North America

Feminists sit-in at Ladies Home Journal to protest the magazine’s depiction of women, 1970

A brief overview of the sit-in protest held at the offices of the Ladies' Home Journal in March 1970. Why the protest was held, what the aims were and the outcome/after effects.

On the Role of Black Bloc: A Critical Look

When we, as anarchists or anti-fascists, go out into the streets, questions should arise: What are we doing here? What are our goals? What is the most appropriate or powerful way to achieve those goals? Our tactical choices should always be in service of our goals — they should never be goals in themselves.

Statement on Mayday and Pikeville, KY, anti-fascist mobilisation

Mike Alewitz mural of Albert & Lucy Parsons in Mexico

We support anarchists and revolutionaries going to Pikeville at the end of April to oppose these fascists and to commemorate May Day, International Workers’ Day. And we go to Pikeville to organize with working people . . . to oppose fascism and to build a united working class struggle for freedom and revolution.

2017: how we got here and how liberalism failed us

Counter-inaugural protests, 19 January 2016

An overview of how the events of the past 25 years have lead us to the situation we now find ourselves in.

Dead Time with Bill Maher

Shot from Punishment Park

Semi off the cuff observations on a terrible television spectacle.

Coopting the language of the left at the pro-life march on Washington

Temptation by Max Beckmann

A pro-life marcher speaking the language of the Left and what it says about the tone and form of a position versus the content.

Where Do We Go From Here?

June 1983 Libertarian Workers Group leaflet against the Shoreham, Long Island, New York LILCO nuclear power plant

Solidarity Is More Than A Slogan

Issued by L.W.G. members in District 65

W.S.A. Holds Tenth Annual Convention, May 1993

Press release issued by the Workers Solidarity Alliance (WSA), July 1993

The Federation: A Libertarian Socialist Discussion Bulletin - # 1 (1975)

In 1974 a small group of anarcho-syndicalists, libertarian socialists and anarchist-communists from the US eastern seaboard develop relations, communication and collaboration, forming
"The Federation" in 1975.

On the following pages you will find the one and only bulletin, plus some reports, literature list and a leaflet in support of the then reemerging Spanish CNT.