organised crime

Workers stabbed and hit by car as pro-boss mob attacks picket

Picket outside the Carpiano SDA warehouse.

One worker was stabbed and another hit by a car as a group of striking workers outside an SDA warehouse in Carpiano, near Milan, was ambushed last night by a group of over 100 attackers armed with knives and metal bars.

Criminal capital: violence, corruption and class in industrial India

Police attack a striking worker, India 2015

Criminal Capital explores the relationship between neoliberalism, criminality and the reshaping of class in modern India. It discusses how the political vocabularies of urban industrial workers reflect the processes by which power is distributed across the region. Based upon field research among a ‘casualised’ workforce in the industrial city of Jamshedpur, the book examines the links between the decline of employment security, and criminality in trade unions, corporations and the state.

Impastato, Giuseppe, 1948-1978

A short biography of Giuseppe Impastato, a communist anti-Mafia activist who was murdered by the crime organisation in 1978, but was originally blamed for his own death by the police and the media.

International Council Correspondence Volume 3, Number 7-8

The Volume 3, Number 7-8 (August 1937) issue of International Council Correspondence.

News from Bolivarian gangland

Written a week before the shocking murder of 28 miners in Tumeremo, Venezuela by the 'El Topo' (The Mole) gang with the evident complicity of police and military, this article provides some background to the current wave of violence in the country. The Bolivarian government seems more hesitant to work with the opposition National Assembly, elected December 6, 2015 with 2/3 support among 3/4 of the voters than with the growing mega-gangs and the corrupt military...

Drop out - Tune in! - AngryWorkersWorld hot autumn/winter plans

Leninists? Maoists? Muppets?

We're back from our tour and want to invite you to come out to Greenford, West-London or a similarly remote corner of the internet to hatch some wicked plans. The ideas we came up with so far move in concentric circles and you can drop in wherever.

Paranoia and terror as models of governance – Alèssi Dell’Umbria

A 2011 essay on Mexico’s descent into chaos under the blows of NAFTA and the “drug war”, whose purpose is not only to transform northern Mexico into a security zone for the U.S., but also to hasten “primitive accumulation” (driving peasants off their land—which is then handed over to agribusiness or extraction industries—and into the “colonias” where they will be prey to the drug war and intensive police and military repression) by destroying the surviving communal social forms in “a war against society” that is traumatizing the population but also generating a largely indigenous, assembly-based autonomous movement that is forming militias to defend its communities (e.g., Chiapas).

Capital Mafia: fascists, politicians, cooperatives and the Roman mob

Massimo Carminati.

An excellent in-depth analysis on recent revelations in Italy about the connections in Rome between the Mafia, the far-right and local politicians, both left and right-wing.

Trade unionist savagely beaten in Milan

Fabio Zerbini with microphone, addressing a workers' demonstration.

On Tuesday 14th January, in northern Milan, trade unionist Fabio Zerbini was brutally beaten by two men suspected to be connected with Italian organised crime.

No we can’t all just get along: hip hop, gang unity and the LA rebellion

Excerpts focusing on the lead-up and aftermath of the LA riots from Jeff Changs Can't Stop, Won't Stop: A History of the Hip-Hop Generation,