The Anarchist Congress, that will bring together groups from about 10 states across the country in debates, agreements and resolutions to act with common principles and tactics on the Brazilian reality, has a very special significance. Our conviction, in a more than 10 year process, says that militant anarchism holds indispensable contributions to the struggles for anti-capitalist social change. The meeting of militant forces that embody the same concept of work in co-ordination is a fundamental step in the journey of building political organisation that doesn’t just start now. [Português]

rubro.jpg imageBrazil: Declaration by the 2nd Encounter of Especifista Anarchism in the Northeast 19:24 Thu 19 Apr by Organizações Anarquistas no Nordeste do Brasil 0 comments

A further step forward in the advancement of Especifista Anarchism in northeastern Brazil has been made. Meeting in Recife, we sought to further the debate on Especifism and the structuring of political groupings in our region, with a view to strengthening and consolidating our movement. [Português]

Federação Anarquista de São Paulo imageFoundation of the Federação Anarquista de São Paulo (FASP) 16:34 Thu 26 Nov by Federação Anarquista de São Paulo 0 comments

The Federação Anarquista de São Paulo (FASP - Anarchist Federation of São Paulo) was founded on 18th November 2009! Though already in existence under the name Pro-FASP since early 2008, the organization was formally founded at an event last weekend that brought together FASP members together with delegates from the Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro (FARJ). [Português] [Français][Italiano]

textBrazil: "Socialismo Libertário", No.15 out now 20:09 Wed 20 Jun by FAO 0 comments

The journal "Socialismo Libertário" is published quarterly by the Fórum do Anarquismo Organizado (FAO - Forum of Organized Anarchism). The current issue is now available and can be downloaded in PDF format.

textNew FAG website 16:10 Wed 13 Sep by Rafael 0 comments

The Federação Anarquista Gaúcha announces the launch of its new website.

textFounding declaration of the Organização Socialista Libertária, São Paulo, Brazil 19:54 Fri 31 Mar by Organização Socialista Libertária 0 comments

In November 2005, various anarchist militants from the São Paulo area, Campinas and Baixada Santista, participated in the 1st Congress of the Organização Socialista Libertária (Libertarian Socialist Organization - OSL) and approved the founding of this organization through a wide-ranging discussion of ideas and of the historical moment in which the militants of the working class find themselves.

textFAG 1995-2005: 10 years of struggle for Socialism and for Freedom! 20:16 Wed 30 Nov by militante 0 comments

10 years have passed since that Saturday, 18th November 1995, when on a November morning just like any other, comrades from various parts of Rio Grande met with a delegate of the Federación Anarquista Uruguaya (FAU) to found a new organization...

imageThoughts on Commitment, Responsibility and Self-discipline Jan 24 by Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro 0 comments

This article discusses the complicated questions of commitment, responsibility and self-discipline from the point of view of the Anarchist Federation of Rio de Janeiro. [Português] [Castellano]

imageBrazil: Elements For a Historical Reconstitution of Our Current Jan 10 by OASL / FARJ 1 comments

Ten years of the Forum of Organised Anarchism (Fórum do Anarquismo Organizado – FAO) were commemorated with the foundation of the Brazilian Anarchist Coordination (Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira – CAB), uniting organisations from nine states around especifista anarchism as well as others that are progressively approaching and deepening organisational ties with us. In this text, we present a first contribution, with a few elements for a historical reconstitution of our current, that is, anarchism of the especifista matrix, in Brazil. We hope that other contributions can help boost it or, possibly, correct the information presented here.

imageTowards a Libertarian Theory of Power - part 2 Jul 12 by Felipe Corrêa 0 comments

"Towards a Libertarian Theory of Power" is a series of elaborated reviews about books or articles by authors from the libertarian camp who discuss power. Its objective is to present a contemporary literature of authors who treat the theme in question and contribute elements for the elaboration of a libertarian theory of power, that could contribute to the elaboration of a method of analysis of reality and of strategies of libertarian basis, to be utilised by individuals and organisations. Originally published in Portuguese on the site Estratégia e Análise. [Português] [Part 1: Ibáñez and Libertarian Political Power]

imageSocial Anarchism & Organisation: Concentric Circles Aug 13 by Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro 1 comments

The specific anarchist organisation uses, both for its internal and external functioning, the logic of what we call "concentric circles" - strongly inspired by the Bakuninist organisational model. The main reason that we adopt this logic of functioning is because, for us, the anarchist organisation needs to preserve different instances of action. These different instances should strengthen its work while at the same time allowing it to bring together prepared militants with a high level of commitment and approximating people sympathetic to the theory or practice of the organisation - who could be more or less prepared and more or less committed. In short, the concentric circles seek to resolve an important paradox: the anarchist organisation needs to be closed enough to have prepared, committed and politically aligned militants, and open enough to draw in new militants. [Italiano]

textThe Specific Organisation Jun 17 by Jaime Cubero 2 comments

This is an English translation of the text produced by Jaime Cubero in São Paulo, Brazil. It deals with the concept of individual and collective responsibility within the specific anarchist organisation.

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imageMessage to the Founding Congress of the Brazilian Anarchist Co-ordination (CAB) Jun 04 FAG 0 comments

In the days of June, in Rio de Janeiro, organised anarchism in Brazil will experience its greatest contemporary historical event. The Anarchist Congress, that will bring together groups from about 10 states across the country in debates, agreements and resolutions to act with common principles and tactics on the Brazilian reality, has a very special significance. Our conviction, in a more than 10 year process, says that militant anarchism holds indispensable contributions to the struggles for anti-capitalist social change. The meeting of militant forces that embody the same concept of work in co-ordination is a fundamental step in the journey of building political organisation that doesn’t just start now. [Português]

imageBrazil: Declaration by the 2nd Encounter of Especifista Anarchism in the Northeast Apr 19 0 comments

A further step forward in the advancement of Especifista Anarchism in northeastern Brazil has been made. Meeting in Recife, we sought to further the debate on Especifism and the structuring of political groupings in our region, with a view to strengthening and consolidating our movement. [Português]

imageFoundation of the Federação Anarquista de São Paulo (FASP) Nov 26 FASP 0 comments

The Federação Anarquista de São Paulo (FASP - Anarchist Federation of São Paulo) was founded on 18th November 2009! Though already in existence under the name Pro-FASP since early 2008, the organization was formally founded at an event last weekend that brought together FASP members together with delegates from the Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro (FARJ). [Português] [Français][Italiano]

textBrazil: "Socialismo Libertário", No.15 out now Jun 20 Forum for Organized Anarchism 0 comments

The journal "Socialismo Libertário" is published quarterly by the Fórum do Anarquismo Organizado (FAO - Forum of Organized Anarchism). The current issue is now available and can be downloaded in PDF format.

textNew FAG website Sep 13 FAG 0 comments

The Federação Anarquista Gaúcha announces the launch of its new website.

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